View Full Version : Canceled: The Unit on CBS

Blinking Dog
05-20-09, 22:38
I'm totally bummed. CBS announced its fall schedule and The Unit has been canceled. That was my favorite show on TV. Major bummer.


05-20-09, 22:46
I thought they stated this was the last season or maybe it was a rumor. Anyway, since you liked the show, I would recommend you look into books written by SF soldiers. First, The Misson, the men, and me.

05-20-09, 22:50
They sure do seem to cancel the good ones for some reason. They canceled LIFE as well. Now we'll never know who really set up Charlie Cruz. :)

05-20-09, 22:58
I always thought it sucked!

Tour of Duty was a far better series IMO so that tells you what I thought about 'the unit'

05-21-09, 02:00
Unit was a good show. The first 2 seasons were good because it was all sexy missions and action. Then it got a lot more about the characters and storyline that was skipped every other show lol. Oh well, at least Jonas will still be selling insurance...ARE YOU IN GOOD HANDS?

05-21-09, 02:31
Read the book the show was loosely based on..."Inside Delta Force" by Eric Haney (one of the very first Delta Force operators)

05-21-09, 02:46
Bummer! First Jericho, now this? And 24 is done for the season? All that is left on on the tube is mindless liberal drivel! Thank God for The Outdoor Channel!

05-21-09, 03:04
Eric Haney also happens to be persona non grata with CAG also.

Read the book the show was loosely based on..."Inside Delta Force" by Eric Haney (one of the very first Delta Force operators)

05-21-09, 03:24
Bummer! First Jericho, now this? And 24 is done for the season? All that is left on on the tube is mindless liberal drivel! Thank God for The Outdoor Channel!
24 blows, it is too played out. Season 7 is such a cliche it is like a bad SNL skit.

I liked The Unit, it was the best military drama on TV. It just so happens that it was the only military drama on TV.

05-21-09, 04:43
Taking them for what they are, TV shows, and not trying to think that they are supposed to be dead on the money as a factual account of some super elite warrior that no one is supposed to no about, I like both "24" and The Unit. I think they are both really good shows in thier own ways and being my wife just got hooked on "The Unit" this year I am disappointed that it is cancelled. Even though they both can get a little too much like a soap opera at times, at least they do it with a mans touch (weapons, fighting, foreign countries, mil/government agencies). They both sure as hell beat having to watch shows like Dawsons Creek (yeah my wife was hooked on it when it was on the air) and the reality shows (except The Amazing Race :D ).

30 cal slut
05-21-09, 06:44
i enjoyed seasons I and II. they were edgy. i think eric haney was still the technical advisor to the show.

nothing good lasts forever.

back to re-runs of House. ;)

05-21-09, 07:49
I read about it in USA Today, yesterday, it cost too much to make supposedly :rolleyes: There's a spinoff of NCIS starting in the fall, set in LA.

05-21-09, 07:55
I missed the season before, but I watched this last one, and I kinda thought it jumped the shark. Too much stuff about the wives, things like that.

Cardiac Nurse
05-21-09, 08:00

05-21-09, 08:05
It's the HOPEYCHANGEY! era! :rolleyes: The military is 'passe' - It'll probably be replaced by a reality show with some granola lesbian chicks teaching organic gardening, and who drive a used-corn oil fired Ford Festiva. :mad:

05-21-09, 08:11
That sucks. That was the only entertaining show to watch on sundays. :(

05-21-09, 08:26
My wife and I like the unit in the first two seasons. However, the show quickly became more about unrealistic scenario's on the home front than it did about "the unit" itself. I understand that some of that sort of thing had to be there to capture the female audience and is certainly an important part of military life in special operations units. It just got to be too much for me and I thought it really started detracting from the show overall. I found myself tivo'ing the show and skipping the parts at home and just watching the parts about the team themsevles. Basically, it turned the entire show to a 20 minute process.

After that, I just quit watching it.

05-21-09, 09:14
sadly season 3 started to suck :( I will miss it though

I think execs say OH we got this great show huge ratings and I have these Ideas I want to put in cause I am the executive guy who is better than all you !! so lets also make the wives get into danger and have to become special forces wives that are trained

and the show goes down hill !!!!

seems every time you hear of a good show going bad its some high up who pushed his own thoughts onto the show rather than letting it go the way it was !!!

and I loved LIFE !!!! bummed about that one !!!

05-21-09, 09:21
Liked the show during seasons 1 and 2. Like others have said here, it turned into the stereotypical drama on TV and it sucked.. They didn't have any tactical adviser working with them anymore. I stopped watching.

05-21-09, 11:31
That sucks! I love The Unit. Have the seasons 1-3 on dvd.

05-21-09, 14:23
Eric Haney also happens to be persona non grata with CAG also.

Yeah... I heard he was a bit of a "diplomat" these days.

El Mac
05-21-09, 15:55
Screw hollywood and all the bullshit that comes out of it.

05-21-09, 18:27
The Unit and LIFE? That sucks..

05-21-09, 18:41
You guys are kidding about that show, right??? The vile stuff being forced fed to the masses is such utter balderdash--I don't even own a TV anymore...

05-21-09, 18:43
it became really stupid in the last season.

05-21-09, 21:46
The Unit started going downhill when the theme song changed. :p

05-21-09, 22:16
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VoUrjUwPQw&feature=related So much better.

Realistic or not, I enjoyed it while it lasted. Anything to do with the unit that does not exist is cool in my book. ;)

05-22-09, 12:40
Eric Haney also happens to be persona non grata with CAG also.

I've heard this.

The unit was mildly entertaining. Some of the wifey plots were silly. But they moved it to a horrible time slot. No surprise that it died after that.

05-22-09, 13:15
Shitty! I found the show pretty entertaining.

05-22-09, 13:18
Some of the wifey plots were silly. But they moved it to a horrible time slot. No surprise that it died after that.

I completely agree

05-22-09, 13:48
It's a TV Show, but it was all I had to hang on to...lol Hokey... at times, YES... But I'll still misss it when it was gone...

Having been in and around the Military, EMS, Homeland Security, etc, I always found some sort of entertainment on the spin it took...

If nothing else it spotlighted some cool firearms...

05-22-09, 15:30
I thought I heard Fox was going to pick up the show after it was canceled by CBS. The story line should have been about military operations as they have veered on and off as federal agents.

05-23-09, 00:29
I have all the seasons also. I think perhaps they digresssed a bit much with the wive's story. My wife is a military wife and thought their stories were really ridiculous.

05-23-09, 19:19
I enjoyed seasons 1 and 2. I bought them on DVD. Looking for season 3.

I'm also peeved that "Jericho" was canceled, too. I think the premise of it was phenomenal.

I've never watched an episode of "24" and I cannot tell you why.

05-23-09, 19:23
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VoUrjUwPQw&feature=related So much better.

Realistic or not, I enjoyed it while it lasted. Anything to do with the unit that does not exist is cool in my book. ;)

Too bad Sprint PCS doesn't support tunes other than their own crap or I'd have all of my shooter friends' ringer with "Fired Up".

I shall not have to be reminded not to renew my contract with them ... :mad:

Perhaps someone knows how to defeat Sprint's draconian policy for a Motorola 580i...

05-23-09, 19:31
Too bad Sprint PCS doesn't support tunes other than their own crap or I'd have all of my shooter friends' ringer with "Fired Up".

I shall not have to be reminded not to renew my contract with them ... :mad:

Perhaps someone knows how to defeat Sprint's draconian policy for a Motorola 580i...
Here you go it works with my PCS phone

05-23-09, 19:41
Here you go it works with my PCS phone

Thanks, neodecker. I get the following error: "Sorry, but Ringtones are not supported on Nextel." The 580i was/is an Nextel phone with Sprint/PCS service.

:confused: :mad:

05-23-09, 19:56
I see, sorry it didn't work.

05-23-09, 20:49
Newsflash, it has been picked up for syndication.:D

05-23-09, 21:55
Decent show, I wish they would cancel Cops and any other LE related shows..CSI, Law and Order...Etc.

05-23-09, 21:57
--I don't even own a TV anymore...

You are Da Man! Much better off for it I would imagine

05-24-09, 14:36
Decent show, I wish they would cancel Cops and any other LE related shows..CSI, Law and Order...Etc.

They should cancel ALL of the Law and Orders

El Mac
05-24-09, 21:15
You guys are kidding about that show, right??? The vile stuff being forced fed to the masses is such utter balderdash--I don't even own a TV anymore...


05-25-09, 22:47
They should cancel ALL of the Law and Orders

But, but but, but they're only on season 243! There is still 500 more seasons to go! ;) lol I'm surprised they haven't entirely run out of plots by now and started recycling.

05-26-09, 12:19
Got to meet some guys from "The Unit"

05-26-09, 14:22
I have just basic 'digital' cable, and out of those 150 channels or so, i watch maybe 6 of them, i dont even bother w/ news anymore