View Full Version : Bullet proof test- FAILURE

06-03-09, 18:29
The things people do. It does make me agree with some of Darwin.


06-03-09, 18:35
To top off the absoulte insanity, the guy shoots him in the heart.

06-03-09, 18:57
Reminds me of something I read a while ago...

Evolution stops when stupidity is no longer fatal.

06-03-09, 19:05
Too bad the result wasnt more permanent. Could have saved a portion of the gene pool.

06-03-09, 20:06
Idiots who test bullet proof vests on themselves should be castrated in order to preserve the integrity of the human genome.

What a freakin moron.... Lucky it didnt collapse a lung.

06-03-09, 21:10
That vest looks suspiciously familiar to the $20 Smith and Wesson I got at a flea market a few weeks ago!

I do believe that his vest is a twin to this one:

I don't think I'll be testing this thing out! That looks painfull! Heart contusions and all... F that! CONVERSATION PIECE, nothing more! Antique.....cool to talk about while sipping a case of beer with your pals..... not for stopping bullets.

06-03-09, 21:24
At first I was going to say fake, but after reading comments I am unsure other then, it would be easy enough to fake something like this.

Oscar 319
06-03-09, 21:29
At first I was going to say fake, but after reading comments I am unsure other then, it would be easy enough to fake something like this.

It is real. Look this douche bag up on You Tube. Search "bullet proof vest test", you'll find it as well as the local TV news station interview were this rocket scientist explains that he wants to be a cop, and he wanted to "see what it was like". It cost the kid thousands of dollars in medical bills. The interview is worth watching.

06-03-09, 21:31
Insanity is a disease, I think the bigger idiots here are the idiots who decided to shoot him! and...........as if there hasn't been enough dumb ass crimes commited with a VIDEO camera. Here court room watch! "I didn't mean to kill him" It just so happens I decided to aim at his heart and film it!

That being said..............if they're willing to be stupid I'll be glad to watch the oncore!

Oscar 319
06-03-09, 21:32
Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUXUCzKdkhM

06-03-09, 21:37
Famous LAST words of MANY a redneck... "Watch THIS!" :rolleyes:

Heavy Metal
06-03-09, 21:39
That vest looks suspiciously familiar to the $20 Smith and Wesson I got at a flea market a few weeks ago!

I do believe that his vest is a twin to this one:

I don't think I'll be testing this thing out! That looks painfull! Heart contusions and all... F that! CONVERSATION PIECE, nothing more! Antique.....cool to talk about while sipping a case of beer with your pals..... not for stopping bullets.

Funny, that thread came to mind....

06-03-09, 21:42
Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUXUCzKdkhM

LOL!! I've seen him drink more he's a great shot lol WTF

06-03-09, 22:07
Ah, the wonders of modern chemistry and engineering. Even with a lot of trying, you can't get pulled out of the gene pool by the big lifeguard in the sky.

Heavy Metal
06-03-09, 22:47
LOL!! I've seen him drink more he's a great shot lol WTF

I am sorry, if you cannot hit an area the size of a trauma plate at less tham 5M, you are not a great shot, decent shot, marginal shot, or poor shot.

You suck, peroid.

Both people in that vid sucked for multiple reasons.

06-03-09, 23:38
He is gonna be a COP???? Good GOD!!!!! The twenty first century version of Barney Fife!!!!!! What a moron!!!! The interview had me in stitches laughing at this.

06-04-09, 03:30
He is gonna be a COP???? Good GOD!!!!! The twenty first century version of Barney Fife!!!!!! What a moron!!!! The interview had me in stitches laughing at this.

Good grief he said he's already gone through the academy. With unemployment the way it is I thought law enforcement recruiting was way up. Why do they have to scrape the barrel with this retard?

06-04-09, 05:39
I like the part where Dickhead punches him in the chest after he shoots him, you know to make sure that lung collapses all the way.

06-04-09, 13:48
Sometimes modern medicine just works to damned well.

06-04-09, 16:18
To bad he missed his head... What a fnn idiot.

06-04-09, 22:35
"Didn't actually hit my heart. It was an inch away."

"Is that not close enough?"

The disbelief in the reporters voice is amazing.