View Full Version : North Korea pops off a Nuke!

05-25-09, 00:03
North Korea staged a "successful" underground nuclear test on Monday, the communist state's official media said.
South Korea's presidential office said has earlier said that North Korea had appeared to have conducted a nuclear weapons test.

The government received a report on the nuclear test having been conducted, presidential spokesman Lee Dong-Kwan told a briefing.

He said President Lee Myung-Bak called an emergency National Security Council meeting for Monday afternoon.


Story via Drudge


Thomas M-4
05-25-09, 00:08
Unfortunately I believe that Iran wont be far behind.

05-25-09, 01:59

Shallow seismic activity confirms detonation, 5.3 magnitude measured by the Japs

05-25-09, 10:37

Hans Blix: Then let me look around, so I can ease the UN's collective mind. I'm sorry, but the UN must be firm with you. Let me in, or else.
Kim Jong Il: Or else what?
Hans Blix: Or else we will be very angry with you... and we will write you a letter, telling you how angry we are.

05-25-09, 11:20

05-25-09, 12:25
Having a nuke is like us having guns. Well, kinda; the repercussions of a "negligent discharge" or "attempted murder" or even "brandishing" is far, far more severe but I digress.

Now I wish they didn't exist BUT they ARE great deterrents, for what value one places on this.

For example, if I'm the most powerful nation in the world or represent the most powerful grouping on the planet I could do what I pleased with any of you. HOWEVER, if you had, say, 20 nukes I'd HAVE to negotiate as your natural resources are NOT worth my capital city or my most populous city. It would be political suicide if I pushed you to fire one or several.

I see us, individuals, as individual "little nations". We all have strengths and weaknesses and we are all armed in one way or another. Some have superior strength and quickness, others are trained in Martial Arts and others, like many here, are armed with some amount of training. And just like with individuals a battle well picked is a battle half won.

I feel it's known that if someone fires a missile at Russia, the US, China, Israel, the UK or France they'd be "glassed". It's no different if some stranger were to assault any of us with a firearm or blade and you were armed and were fortunate enough to escape either debilitating injury and maintain your cool...

On the flip side, we would never have attacked Iraq if they DID have nuclear warheads and the capability of reaching Israel, the UK and the USA. Well, if I were president *I* would not have invaded.

In a very dark way, responsible weapon possession "makes man what he always should have been"... respectful of his neighbors.

Hopefully, one day we can be respectful and not require weapons but I don't suppose that will occur by the end of the decade...

"Welcome to 'the club' North Korea. The misuse of your newfound toy can and will cost you everything. Have a nice day."

05-25-09, 17:47
Having a nuke is like us having guns. Well, kinda; the repercussions of a "negligent discharge" or "attempted murder" or even "brandishing" is far, far more severe but I digress.

Now I wish they didn't exist BUT they ARE great deterrents, for what value one places on this.

For example, if I'm the most powerful nation in the world or represent the most powerful grouping on the planet I could do what I pleased with any of you. HOWEVER, if you had, say, 20 nukes I'd HAVE to negotiate as your natural resources are NOT worth my capital city or my most populous city. It would be political suicide if I pushed you to fire one or several.

I see us, individuals, as individual "little nations". We all have strengths and weaknesses and we are all armed in one way or another. Some have superior strength and quickness, others are trained in Martial Arts and others, like many here, are armed with some amount of training. And just like with individuals a battle well picked is a battle half won.

I feel it's known that if someone fires a missile at Russia, the US, China, Israel, the UK or France they'd be "glassed". It's no different if some stranger were to assault any of us with a firearm or blade and you were armed and were fortunate enough to escape either debilitating injury and maintain your cool...

On the flip side, we would never have attacked Iraq if they DID have nuclear warheads and the capability of reaching Israel, the UK and the USA. Well, if I were president *I* would not have invaded.

In a very dark way, responsible weapon possession "makes man what he always should have been"... respectful of his neighbors.

Hopefully, one day we can be respectful and not require weapons but I don't suppose that will occur by the end of the decade...

"Welcome to 'the club' North Korea. The misuse of your newfound toy can and will cost you everything. Have a nice day."

..............wow. :rolleyes:

05-25-09, 18:00
Guys, stop worrying. The UN will be handing out both sanctions and a resolution letting the world know that it was a naughty thing to do. International crisis averted.

05-25-09, 19:06
Guys, stop worrying. The UN will be handing out both sanctions and a resolution letting the world know that it was a naughty thing to do. International crisis averted.

my thoughts exactly.....actually wished i had quoted the team america one as well

05-25-09, 22:59
By EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 4 mins ago
UNITED NATIONS – The U.N. Security Council swiftly condemned North Korea's nuclear test on Monday as "a clear violation" of a 2006 resolution and said it will start work immediately on another one that could result in new sanctions against the reclusive nation.

There you have it. For clearly violating the 2006 resolution, the U.N. will punish North Korea by writing a newer one. Like most of you, I am completely confident that North Korea will be much more intimidated by a 2009 resolution than a 2006 resolution.

World peace should be here by Thursday, I'm guessing.

05-25-09, 23:22
By EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 4 mins ago
UNITED NATIONS – The U.N. Security Council swiftly condemned North Korea's nuclear test on Monday as "a clear violation" of a 2006 resolution and said it will start work immediately on another one that could result in new sanctions against the reclusive nation.

There you have it. For clearly violating the 2006 resolution, the U.N. will punish North Korea by writing a newer one. Like most of you, I am completely confident that North Korea will be much more intimidated by a 2009 resolution than a 2006 resolution.

World peace should be here by Thursday, I'm guessing.


05-26-09, 01:43
Guys, stop worrying. The UN will be handing out both sanctions and a resolution letting the world know that it was a naughty thing to do. International crisis averted.

Thanks to you I'm having a Team America flashback :p



05-26-09, 07:40
Its no suprise really, we all knew or shoulda knew that North Korea was gonna geta nuke eventually. When they kicked the UN inspectors out, it raised a more red-er flag. And Iran who knows, just a matter of time. The problem with countries like NK and Iran that are stupid enough to launch nukes without the least bit of thought. You think NK's Kim Il has the least bit of Rationalization? I'd bet not. All it would take is him getting a hair up his a$$ and he'd try and nuke the first country he saw. I dont worry bout it too much cause its out of my hands but i shure follow it cause when either of these countries launch nukes, itll start a shit storm of proportions we havnt seen since WWIII. Personally I beleive that Iran attacking Israel is done deal, I beleive it is predicted in the bible, but thats my beleif. As far as NK goes I was all for taking them out BEFORE they got nukes. But hey, thats just me:rolleyes:

05-26-09, 08:05
UN = Security Guards of the World. "Stop or I'll say stop again." Seriously how do we go about kicking them out of the US?

05-26-09, 08:09
Yeah the UN is a flat joke. A global example of a group of socialist pigs that looked good on paper way back when but now is just a cespool of people who except terrorists and defend the likes. The U.S.A should have got out a LONG time ago.

05-26-09, 08:38
Guys, stop worrying. The UN will be handing out both sanctions and a resolution letting the world know that it was a naughty thing to do. International crisis averted.

this is a joke.., RIGHT ? the UN is more commie/terrorist oriented than the old USSR, the UN is as worthless as a propeller on the front of an F-18 :D

05-26-09, 08:59
this is a joke.., RIGHT ? the UN is more commie/terrorist oriented than the old USSR, the UN is as worthless as a propeller on the front of an F-18 :D

It is my belief that the UN serves the Global Elite; "worthless" to you and I but invaluable to those who want World Gov't.

05-26-09, 10:07
I would not be surprised in the least if they launched on SK or Japan. Hell, I could see them hauling nukes to the DMZ and setting them off. They're not going to care if they drive their forces across a nuclear wasteland to invade SK. They'd be in Seoul before we had a chance to stop them and that would be rape, pillage and plunder on a scale not seen since Ghengis Khan.

You just can't replace the chocolate pooping mechanical donkey at Lotte World.... :(

05-26-09, 10:19
so, has anyone yet repudiated their criticism of Bush for including NK in the Axis of Evil comment?

didn't think so...

also, do you think this is what Biden had in mind in the campaign when he claimed the Obama administration would face a big "test" early on?

05-26-09, 10:52
so, has anyone yet repudiated their criticism of Bush for including NK in the Axis of Evil comment?

didn't think so...

also, do you think this is what Biden had in mind in the campaign when he claimed the Obama administration would face a big "test" early on?

Well, it would have been better to not call anyone "evil" as ALL nations, including our own, support evil individuals as long as they work with us to acheive our goals. It's a bit sophomoric but it panders to the Fundamental Religious element which is powerful. We know or should know if we pay attention, who our competitors are. The problem is that we don't read. Obviously, North Korea is a far less than ideal place to live and I personally would not have offered them oil (Clinton) or food (Clinton) when their people were starving for promises not to do what they just did. Many thought what CLINTON did at the time was good, too... Remember that Korea has been a protectorate of China for 1400 yrs. Let China maintain that relationship.

RE: Biden's Comments

Who knows. I don't think it's that critical because if anyone attacks N. Korea they essentially attacked China. If it's not in China's best interest for NK to do anything it won't be done or China will be the first to punish NK.

There could be "events" staged within the US to challenge the Constitution, the People and the Administration and deflect the response to Iran, NK or whomever. That would cause an unprecidented financial disaster since we are teetering now with large potentials for unrest within our borders. THAT would be one helluva challenge! It was stated within 8 months of 9/11 that if we were to experience any event similar to WTC that Iran would bear the brunt. I think it was Rumsfeld who made the comments. Israel is apparently making preparations of attacking Iran with many exercises related to long-range bombing runs, etc.

The thing is what will Russia's response be if it's sixth or seventh largest trading partner is attacked??? Not much is heard in the US press about that and when it's discussed it's dismissed rather quickly. Remember the "Republic" of Georgia... the stakes are a helluva lot higher and I can only speak for myself but no US city/cities are worth a nuclear powerplant, oil pipeline routes or any other "reason" to either (A) actively strike or (B) supply allies to do same.

Either no one will have them or eventally "everyone" will have them. But Russia and the US have the most. We should bury our hatchets and form an alliance...

05-28-09, 18:00
It is my belief that the UN serves the Global Elite; "worthless" to you and I but invaluable to those who want World Gov't.

I think that they are worse than worthless, they are harmful!!!

05-29-09, 07:11
I think that they are worse than worthless, they are harmful!!!

Absolutely, but being usefull for a "One World Gov't" is harmful in itself IMO. Just look at what kinda people mostly make up the UN, Socialists and Commy's.