View Full Version : Kwai Chang Caine is dead

06-04-09, 10:16

Forget about the octomom, jon and kate and their octokids, even forget about obalamadingdong's apology trip #2, this is really bad.

David Carradine was found dead in his hotel room in Bangkok, Thailand, apparently he hung himself.

06-04-09, 10:31
Just saw the news. That is pretty awful.

RIP Bill.

06-04-09, 11:29


06-04-09, 16:32
Sad news.

06-04-09, 16:45
It's always sad when someone dies.

This death is weird.

06-04-09, 17:31
Autoerotic asphyxiation...

Just sayin'

06-04-09, 17:35
Autoerotic asphyxiation...

Just sayin'

You are probably right. Unfortunately. Had a "friend" (more an acquaintance friend) that died that way about 20 years ago. Really sad whenever it happens.


06-04-09, 18:22
Autoerotic asphyxiation...

Just sayin'

Wow...I had to look that up!:eek:

06-04-09, 18:50
You are probably right. Unfortunately. Had a "friend" (more an acquaintance friend) that died that way about 20 years ago. Really sad whenever it happens.

The entire concept is almost impossible to believe. How could a seemingly normal human being be into something such as this?

I can't imagine a more dishonorable death.

06-04-09, 19:00
Needed a spotter.

06-04-09, 19:34
Hmmm... Perhaps a hit by the Thai Mafia?

Heavy Metal
06-04-09, 19:37
The entire concept is almost impossible to believe. How could a seemingly normal human being be into something such as this?

I can't imagine a more dishonorable death.

Even at seventysomething, he was David frikkin Carridine in Banfrikkinkock!

Why was he dating Rosie Palms and her five sisters in the easiest place to get laid in the solar system?!?!

06-04-09, 19:41
Me thinks there is more to this story...you will be told when ready grasshopper.

06-04-09, 20:42
Even at seventysomething, he was David frikkin Carridine in Banfrikkinkock!

Why was he dating Rosie Palms and her five sisters in the easiest place to get laid in the solar system?!?!

I will say that is a good question. Then again, anyone who would engage in such behaviors (assuming he did) is beyond rational analysis anyway.

06-05-09, 04:37
Autoerotic asphyxiation...

Just sayin'

I think you get the gold star !

From Fox:

Police Lt. Gen. Worapong Chewprecha told reporters that Carradine was found with a rope "tied around his penis and another rope around his neck."

"The two ropes were tied together," he said. "It is unclear whether he committed suicide or not or he died of suffocation or heart failure due to an orgasm."

06-05-09, 04:45
I think you get the gold star !

From Fox:

Police Lt. Gen. Worapong Chewprecha told reporters that Carradine was found with a rope "tied around his penis and another rope around his neck."

"The two ropes were tied together," he said. "It is unclear whether he committed suicide or not or he died of suffocation or heart failure due to an orgasm."

Too bad. Probably has some loneliness and depression and found solace through sexual experiences and screwed it up.

06-05-09, 05:53
I'm sure there's some other issues, but of all places, Bangkok? I heard you can get a girl for $10 for the whole night.

Robb Jensen
06-05-09, 05:55
I'm sure there's some other issues, but of all places, Bangkok? I heard you can get a girl for $10 for the whole night.

Mustabeenbroke. :confused:

06-05-09, 08:49
I'm sure there's some other issues, but of all places, Bangkok? I heard you can get a girl for $10 for the whole night.

True, at least in the early 90's it was.

"All day-all night same same, you and your friend. No shit Joe"

06-05-09, 08:49
Too bad. Probably has some loneliness and depression and found solace through sexual experiences and screwed it up.

Well, that is a rather generous assessment from his post-mortem point of view. Don't think I would summarize it the exact same way.

That is one deplorable activity to take part in under any circumstance. Can't possibly fathom seeing such "solace". I would feel far worse about myself after, which would lead to even more issues. And to say it doesn't sound like fun is a vast understatement, regardless of the moral dilemma.

People are scary.

06-05-09, 09:32
I think the principle question which remains to be answered is: did he die with a smile on his face?

On a more serious note, my experience has been that individuals seeking the "rush" or high from alcohol, drugs, sex, or high risk activities inevitably end up developing a greater and greater tolerance and, thus, must ingest or pursue more and more to achieve the desired effect, inevitably leading them to "raise the bar" to dangerous and often fatal levels.

I've known more than a few fellas who hooked up with some gal who really rocked their world by giving them something they had never had before and it ****ed 'em up pretty good. Who wants beer and pretzels after having sipped caviar and champagne, right? So they end up chasing bigger and bigger sexual highs and eventually get burned. That's not to say everybody who takes a little walk on the wild side is going to end up in a Motel 6 with two dead hookers and a chimp wearin' a bellhop's cap (or a Bangkok hotel with a rope around your neck and your joint), but it can be a dangerous game to play if you've got that type of "addictive" personality, for lack of a better description.

David Carradine was a great actor. I hope folks remember him for his accomplishments in life rather than the ignominious way he died.

06-05-09, 10:35
That's not to say everybody who takes a little walk on the wild side is going to end up in a Motel 6 with two dead hookers and a chimp wearin' a bellhop's cap.

That right there is how I want to go out. :cool:

06-05-09, 10:38
Autoerotic asphyxiation...

Just sayin'

CSI: Bangkok, dude. You nailed it!


Police Lt. Gen. Worapong Chewprecha told reporters that Carradine was found with a rope "tied around his penis and another rope around his neck."

"The two ropes were tied together," he said. "It is unclear whether he committed suicide or not or he died of suffocation or heart failure due to an orgasm."

06-05-09, 12:43
Bad things happen when you mix autoerotic asphyxiation and erectile dysfunction. Tie a rope around your neck and have to wait for a lazy johnson and you are heading for trouble...


06-05-09, 13:02
I read this on a humor forum and couldn't take it seriously until I got a link to the story.

Very unfortunate though.

And what's up with these extreme sexual fetishes!?

"Hey that's a great idea! Let me suffocate myself and jack off!" LOL:D

06-05-09, 13:25
There are some sick stuff out there. My buddy is a cop, a couple weeks ago he was called to a dead body. They found a guy in his mid 40s, naked, one hand on his "fetid fuselage" and the other hand (most of the digits anyway) in his "bomb bay". He said that was a first in his 20 year career.

06-05-09, 13:36
There are some sick stuff out there. My buddy is a cop, a couple weeks ago he was called to a dead body. They found a guy in his mid S, naked, one hand on his "fetid fuselage" and the other hand (most of the digits anyway) in his "bomb bay". He said that was a first in his 20 year career.

I see...

Would it be crazy to suggest that this thread is likely to head even further downhill from here?

06-05-09, 13:39
I see...

Would it be crazy to suggest that this thread is likely to head even further downhill from here?

They usually do :) after the first page, I'd be surprise if it doesn't take the wrong turn somewhere.

Thomas M-4
06-05-09, 13:40
There are some sick stuff out there. My buddy is a cop, a couple weeks ago he was called to a dead body. They found a guy in his mid 40s, naked, one hand on his "fetid fuselage" and the other hand (most of the digits anyway) in his "bomb bay". He said that was a first in his 20 year career.

WTF :confused::rolleyes:

06-05-09, 14:06
They usually do :) after the first page, I'd be surprise if it doesn't take the wrong turn somewhere.

Threads like these go downhill because we are human beings and we are curious about these odd events that take place every now and then.

Besides, it's human nature to tell stories and laugh about them and such.

It's called being social. :D

that being said......


06-05-09, 14:15
I'd be surprise if it doesn't take the wrong turn somewhere.

I think we took that turn already. :D

This is scary stuff, to be honest. I really don't want to believe people do these things.

06-05-09, 15:04
Naive :rolleyes:

06-05-09, 15:15
Naive :rolleyes:

Not naive, just disgusted. There is a real big difference.

I am well aware of what slop lurks out there, my good man. I just really would rather not hear nor think about it, as it is deeply disturbing and causes me great disappointment in my fellow man. Get it now?

I suppose that those who find this so commonplace may have other issues we need not discuss...

06-05-09, 15:16

I need a warning before something like this gets posted in the future. I'm still trying to get the tears out of my eyes from laughing so hard.

06-05-09, 15:18
Not naive, just disgusted. There is a real big difference.

I am well aware of what slop lurks out there, my good man. I just really would rather not hear nor think about it, as it is deeply disturbing and causes me great disappointment in my fellow man. Get it now?

I suppose that those who find this so commonplace may have other issues we need not discuss...

You have posted far too many times in this thread to maintain:
I just really would rather not hear nor think about it, as it is deeply disturbing and causes me great disappointment in my fellow man.


06-05-09, 15:24
I think it boils down to this: Death smiles at all of us. Some of us just choose to smile back. I think it's sad that the guy went out in such an obtuse way, but everyone goes sooner or later. Hopefully when it's my time, my wife and kids won't have to hear that it involved a monkey in a bellhop's cap. ;)

06-05-09, 15:29
So judgemental. I may have expected this on Warrior talk.

06-05-09, 15:34
You have posted far too many times in this thread to maintain:


You know, I suppose you have got me there. Although to be honest I kind of liked the guy (I was a child in the 70's and remember Kung-Fu well) and was sort of hoping it would turn out to be a mistake. Looks like that's not likely at this point, so actually I will move on as semi-suggested.

Regardless, you were wrong to call me naive. Have a good one and enjoy your reading. :)

Boss Hogg
06-05-09, 16:07
Bangkok would be at the top of my list for cities where one would need NOT rub one off with a rope around one's neck.


06-05-09, 16:27
I am a little saddened by the judgemental comments here saying he should have just bought a "hooker".

He was married. Maybe he felt some sort of responsibility of fidelity to his wife. Is it really better to buy a hooker than jack-off? Obviously he took it to the extreme and that judgement call was obviously not correct. But cheating on his wife may not have been an option and he may have felt lonely and depressed and was relieving that feeling the best he knew how without cheating on his wife.

I don't know if that was a consideration or not, but, maverick though he was, he was in his 70s and probably had some "old school" notions of honor and fidelity.

Just sayin'

not really up to us to judge the reason for it. The method and execution just sucked.

06-05-09, 17:40
I'm not one who judges, but what he did was extreme.

Having a sexual fetish is one thing, but one that is known for more accidental deaths than anything else in the world of sex is something else.

He became another statistic. Should've never happened but if you play with fire, you might get burned.

06-05-09, 17:47
I'm not one who judges, but what he did was extreme.

Having a sexual fetish is one thing, but one that is known for more accidental deaths than anything else in the world of sex is something else.

He became another statistic. Should've never happened but if you play with fire, you might get burned.


06-05-09, 18:25
Shit man, when you think about it...

dying from a sex game in a luxury hotel isn't the worst way to check out for a 72 year old.

He had a pretty good life.

06-05-09, 19:02
that being said......


Is it considered a freaky sexual fetish if I shit my pants laughing while cruising an internet site?

06-05-09, 20:39
it seems kung fu the legend continues will no longer continue

06-05-09, 21:44
Having a sexual fetish is one thing, but one that is known for more accidental deaths than anything else in the world of sex is something else.

Yes, this happens more often than many care to know. Mr. Carradine's celebrity may draw some attention to such "sexual mishaps," as sexual assault investigators might call it.

I have a colleague who works for San Francisco Robbery/Homicide -- yes, it IS everything you might imagine -- and some of the mishaps that result in accidental death are truly astonishing. While at the Death Investigations Course, we studied a case of accidental suffocation, resulting from a subject having dropped a carrot too far down his trachea while he was practicing his fellatio technique.

The cause of death was verified during the post-mortem, but the victim's undressed state and teeth-scraped knuckles were indicators -- even for those of us without enough brains to have become firefighters.

We cannot make this stuff up!

When it comes to such things -- if someone can imagine it -- someone has already tried it. The notion of "different strokes for different folks" is truly sublime. One person's revulsion is another's eroticism.

Kind of like libtards.

RIP Kwai Chang.

06-06-09, 13:24
A sadistic statistic!

Power 223
06-07-09, 06:51
Speaking of sadistic death in a strange way!!