View Full Version : American Rifleman is beginning to annoy me

Gutshot John
05-28-09, 22:54
Never mind that I've never seen a bad gun review in any NRA publication. (though to be fair I've never seen a bad review in Guns and Ammo either).

Never mind that I'm tired of every Springfield Armory gun winning every "Golden Bullseye" award out there despite being mediocre guns at best.

Never mine that last month they had an article on the American Longrifle that was at best incompetent and at worst historic fraud. Among other things claiming that a revolutionary war soldier (Timothy Murphy) had "42 confirmed kills" over the course of the war despite no such confirmation existed at the time and that Timothy Murphy's history is apocryphal at best. As a historian I researched Murphy for several projects and the earliest record of his shooting of Simon Frazer was well into the 19th century, recorded by Murphy's own children. You may remember Michael Bellesiles.

Never mind that they claim in a recent issue that ONE editor fired 7500 12 gauge rounds in three days out of one benelli (approx 1.75 rounds every minute, not including reloads, meals and sleep).

Does anyone else run that BS flag up on these guys or is it just me? I'm tired of gun rags and firearms' related shows (Ultimate Weapons mentioned in another thread) making absurd claims that aren't borne out by reality.

Seriously, why waste my NRA donation on bullshit propaganda? Just take my money and protect my rights...no need for that other nonsense.

Sorry had to vent.

05-28-09, 23:40
I hardly ever read it anymore. The only reason I don't throw it into the recycling bin is that my wife enjoys reading the "Armed Citizen" portion.

But, I remember reading it as a kid. And reading it back then probably was what got me so excited about shooting and got me interested in doing what I could to preserve the Second Amendment.

But, most gun magazines are no different from the car magazines. They are happy to receive advertising money from the products that they review and endorse.

I used to wish that Consumer Reports would put out a gun buying guide. But, I found that sites (like this One) offer a lot of good information. Not to mention, this site also has better pictures.

05-29-09, 00:13
ARE there any reliable gun mags out there these days (i.e. - UN-affected by advertising dollars in their weapon/ammo/gear reviews)?

I dug out an old "American Survival Guide" from my files the other day (Aug.'97), with a COVER SYORY about the GREAT FAL rifles that Hesse was putting out! :eek:

Guess that's one of MANY reasons why ASG went out of business... :rolleyes:

05-29-09, 00:18
I kinda felt the same way the other month when they had the review of Les Baer's overpriced M4. They stated the reason the castle nut was on backwards was because lots of HSLD agencies ask for it that way, then went on to say the gun is a great value for $1800. :confused:

05-29-09, 00:21
The American Rifleman is geared toward your everyday Joe. Like woodandsteel, I cut my teeth on their articles and learned a whole lot about firearms. Now my boys are doing the same. I am still a member, and still get the magazine (Armed Citizen is one of my favs as well), but have moved on to more informative areas of information including M4carbine.

The biggest issue I have with the American Rifleman is that they have to show the president of the NRA with a nice O/U shotgun on his arm in photos. Show him with an Evil Black Rifle once in a while. They are starting to do more articles on black rifles but they mainly talk about fit, finish, and accuracy. Too safe in my opinion.

05-29-09, 00:32
I trust the net for better information. I also remember reading all those magazines as a kid. I especially remember going through every single different one at the barber shop as a kid. It would be nice if a good magazine or publication existed, but I think the internet has dominated everything. The old days were you had to be serious or get in trouble are gone since information is easily found elsewhere, at least that is my theory.

05-29-09, 00:40
Let me begin by saying that I'm a Benefactor member, and I believe in and support the NRA. For all its faults, it is the best political tool we have, and the NRA flat knows how to run competitions.

It is also run mostly by Fudds, and The American Rifleman (which I understand used to be the gun magazine back in the '20s and '30s) seems to be directed mostly at Fudds and collectors. But the political news is worth reading, especially around election time. Bottom line is, I wouldn't buy the magazine if I had to pay for it separately from my NRA membership.

Gun reviews? Car reviews? Camera reviews? Airplane reviews? All bullshit. I don't think I've ever seen honest reviews in any mainstream media mag other than Consumer Reports.

05-29-09, 01:52
I saw that too and just laughed to myself. Whatever......

I kinda felt the same way the other month when they had the review of Les Baer's overpriced M4. They stated the reason the castle nut was on backwards was because lots of HSLD agencies ask for it that way, then went on to say the gun is a great value for $1800. :confused:

05-29-09, 05:12
I used to wish that Consumer Reports would put out a gun buying guide.

Good idea, if you want to read about Arisikas and Nambus.:D

05-29-09, 06:26
Never mind that I've never seen a bad gun review in any NRA publication. (though to be fair I've never seen a bad review in Guns and Ammo either).

Never mind that I'm tired of every Springfield Armory gun winning every "Golden Bullseye" award out there despite being mediocre guns at best.

Never mine that last month they had an article on the American Longrifle that was at best incompetent and at worst historic fraud. Among other things claiming that a revolutionary war soldier (Timothy Murphy) had "42 confirmed kills" over the course of the war despite no such confirmation existed at the time and that Timothy Murphy's history is apocryphal at best. As a historian I researched Murphy for several projects and the earliest record of his shooting of Simon Frazer was well into the 19th century, recorded by Murphy's own children. You may remember Michael Bellesiles.

Never mind that they claim in a recent issue that ONE editor fired 7500 12 gauge rounds in three days out of one benelli (approx 1.75 rounds every minute, not including reloads, meals and sleep).

Does anyone else run that BS flag up on these guys or is it just me? I'm tired of gun rags and firearms' related shows (Ultimate Weapons mentioned in another thread) making absurd claims that aren't borne out by reality.

Seriously, why waste my NRA donation on bullshit propaganda? Just take my money and protect my rights...no need for that other nonsense.

Sorry had to vent.
I have to say, I agree. That is why I haven't bought any rags in quite some time. Well over a year

05-29-09, 06:55
I have to say, I agree. That is why I haven't bought any rags in quite some time. Well over a year

I only buy them for the pictures :)

RE: OP's point. I have begun to agree with some that the NRAhas become more interested in the perks and bennies of the 'leadership' than being about education about and defense of the 2A.

The magazines are jokes, they of all folks should be willing to be honest reviewers of firearms. Nope they follow the normal gun rag approach "It ran without flaw, only having 27 FTE's during our 50 round test"

Look at the crazy shit they mail or email you. They are doing those endorsements for the same reason that Lebron does them, $$$$. It ain't cheap keeping Lapierre and Cox in the lifestyle they have become comfortable in.

05-29-09, 07:12
I get both magazines, although lately I've just been reading the armed citizen and not much else. Sometimes I'll read the stuff about gun rights, but lately its all the same; the democrats want to take our guns. I get it, tell me something I don't know.

Iraq Ninja
05-29-09, 07:38
Small Arms Review is still a good magazine.

05-29-09, 08:24
Small Arms Review
SWAT Magazine

and that's about it, really. And with those I jerry pick the articles I wish to read. If there aren't enough articles of interest I don't buy the issue.

05-29-09, 08:42
ARE there any reliable gun mags out there these days (i.e. - UN-affected by advertising dollars in their weapon/ammo/gear reviews)?

I dug out an old "American Survival Guide" from my files the other day (Aug.'97), with a COVER SYORY about the GREAT FAL rifles that Hesse was putting out! :eek:

Guess that's one of MANY reasons why ASG went out of business... :rolleyes:

Supposedly, this is the 'Consumers Reports' of all gun tests:


Take care

El Mac
05-29-09, 08:51
Seriously, why waste my NRA donation on bullshit propaganda? Just take my money and protect my rights...no need for that other nonsense.

I hear that the Brady Bunch and ilk are looking for a few good men.

05-29-09, 09:54
Supposedly, this is the 'Consumers Reports' of all gun tests:


Take care

Gun-Tests claims that they buy all the weapons they test. Unfortunately, Rohrbaug outed them a few years back and showed that was not true, at least insofar as the R9 test was concerned. Rohrbaug provided them the weapon on loan and provided the same weapon to another magazine. Since Gun-Tests continued with the "we buy them all" bit, you have to question the rest. The tests are also purely subjective, so it's basically the internet in a bathroom friendly fashion (unless you take the laptop into the lavatory).

Be careful about their free issue offers. If you don't want the subscription and tell them, they will sometimes "forget" that point and come after you (or send a collection agent) for the money. I had that happen to me and it's happened to others.

05-29-09, 10:25
Seriously, why waste my NRA donation on bullshit propaganda? Just take my money and protect my rights...no need for that other nonsense.

I agree. I don't even bother to open that rag anymore. Into the trash it goes as soon as it arrives.

05-29-09, 12:19
I agree. I don't even bother to open that rag anymore. Into the trash it goes as soon as it arrives.

^ This ^

05-29-09, 12:38
Seriously, why waste my NRA donation on bullshit propaganda? Just take my money and protect my rights...no need for that other nonsense.

Sorry had to vent.

Yeah but it was a good rant. I liked it.

05-29-09, 16:13
It is also run mostly by Fudds, and The American Rifleman (which I understand used to be the gun magazine back in the '20s and '30s) seems to be directed mostly at Fudds and collectors. But the political news is worth reading, especially around election time. Bottom line is, I wouldn't buy the magazine if I had to pay for it separately from my NRA membership.

Agree 100%. The NRA makes itself difficult to like. Take "Armed Citizen" for example. GREAT idea! Here is the problem: until 2005, the ONLY personal protection course allowed by the NRA was:

"Personal Protection - IN THE HOME" (!!). They made a point of the "in the home" [only] part.

Granted, their excuse was that they could not cover all 50 states' laws on permits (for the majority of states that issue some sort of permit).

Really? Well, their "home-only" class failed to address D.C., Chicago, etc - so that excuse does not fly.

FINALLY they added "Personal Protection - OUTSIDE THE HOME" Took them until 2005 to do so.

MOST of the "shall issue" state law changes were fought by state-level grass-roots organizations - not the National nra.

So, they are more "pro-Fudd" and less "pro-CCW." OK.

What about competition?

"Bianchi Cup" is dieing a slow death. Fewer than 160 showed up this year despite expanded divisions.

NRA pays to run "PPC" - but it won't let you shoot - even if you are a Life member or Benefactor member - UNLESS you are a cop.

Same with their new 3gun: NRA members prohibited unless you are police or military.

There is still "service rifle" - but it had better not be an M4 or have a current dot-sight (guess you could enter "F" class with it - but you will lose every time.)

That leaves "bullseye." One handed slow fire @ 50 yards with .22s or ultra-custom 1911s? No thanks.

I am pro-NRA, but I believe they are in serious need of reform.

05-29-09, 18:14
Gun-Tests claims that they buy all the weapons they test. Unfortunately, Rohrbaug outed them a few years back and showed that was not true, at least insofar as the R9 test was concerned. Rohrbaug provided them the weapon on loan and provided the same weapon to another magazine. Since Gun-Tests continued with the "we buy them all" bit, you have to question the rest. The tests are also purely subjective, so it's basically the internet in a bathroom friendly fashion (unless you take the laptop into the lavatory).

Be careful about their free issue offers. If you don't want the subscription and tell them, they will sometimes "forget" that point and come after you (or send a collection agent) for the money. I had that happen to me and it's happened to others.

They did the same to me.It took several months and attempted contacts before the collections stopped.

The free issue seemed liked the typical gun rag BS as far as i could tell.Their "reviews" were more what i would call "first impressions".

05-29-09, 21:15
I recommend "Precision Shooting" magazine.

05-30-09, 11:32
They did the same to me.It took several months and attempted contacts before the collections stopped.

The free issue seemed liked the typical gun rag BS as far as i could tell.Their "reviews" were more what i would call "first impressions".

I too fell for the free first issue. I read it and was thoroughly unimpressed. They didn't tell you anything that you couldn't find out in five minutes on the internet. I replied "no thanks," and what do I get in return? Six months of collection letters, and a final threatening letter from a collection agency stating: "we don't want to take this to the next level." I told them all where they could go, and haven't heard back from them since. Any company that would treat people like that is not worth a dime from the fine people here at M4carbine.