View Full Version : Being a Laid off Carpenter has advantages

06-03-09, 19:52
Finally I'm getting around to small projects and Ideas that have been clouding up my head..http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs096.snc1/4710_1050265188496_1581732288_30107580_1428873_n.jpg

06-03-09, 20:36
nice work!

now get those mags arranged sequentially :p

Seth Harness
06-03-09, 23:06
My advantages ran out in the first two months I was off. I gotta get back to it, Im dyin'.
I was laid off in January and my area is bad, theres NOTHING going on here :confused:. Ive never seen it like this before in my 10+ years in the trade. Ive been talking to a local contractor for a few weeks now and its looking like maybe next week I'll be back on the job.
Cant wait, need the money...

BTW- Mag case looks pretty good. ;)

06-04-09, 00:32
I've been lucky, laid off since only the end of April. Not much work in my area as well. I haven't done any woodworking projects... built my first lower though. Don't want to dip into my savings/remod funds, to get the LaRue rail I need to finish the upper....unemployment checks don't come quick enough:rolleyes:
Feast or Famine as it always has been in construction, just glad my property/house and vehicles are paid off.

06-06-09, 17:14
My advantages ran out in the first two months I was off. I gotta get back to it, Im dyin'.
I was laid off in January and my area is bad, theres NOTHING going on here :confused:. Ive never seen it like this before in my 10+ years in the trade. Ive been talking to a local contractor for a few weeks now and its looking like maybe next week I'll be back on the job.
Cant wait, need the money...

BTW- Mag case looks pretty good. ;)

You just have not been around construction long enough .

I experienced the oil / construction boom , when the bubble burst in the early 1980's . You could not buy a job ( do it for cost or less ) .

I kept saying it would happen again , sooner or latter . Unfortunately , I was correct . :-(

A VERY good reason to put some / all of those over time / boom $$$ in savings . And not to rack up debt .

Things were SLOW after 9-11 , also . And several other times .

Hope you find work .

God bless

Wild Bill
06-07-09, 02:07
Did your wife let you nail that to the door? :D

Wild Bill

06-07-09, 04:48
Finally I'm getting around to small projects and Ideas that have been clouding up my head..http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs096.snc1/4710_1050265188496_1581732288_30107580_1428873_n.jpg

Being an ISTJ, it's my duty to inform you, sir, that your mags are out of order. :D

Nice rack. :cool:

06-07-09, 07:24
What did you use for the plastic dividers?

Will Pmags/Lancers/Arc mags fit?

06-08-09, 01:54
way better than a cd rack +1

06-08-09, 09:18
can you build me addition on my house..lol

nice rack.....

06-08-09, 10:04
...nice rack.....

That is wrong in so many levels!! :eek: