View Full Version : Man Mows Down Traffic Cop to Avoid Parking Ticket

05-23-09, 13:13
The story is tragic but if you want to get your blood boiling read the comments being posted by the readers at the bottom of the page


05-23-09, 13:22
I forget where I heard it but there should be a "Do not respond" list for police. You want to spout of stupidly at the mouth about Law Enforcement, fine but dont expect anyone to show up when someone steals your car, tv, wallet, etc... and you decide that you have a change of attitude.

05-23-09, 13:24
Those comments are horrid. I hope they find the idiot and put the screws to them.

05-23-09, 13:53
NYC traffic agents are not Cops or Police Officers. They agents generally are the type of people that you would expect to see on the Jerry Springer show. They have a daily quota and are used as Tax Collectors.

05-23-09, 14:25
NYC traffic agents are not Cops or Police Officers. They agents generally are the type of people that you would expect to see on the Jerry Springer show. They have a daily quota and are used as Tax Collectors.

That doesn't by any means justify running one over to avoid getting a traffic citation. If these people don't like the rules in the city they should either work for change or get out!

Stuff like this makes me wonder how much time we have until this country implodes.

05-23-09, 19:31
That doesn't by any means justify running one over to avoid getting a traffic citation. If these people don't like the rules in the city they should either work for change or get out!

Stuff like this makes me wonder how much time we have until this country implodes.

They can't easily change the rules because the culture is far too diverse to get cohesiveness on something not DIRECTLY impacting the majority of that awfully large megalopolis.

I hate the CONCEPT of "tax collector" as I swallowed the ideology of the Founding Fathers but it's not alright to run them down. Attempted Murder, Attempted Vehiclular Homicide, Aggravated Assault With Intent to do Grave Bodily Harm all come to mind. He's properly fooked, as my Brit mates would say.