View Full Version : Vietnam vet under attack for USMC decals

05-29-09, 09:17
This is anti-America/anti-military BS is getting ridiculous.

First we have the woman at work being told her American flag was offensive to her African co-worker. Now we have a home owners association threatening to tow a DAV's vehicle and fine him $50 a day.


Big thanks out to the Obama "we're too cool for America" crowd.

05-29-09, 11:58
"The letter from the board states you can't have any form of advertisement anywhere on your car on your property. FOX 4 cameras spotted bumper stickers for political parties, health causes, and other non-commercial interests on the property as well."

I like the fact the journalist reported on that aspect of the story. It says much doesn't it?

05-29-09, 12:40
HOAs are to be avoided like the plague imho.

05-29-09, 13:42
HOAs are to be avoided like the plague imho.

You ain't kidding. No one likes that busy body neighbor who can't mind her own business and that always seems to be the person who ends up being the president of the home owners association. Living in a town house community I can tell you from first hand experience what a nightmare it can be.

05-29-09, 13:44
HOAs are just miniature fiefdoms. BTDT, never want to live as part of one again.

el guapo
05-29-09, 14:10
I used to think HOA's were a bad idea. Until I moved in next to this guy.

05-29-09, 14:19
This is anti-America/anti-military BS is getting ridiculous.

First we have the woman at work being told her American flag was offensive to her African co-worker. Now we have a home owners association threatening to tow a DAV's vehicle and fine him $50 a day.


Big thanks out to the Obama "we're too cool for America" crowd.

Someone needs to take that African Non-American POS and ship people like this sorry excuse for an American who don't like this Country to some other place beside here. They'll be the first to complain, and the first to hide when trouble breaks out. But they'll also be the first to jump out and say PROTECT ME if they were caught in some war.

I have seen and read about many African Americans who died for this Country, and I'm quite sure the actions of this woman would sicken them.

It doesn't matter the color of the skin when they start complaining. But when things get ruff, their color starts to RUN.

These people who live here and hate what this Country stands for need to be GONE! Where I don't care. But any place beside here. As they say. Love it or leave it!

05-29-09, 14:30
I used to think HOA's were a bad idea. Until I moved in next to this guy.

as they say...freedom isn't free. part of the price one must pay if one wants to be free is to accept that others will be free to do things that annoy one.

of course, some people might like to give up some freedom in order to get rid of some annoyances. that's fine for those people...an HOA might be just the ticket for them.

i'm not really one of those people, so i will personally avoid HOAs (and continue to complain about most local zoning codes, etc).

05-29-09, 14:37
I used to think HOA's were a bad idea. Until I moved in next to this guy.

Just like any organization/bureaucracy, it all depends on who is running it and how much common sense they apply to each set of circumstances.

If living next to someone like the picture above also means that I can fly the American Flag and have a sticker on all my vehicles identifying the particular Branch of Service I served, then so be it.

el guapo
05-29-09, 15:28
It's unfortunate that common sense and common courtesy are dying a slow death. You shouldn't need to tell a grown man to mow his yard once a month. Nor should you be able to tell a grown man he can't have service stickers on his truck. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

The more I live around people the more I think the solution is a house in the middle of 50 acres.

05-29-09, 15:41
I used to think HOA's were a bad idea. Until I moved in next to this guy.

You have the freedom to move

05-29-09, 16:14
It's unfortunate that common sense and common courtesy are dying a slow death. You shouldn't need to tell a grown man to mow his yard once a month. Nor should you be able to tell a grown man he can't have service stickers on his truck. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

The more I live around people the more I think the solution is a house in the middle of 50 acres.

Then you'd hate to be living next to me. While I don't have any junk lying around, my lawn is now effectively a wheat field. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a herd of deer hiding on one end of my property and a heard of lions somewhere in the other end. :D

If a man doesn't want to mow his lawn, unless it somehow poses a hazard to you or your family, then who freaking cares!! It's his property and he can do with it as he sees fit.

My next door neighbor mows her lawn every week (she's a stay-at-home Mom) and has all sorts of stuff out there (bird baths, bird feeders, squirrel feeders, benches, cut-out bear family, maybe even Gnomes). But as long as it's not posing a hazard to me or keeps me awake, it's none of mine or my neighbors' damned business.

el guapo
05-29-09, 16:22
Funny you mention it. It does pose problems for me. His backyard is such a jungle that it clogged the irrigation ditch This sent water flooding into my yard eventually getting high enough to make it into my foundation vent. It's always cool to see your furnace in a pool of water.

I also hate it when he stores trash on the other side of those bushes. It appears that I am the storing old recliners and wood cabinet TV's in my yard. I am embarrased that people assume I am the one who is too lazy to go to the dump.

What exactly is the reason for not maintaining your property Carlos?

05-29-09, 16:37
Funny you mention it. It does pose problems for me. His backyard is such a jungle that it clogged the irrigation ditch This sent water flooding into my yard eventually getting high enough to make it into my foundation vent. It's always cool to see your furnace in a pool of water.

then, imho, he has actually caused you real damages for which he should be held liable.

I also hate it when he stores trash on the other side of those bushes. It appears that I am the storing old recliners and wood cabinet TV's in my yard. I am embarrased that people assume I am the one who is too lazy to go to the dump.

sorry, imho, i don't see any real damages there.

el guapo
05-29-09, 16:45
I didn't post it looking for a pity party. I know I can move. If it gets to the point I want to I will. Just pointing out why they were created. He has devalued the properties around him. My house is worth less with him living next door. I dont know how or why they evolved to include stickers on your truck.

05-29-09, 17:18
I didn't post it looking for a pity party. I know I can move. If it gets to the point I want to I will. Just pointing out why they were created. He has devalued the properties around him. My house is worth less with him living next door. I dont know how or why they evolved to include stickers on your truck.

Am I seeing that picture correctly-- does your neighbor have a McDonalds sign mounted *on* his house? Or is that the McDonalds behind his house?

05-29-09, 17:31
Funny you mention it. It does pose problems for me. His backyard is such a jungle that it clogged the irrigation ditch This sent water flooding into my yard eventually getting high enough to make it into my foundation vent. It's always cool to see your furnace in a pool of water.

I also hate it when he stores trash on the other side of those bushes. It appears that I am the storing old recliners and wood cabinet TV's in my yard. I am embarrased that people assume I am the one who is too lazy to go to the dump.

What exactly is the reason for not maintaining your property Carlos?

FWIW, time, weather, and health. Besides my full-time job, my Army Reserve duties (my unit is 3-hours away) and my (volunteer) LEO duties; it seems that the only times I find myself at home I am either to tired to get anything done at the end of the day (due to an under-active thyroid that is currently being treated) or the weather won't cooperate.

I've actually been looking around for someone to hire to do my yard work - but they charge way too much and I can't find anyone that someone can vouch for. I've been so busy I haven't been able to help teach any Basic Pistol courses at my Gun Club.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bothered to buy a single-family house.

05-29-09, 17:36
Am I seeing that picture correctly-- does your neighbor have a McDonalds sign mounted *on* his house? Or is that the McDonalds behind his house?

I was wondering that too. Based on the color and trim of the house I was REALLY wondering that.

05-29-09, 17:42
This is anti-America/anti-military BS is getting ridiculous.

First we have the woman at work being told her American flag was offensive to her African co-worker. Now we have a home owners association threatening to tow a DAV's vehicle and fine him $50 a day.


Big thanks out to the Obama "we're too cool for America" crowd.

I think the neighbors are going to rally around this guy and the weeny at the association is going to be persona non grata.

el guapo
05-29-09, 23:21
The McDonalds sign is a photoshop joke. That really is the color of the house though. He just painted it that color last year. I did find it an odd choice, but he was really proud of it. Of course he is pretty crazy.

05-30-09, 02:07
I used to think HOA's were a bad idea. Until I moved in next to this guy.

that looks like a pile of kindling to me ;) heheheh

throw a body in the dumpster and call the cops :) that will get him to move

and yes the above is sarcasm :)

05-30-09, 02:08
on the note of the stickers and the other flag in question

MAN this stuff is just going to far really really sad what some in this country are doing to it !!!!!

I hope the idiot who sent that letter gets canned from the HOA board

05-30-09, 08:23
Does the HOA agreement have any clause in it, against an old devil dog laying down an almighty asswhuppin' on the idiot complaintant? :mad: Tick off an old Marine at your PERIL...

05-30-09, 08:38
I suspect this will be laid to rest extremely quickly with little to no legal action.

He isn't "advertising". He isn't actively recruiting for the Corps, he doesn't benefit if 100 people sign up from his home town, or only 1.

Definition of Advertise:

to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it:

He's not inducing people to join, he's SUPPORTING the past, current, and future Marines.

Based on that idiotic letter, everyone should go through the condo complex and remove every chevy decal, every dodge, every mercedes, bmw emblem they see. as that would be falling under neath their definition of advertising.

05-30-09, 09:03
"The letter from the board states you can't have any form of advertisement anywhere on your car on your property. FOX 4 cameras spotted bumper stickers for political parties, health causes, and other non-commercial interests on the property as well."

I like the fact the journalist reported on that aspect of the story. It says much doesn't it?

There's more in the article:
"One board member said he was unaware the HOA presidents sent the letter and did not know of any issue with Larimore vehicle.
"I will be looking into this," said board member Art Bradford. "I didn't know anything about this . I haven't seen this ."
The board president was out of town and unavailable. The condo management company did not want to comment."

Sounds like another condo HOA that's ripe for a regime change.

05-31-09, 02:17
What the hell? I kinda thought that Texas was the last hope for freedom in this F-d up country. That's two stories of douche bagerry in one week. You guys gotta shape up down there. Seriously though being on the downhill slope of democracy sucks the big one.

06-19-09, 22:03
I think it is less of a Texas problem, more of a HOA problem.

06-19-09, 22:15
Sheaple feel safe when they have bogus regulations like this. Its unfortunate that people have to resort to such douchebaggery.

06-19-09, 22:45
that's why I have no neighbors and live on the edge of 160,000 acre National Forest, do what I want when I want.

HOAs are stupid, I own my property and can do what I damned well please with it.

To bother a veteran for displaying USMC stickers is outrageous and beyond comtempt.

06-20-09, 09:59
that's why I have no neighbors and live on the edge of 160,000 acre National Forest, do what I want when I want.

HOAs are stupid, I own my property and can do what I damned well please with it.

To bother a veteran for displaying USMC stickers is outrageous and beyond comtempt.

This infuriates me to no end. My Father spent over 30 years in the US Army and spent one tour in Korea, and three in Vietnam fighting in these Countrys because he was told to do so. He didn't complain or argue, this was the life he accepted when he took the job.

If he were alive today (and we don't live in a housing area that has a HOA) and lived within the limits of a HOA who said he couldn't have a US Army sticker on his own vehicle, I would make sure I purchased the closest house to this Anti-American crap hole and hang the biggest US Army Flag I could find, and fly it on the highest flag pole I could have by law. Oh, I would also have to fly the Stars and Bars too. There were thousands of fine young men and women who gave their lives up to defend what they thought was right. Although it would be flown for their memory and Historic value, not hatred of Black Americans.

I know we're talking about the USMC, and I would alternate flags from all branches of our Services every other day. Screw these Low Life clowns who all they do is complain. One other thing I would do is to make sure I knew the exact letter of the law. This turd for breath who complained would have hell to pay, because if they so much as did one thing wrong according to their (like living in a Commie Country is what these HOA's are good for) HOA, I would make sure they were notified and treated the same way my Dad was.

I would love to be around if the day ever came that this scum was ducking in a hole hoping these same people who aren't afraid to fight will protect them from the Boogie Man. People like this don't like anyone, not even their own families or them-self. Do the world a favor and move to a different Planet.

06-20-09, 10:24
Sheaple feel safe when they have bogus regulations like this. Its unfortunate that people have to resort to such douchebaggery.

This is quite obviously not about safety.

06-20-09, 10:55
Then you'd hate to be living next to me. While I don't have any junk lying around, my lawn is now effectively a wheat field. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a herd of deer hiding on one end of my property and a heard of lions somewhere in the other end. :D

If a man doesn't want to mow his lawn, unless it somehow poses a hazard to you or your family, then who freaking cares!! It's his property and he can do with it as he sees fit.

My next door neighbor mows her lawn every week (she's a stay-at-home Mom) and has all sorts of stuff out there (bird baths, bird feeders, squirrel feeders, benches, cut-out bear family, maybe even Gnomes). But as long as it's not posing a hazard to me or keeps me awake, it's none of mine or my neighbors' damned business.

The problem is that, like my previous neighbor, people who don't cut their lawns provide a wonderful nursery for growing rat babies, including nice cover from airborne predators.

If there had been some way for him to keep his "pets" confined to his own property, I wouldn't have complained so much. They didn't seem very well trained, however.

06-20-09, 11:22
Sheaple feel safe when they have bogus regulations like this. Its unfortunate that people have to resort to such douchebaggery.

AMEN on the Douchebaggery and the ANAL rules and regulations within these HOA's! The ignorant thing is there weiner's get all of this supposed power, and then they want all to fear them. They start believing their own HYPE! (You know, Like the Politicians and Actors do)

I made a mistake a long time ago when I lived in Florida and purchased a house that had a HOA. The good thing was we purchased the third home in this neighborhood, so I did all of the color and design changes before any so called officials were elected. We sold the house within three years of buying it, so we never encountered any HOA problems.

But the thought behind all of this was I wasn't a fan of someone telling me what to do with my house and property. So I opted to NEVER have a home with a HOA, EVER AGAIN.

06-20-09, 12:27
That's just wrong! What is this country coming to? If I lived next to him, I'd put some USMC decals on my car.