View Full Version : Issues with North Korea...

06-08-09, 04:29



This situation has been stressing past out of control into a new category. Making a mockery of the UN seems to be North Korea's best game.

Discuss? What do you think should be done? Should we take military action?

06-08-09, 04:50



This situation has been stressing past out of control into a new category. Making a mockery of the UN seems to be North Korea's best game.

Discuss? What do you think should be done? Should we take military action?

Hard to make a mockery out of something that is itself, a mockery.

At least they aren't muslim... We might get away without having to apologize to them if we do in fact move beyond writing nasty letters and sanctions.

06-08-09, 06:26
My cousins boyfriend just left to do his mandatory 2 year stint for south Korea... That sucks you have to do 2 years or its punishment..N Korea is bad news and should always be taken as a possible threat:(

06-08-09, 07:37
Aside from the recent missile testing, the only thing that makes North Korea relevant to anyone is their ongoing abuse of their citizenry. That is the likely most horrifically oppressed society to be found anywhere in the world. I know the UN is going to do something decisive to finally help those desperate souls...:rolleyes:

I say China won't lift a finger to help them, but I could be wrong. We should gut their evil, disruptive political base via force and let them rebuild on their own. Anything is better than what they have now. The US can strike them by air and let South Korea go in and occupy. Maybe that would prevent another Iraq as well as appease China, but the again maybe not.

Regardless, something needs to be done with the bastards. Enough is enough.

06-08-09, 11:59
Aside from the recent missile testing, the only thing that makes North Korea relevant to anyone is their ongoing abuse of their citizenry. That is the likely most horrifically oppressed society to be found anywhere in the world. I know the UN is going to do something decisive to finally help those desperate souls...:rolleyes:

I say China won't lift a finger to help them, but I could be wrong. We should gut their evil, disruptive political base via force and let them rebuild on their own. Anything is better than what they have now. The US can strike them by air and let South Korea go in and occupy. Maybe that would prevent another Iraq as well as appease China, but the again maybe not.

Regardless, something needs to be done with the bastards. Enough is enough.

Oh, but Hilary stated she may restore NK to the "bad people" list. :rolleyes:

About the only thing that I can see as saving us in this situation is China. China has way more interest in preserving the trade it has with the US than coming to the aid of their communist Korean brothers. Without China NK is nothing.

Wild Bill
06-08-09, 14:05
The South Koreans are very aware that there is a war on over there even if the US doesn't get it. The South Koreans were always very friendly to the Marines when I was there for Team Spirit Exercises in the early 80s.

Wild Bill

06-08-09, 17:17
IIRC , the ROK's had a significant number of people in Iraq for a while.

The US had the most , followed by the UK , and the ROK was 3rd in numbers.

11-21-10, 08:41
Yeah, I know this is an old thread. I just am trying to avoid new threads on similar subjects


Scientist: NKorea built uranium enriching facility
