View Full Version : i got 4 more co-workers to apply for their CCW's

30 cal slut
05-27-09, 13:31
total tally YTD ... SEVEN.

this is getting fun.

i'm working on numbers 8 and 9 as we speak.

05-27-09, 17:23
Nice work! I took a friend/neighbor and his 9yo daughter to the range two weeks ago, and I'm taking a buddy from work and his girlfriend this weekend.

To top it off, my 6yo son has decided he wants to practice in anticipation of his first range visit (sometime in the next year); we've spent a few minutes each night going over the four rules, and getting used to grip & sights on the 22/45 :D

05-27-09, 17:53
Sounds like you have a good base camp to start your secert army... ;-)


05-27-09, 20:48
Good job. We should all be doing more of this IMO.

I have tried to take my son's friends shooting over the years. Every single one came away loving it. Once we took a single mother I know, along with her son, to the range. The boy wanted to keep going. We shot until it was nearly too dark to see the sights. I've always felt giving someone a fun, positive experience with firearms, while stressing the safety, wins us a lot of goodwill which has to be a good thing.

05-27-09, 21:46
Two of the guys in my office would do it if their wives would let them. :rolleyes:

05-27-09, 21:50
I've always felt giving someone a fun, positive experience with firearms, while stressing the safety, wins us a lot of goodwill which has to be a good thing.

Totally agree with that statement! I get to work with people from around the world and the best time is taking those from Ireland, England, India and Malaysia to the range. They are amazed that you can walk into a gun store, handle a gun and buy it if you want. Of course being in Texas adds to the whole gun thing. :)

Sadly its somewhat difficult to get people to commit to go to the range. I always tell them I'm kind of like the local drug dealer.... I'll pay for their first visit with free ammo....after that they'll have to pay their own way. That usually gets a few hooked and they always seem to have a good time and can't wait to go back again.

And back to the original subject a few of my co-workers and I had worked on 2 guys at work and got them to get their CCL. The problem is getting them to the range and to carry it! Good that they take the initiative but with no follow through and commitment to daily carry it doesn't do much for them. Hopefully weekly or monthly range visits are part of the signing process. :)


30 cal slut
05-28-09, 07:29
these guys may or may not end up being gun owners.

but they WILL get the "join the NRA" pitch from the safety classes they are required to attend.


05-28-09, 10:12
I got my wife and 3 of her co-workers to sign up...and two buddies and their wives. All within the last year. We're doing our part. :D

Heavy Metal
05-28-09, 11:34
Sounds like you have a good base camp to start your secert army... ;-)


No, but I am trying to get him to buy one! :D

30 cal slut
05-28-09, 20:31
No, but I am trying to get him to buy one! :D


05-28-09, 20:39
Honestly need to bust some rear on not only exposing the sport, fun, history of it all, etc - but just how precious and how easy some wacko in the white house and party of fools in the congress can take it all away...or put an oaf who would prefer to judge empathetically on someones circumstances as opposed to following the letter of the law and the Constitution...

Sorry - I have been doing battle on the political fronts and often that crosses paths with our like mindedness.

05-30-09, 09:46
I've gotten a few folks at work into shooting. Two have gotten their CHP with the past year or so, and both now have ARs.

Spread the love, it's part of protecting freedom!

05-30-09, 11:17
total tally YTD ... SEVEN.

this is getting fun.

i'm working on numbers 8 and 9 as we speak.

YTD.... And the years not even half over.
Way to go!