View Full Version : Swift Justice: Child Rapist Beaten By Philly Residents

06-02-09, 16:36
Yesterday we had a terrible local situation when an 11 year old who was on her way to school was raped so savagely that she required hours of surgery afterwords. A person of interest was ID at noon today, and just after the photo of him was released at a news conference, his sister appeared on TV stating that he had just finished a 6 year sentence for rape.

A couple hours ago he was recognized walking down a street in North Philly (think earthbound hell) and was beaten unconscious with boards and other items by the "locals" before being arrested. I can't remember the last time I saw the entire city so hell-bent on finding someone ASAP, very especially that segment of it.

He is going to have a wonderful time in prison.

The man was being attacked by residents who recognized him

By David HenryPORT RICHMOND - June 2, 2009 (WPVI) -- Police have arrested the man identified as a person of interest in the rape of an 11-year-old girl in Port Richmond on Monday morning.
Jose Carrasquillo, 26, was taken into custody on Tuesday afternoon.
Philadelphia police apprehended Carrasquillo in the vicinity of Front and Clearfield Streets.
Residents from the neighborhood noticed the suspect in the area and then pounced on him, attacking the suspect with large pieces of wood resembling two-by-fours.
The suspect received numerous injuries and was transported to Temple Hospital.
RELATED VIDEO: Chopper 6 HD was overhead as as Carrasquillo was brought to the hospital.
Sources tell Action News that residents cheered police when they showed up to arrest the suspect.
One police source tells Action News that residents were celebrating the arrest by high-fiving each other and applauding police.
Police said earlier in the day that physical evidence ties Carrasquillo to a dirty backyard where the child was "sadistically" assaulted.
Carrasquillo is wanted for Contempt of Court on a Summary Offense. There has been no arrest warrant issued for him in association with the rape.
The Fraternal Order of Police had announced a $10,000 reward for an arrest in this case.
This announcement comes after Philadelphia Police released surveillance pictures, which captured a person of interest near the scene of the rape. It is unclear if police believe Carrasquillo to be the man caught on camera.
The young victim was in surgery Monday afternoon as police launched a full-blown manhunt for the attacker.
It all began around 8:30 a.m. Monday. Police say the girl had just dropped off her sister at daycare and was heading to school when the suspect approached her in the 3000 block of Kensington Avenue.
"At some point in time [he] threatened to shoot her, but a gun was not seen," said Capt. John Darby. "He threatened her and forced her to walk with him."
The two ended up in the 2000 block of E. Westmoreland. That's where the man forced the girl behind a home and raped her repeatedly.
"At some point in time either he flees or she's able to get away," said Capt. Darby.
The girl was able to flag down a passerby, who called police.
Police continue the investigation into this case. Anyone with information is urged to call police at (215) 686-TIPS (8477) or dial 9-1-1.


06-02-09, 16:53
It would have been terrible had they beat him to death. :rolleyes:

06-02-09, 17:02
I wonder if their person of interest is in fact the guilty party...

06-02-09, 17:05
I wonder if their person of interest is in fact the guilty party...

A friend of mine in the department stated that they have his fingerprints on the sunglasses he dropped in the ally while raping her.

Guilty as charged.

06-02-09, 17:07
A friend of mine in the department stated that they have his fingerprints on the sunglasses he dropped in the ally while raping her.

Guilty as charged.

Then the beating wasn't sufficient...

06-02-09, 17:09
Prayers sent for his 11-year-old victim, that she makes a full and complete recovery.

And may the Devil have an extra bag of coal for the rapist when he arrives in Hell.

06-02-09, 17:11
He is the scum of the earth and has shown he is unfit to live in society. Too bad they didn't finish hm off.

06-02-09, 17:21
Next time we all pay a federal tax, lets hope that its for the surge of electricity going through this shit bag's body.

06-02-09, 17:28
Couldn't the police have stopped for a cup of coffee, had a flat, got lost?

06-02-09, 17:30
Next time we all pay a federal tax, lets hope that its for the surge of electricity going through this shit bag's body.

Sadly, he won't get death for the incident. In fact, our tax dollars will pay for him to be evaluated and understood, maybe even rehabilitated. :rolleyes:

Imagine being the psychiatrist that has to work with that animal. So...Mr. whogivesa****, what is it that makes you want to do these things? Childhood traumas perhaps?

There is no coming back for him after such an incident. He needs to die.

06-02-09, 17:35
Sadly, he won't get death for the incident. In fact, our tax dollars will pay for him to be evaluated and understood, maybe even rehabilitated. :rolleyes:

Imagine being the psychiatrist that has to work with that animal. So...Mr. whogivesa****, what is it that makes you want to do these things? Childhood traumas perhaps?

There is no coming back for him after such an incident. He needs to die.

IF he is from that nasty of a part of town. If he is released and is dumb enough to go back there, I do not think he will remain above room temp. for very long.

06-02-09, 17:35
Next time we all pay a federal tax, lets hope that its for the surge of electricity going through this shit bag's body.

Now that one electricity usage I'd pay the carbon tax on.

Prayers for the little girl. Here's to hoping that the guy gets more than 6 years for this rape. Just shows you, don't piss off your sister.

I'm actually surprised that he is alive. A few minutes with a motivated mob and 2x4s can take its toll. There would be a certian kind of justice if he were paralyzed and sent to prison. "Light's out for the night, roll Carrasquillo on his stomache."

Say what you want about trial by jury and person of interest. Call it pay back with interest for the first rape.

06-02-09, 17:44
If someone is guilty of rape and sentenced for their crime then they should automatically be castrated as the first part of their rehabilitation.

06-02-09, 18:22
It's nice to see people step up and deal with this scumbag. I always say, some people just need shooting.

06-02-09, 19:32
Glad to see people step up to the plate. Just wish they hit a home run. Its actually sad that things have to come to this. I hope none of the batters get arrested.

06-02-09, 19:40
Outstanding! Too bad they didn't finish the job. :p Now watch the DA try to prosecute them!:rolleyes:

06-02-09, 19:44
A little vigilantism is a good thing once in a while.

06-02-09, 22:03
I'm actually surprised that he is alive. A few minutes with a motivated mob and 2x4s can take its toll.

I am also surprised he was not killed when considering where he was discovered and beaten. I tell you the entire area is a killing field these days.

But, there are a great many cops in that vicinity and one could have easily been nearby. That said, he may have been better served to die on the street than to go to prison as a vicious child rapist.

At least I hope so.

06-02-09, 22:07
attacking the suspect with large pieces of wood resembling two-by-fours.

Seeing some of the stupid things people put in print makes me go...
http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/2928/jfc.jpg (http://img192.imageshack.us/my.php?image=jfc.jpg)

06-03-09, 05:35
I was doing some research on my family here in Soutwest Missouri a few years ago and came across an article dated Oct 1889.
The story was written about a man caught in the act of raping a young girl in the area and suspected of raping at least one other.
He escaped from custody and was on the run for a few days before a vigilante mob caught up to him at his cabin and burnt his house to the ground.
It was reported that a certain part of his male anatomy was nailed to the floor of the cabin...with the rest of him still attached and a burnt knife was recovered near his body.
Wonder what that was all about?;)

06-03-09, 06:19

06-03-09, 08:06
A friend of mine in the department stated that they have his fingerprints on the sunglasses he dropped in the ally while raping her.

Guilty as charged.

Gotta love it when the concerned local citizens work together to make their neighborhood a better place.

06-03-09, 08:39
I was doing some research on my family here in Soutwest Missouri a few years ago and came across an article dated Oct 1889.
The story was written about a man caught in the act of raping a young girl in the area and suspected of raping at least one other.
He escaped from custody and was on the run for a few days before a vigilante mob caught up to him at his cabin and burnt his house to the ground.
It was reported that a certain part of his male anatomy was nailed to the floor of the cabin...with the rest of him still attached and a burnt knife was recovered near his body.
Wonder what that was all about?;)

Was he on your Mom's or Dad's side of the family? ;)

Seeing some of the stupid things people put in print makes me go...

At least they didn't use the metric system to describe it- and would you translate the 2x4 in the nominal or real dimensions.

In regards the beating, the title of the story should be "When Good Things Happen in Bad Neighborhoods".