View Full Version : Cleaning Solvents

06-02-09, 02:39
The last time I was at the Sigarms Academy their head engineer turned me on to Mirachem cleaning solvent.


It doesn't stink, it's biodegradable, non toxic and best of all, it works like a charm. I do not particularly enjoy cleaning weapons, especially my AR so anything I can get that will make the job easier will get my attention.
With this stuff I break down the rifle, hose down all the parts with the Mirachem, let it sit for a few minutes and wipe everything clean. Compressed air can help for some of the nooks and crannies but it's not necessary. It does a bang up job and has nocked some time and unpleasantness off of my maintenance chores.

Certain stubborn areas might need a little brushing and I still use a MOAKS to scape the carbon off the tail of the bolt and the interior of the carrier but this stuff does 98% of the job.

30 cal slut
06-02-09, 10:41
thanks for sharing. will give it a try for indoors cleaning.

06-02-09, 11:32
Seems quite similar to M-Pro 7 / Hoppes Elite
Any chance you have used those products and can compare?


I use the Hoppes Elite since I can pick it up at my local outdoor stores - like it a lot

06-02-09, 14:18
There might be some of that MPro7 in the office somewhere. I think I remember seeing some. I'll look. If I can find some I'm sure I'll be able to dig up a dirty gun and I'll give it a try.

06-02-09, 14:28
Does it say "Pantheon Chemical" anywhere on the bottle? Somewhere small on the back where the other fine print is?

06-02-09, 14:33
The MSDS for Mirachem is a little different from the one for M-Pro 7 so my theory that it was private labeled M-Pro 7 does not seem to pan out. I did email someone at Pantheon Chemical (maker of M-Pro 7 and Hoppes Elite to see what they know about it).

Both are in the Phoenix AZ area.

06-02-09, 14:33
It's in my armory at the moment. I'll check tonight.

06-02-09, 14:35
Seems quite similar to M-Pro 7 / Hoppes Elite
Any chance you have used those products and can compare?


I use the Hoppes Elite since I can pick it up at my local outdoor stores - like it a lot

Just for people who might wonder -- M Pro 7 and Hoppes Elite are both made by Pantheon Chemical and are basically the same stuff. The formulations are slightly different and the differences are basically the marketing. Hoppes Elite cuts carbon slightly better but does not "condition" quite as well. M Pro 7 is marketed to LEO, Mil, and hunters while Hoppes Elite is marketed to sport shooters, casual shooters, competitive shooters. So basically use either one and you are set.


06-02-09, 14:36
I use MPro7's CLP for protection after I clean but I use regular old Hoppe's #9 for my solvent. Seems to work fine for me but I am always on the lookout for something else to give a look see.

Thanks for sharing!


06-03-09, 00:43
I use MPro7's CLP for protection after I clean but I use regular old Hoppe's #9 for my solvent. Seems to work fine for me but I am always on the lookout for something else to give a look see.

Thanks for sharing!


You may want to try the M-Pro 7 gun cleaner. Non toxic and does not smell your place up and probably works better. Also sold as "Hoppes Elite" (same technology and same manufacturer, slightly different formula)

my bias: I sell M-Pro 7. Started using it in 1995 and started selling it in 2001/2002 time frame.


06-03-09, 00:47
Someone I know who is involved with Pantheon Chemical and hence M-Pro 7 had this to say to me. He asked I posted it anonymously as he does not want to be seen as ripping a competitor in public. He lets his product stand on its own.

"This product line used to be called “Insight”. It even looks like the same label with a different name, but it is the same company. Insight was a low quality water-based cleaner that rusted a bunch of guns so it disappeared off the market for awhile. They were heavy into law enforcement, but almost all switched to M-Pro7 when the departments compared the two. "

So take it for what it is worth.

06-03-09, 00:54
Does anyone have any long term experience with Gunzilla? It is another biodegradable, non-toxic, cleaner-lubricant. I just ordered a bottle based on our armorer's recommendation.

06-03-09, 02:30
The MSDS sheet for Insight solvent is listed on Mirachem's sight.
I haven't noticed any rusting issues.

I found a bottle of Mpro7 in the armory but someone had the audacity to clean all the guns! I'll dirty one up shortly and give it a try.

06-03-09, 02:57
my bias: I sell M-Pro 7. Started using it in 1995 and started selling it in 2001/2002 time frame. That's about the time I started using it. I still have a couple of the gallon containers from when it was known as MP7. It seems to clean very well, but isn't really intended as a copper cleaner.

06-03-09, 03:04
I enjoy the Mpro 7 but also like the Slip2000 762 Degreaser

06-03-09, 08:49
One word: Boretech.

Makes MPro7 look like girlie-man juice

06-03-09, 12:18
One word: Boretech.

Makes MPro7 look like girlie-man juice

Elaborate please.

06-03-09, 12:24
FWIW, I've had very good results using Slip 2000 "Carbon Killer". It's also biodegradable and non-toxic.

06-03-09, 12:28
That's about the time I started using it. I still have a couple of the gallon containers from when it was known as MP7. It seems to clean very well, but isn't really intended as a copper cleaner.

M Pro-7 gun cleaner by itself does OK with handgun copper as it does not really get "plated" in. Rifle copper (higher pressures) is "plated" in the barrel more. That is why the M Pro-7 people came out with the M-Pro 7 Copper Remover which is made to get rid of copper without ammonia very fast. Use them together both the GC and the CR.

06-03-09, 15:00
I use M-PRO 7....my agency swears by Oderless Mineral Spirits...

06-03-09, 15:39
As a tot I was taught by my .mil friends on how to clean my rifle. Hoppe's #9 for everyday shooting, and the occasional Sweet's every X thousand rounds... Maybe it's time to upgrade? This combo has done me well for ten years though, so what would be the benefits re: actual cleaning (don't really care about smell, health-friendly chemicals, etc)

06-03-09, 15:52
I have found FEW things in life, that EVER work as well as they do in the :30 marketing demonstrations, more commonly referred to as, "commercials." Hoppes #9 IS one of them, however. TetraGun did remove all my nose hair & prevented my eyes from blinking for a year once, though... :eek:

For lube, I'm still partial to Slick50 gunlube (once I finally run out of my last can of it, I've sworn on a Boston's Gun Bible to try lithium grease next...). I occasionally try a different lube - I've been playing with Weapon Shield on some AR mags I've been cleaning that have come back from the sandboxes of late - but I tend to find what works and stick with it.

06-03-09, 16:14
As a tot I was taught by my .mil friends on how to clean my rifle. Hoppe's #9 for everyday shooting, and the occasional Sweet's every X thousand rounds... Maybe it's time to upgrade? This combo has done me well for ten years though, so what would be the benefits re: actual cleaning (don't really care about smell, health-friendly chemicals, etc)

You might be surprised by trying M-Pro 7 GC and the M-Pro 7 copper remover OR the Hoppes Elite Gun Cleaner and the Hoppes Elite Copper Terminator (either combo -- same stuff basically marketed to different target markets).

Most people find they work better than Hoppes #9 and any of the ammonia based copper removers. YMMV

06-03-09, 22:10
I grew up on WD-40 and Hoppes #9 and used them for over 20 years.

I can't remember exactly why I tried M-Pro 7 one day, but I will never forget the sense of complete stupidity the first time I used it. I just thought of all the hours I could have saved cleaning guns if I had started using it sooner.

Now I can clean guns in the house and my wife smiles since there is basically no odor to the M-Pro 7. The advice from eguns-com is SPOT ON!

I feel like I'm on a mission to tell people about this stuff because it is so damn wonderful!

I have no financial interest in the company, product, etc. etc.

Sorry for the thread drift.

06-04-09, 01:31
Supposedly you are supposed to avoid ammonia solvents on chrome lined bores because it will etch the chrome. Does mpro have ammonia?

06-04-09, 01:34
Supposedly you are supposed to avoid ammonia solvents on chrome lined bores because it will etch the chrome. Does mpro have ammonia?

No, M-Pro 7 Copper Remover is ammonia free. Here is the factory propaganda on it


(And Hoppes Elite Copper Terminator is the same stuff labeled for Hoppes more or less)

06-04-09, 01:42
Good to know. Ive been using Mpro-7 because it doesnt smell. I gotta try their copper solvent.

06-04-09, 07:44
I recently posted on a thread on solvents and the guys were saying the warning label hoppes is for nickel which has a lining of copper underneath it, which ofcourse the solvent will eat and not chrome which supposedly is resistant to amonia.
inputs on this anyone?
Hoppes elite however doesnt have such a label and doesnt seem to be very harsh. Cleans well though, tried it on my M&P last night. Will post when I get a chance to try it on one of my rifles.

06-04-09, 17:17
I use the MPro7 GC and copper remover. Love them both. I am still undecided on the MPro7 lube. I use the copper remover in both my Remiington 700s, a .308 and a .300 Win Mag. Does an outstanding job of taking the copper out of the bore.

06-04-09, 19:23
About the only solvent I use regularly on any of my weapons is Hoppe's No.9.Been using it since the 1970's and no issues to report.Probably the safest solvent on the market as far as metal parts are concerned,and works as short term protectant too.I personally think that if its used regularly it keeps the copper to a minimum in a bore....at least thats my experience.
Other than that I just use a good CLP like Weapon Shield to wipe out the upper and punch the bore.
If I have a rifle that coppers up badly I'll use Sweets 7.62 or Bore Tech Benchrest Blend.But thats rare.

As far as the effects of Hoppe's No.9 on nickel plated surfaces...in my experience as long as the plated parts are not soaked in the Hoppe's No.9 for a long period of time I dont think there are any issues.Depends greatly on the quality of the finish and the part too though.Just make a habit of wiping the No.9 off any of the surfaces once your finished cleaning,and wipe them down with a good oil.
Ive been using Hoppe's No.9 on a nickel plated S&W 586 combat magnum since the early 1980's and have not seen any of the plating come of as a result.Thats my only "pimp gun" but it has seen alot of Hoppe's No.9 over the years.
I will say that if the Hoppe's no.9 is allowed to remain on nickel and some stainless parts for long periods it will tend to stain the surface a yellowish tint.But I think that is mainly due to its petroleum based solvent(kerosene)degrading than anything else.....which is easily removed with a polish like Flitz in most cases by the way.