View Full Version : Eberlestock Operator Review (I've Searched)

06-09-09, 01:28
Hey All,

I am an avid hiker and outdoors man. In '99 my good backpack was stolen, and I have been using an external frame for the last several years as I have not been going on over nights as much as I would like due to graduate school ext.

I am at a point that I want to buy a good quality pack for long hikes (3-7 days). My fiance has a great pack and between us we are capable of splitting all of our needs between the two hikers, but I want a better pack.

But I also want a pack that I "bug out" for good if need be (meaning I want a place for an AR that is subtle for getting through population centers where flaunting an AR will cause more harm then good), that I am capable of securing my firearm within the pack. Before I started searching the tactical community I was looking at buying an Osprey because I could fit the gun in it collapsed but I recently found the Eberlsestock G4, and it looks perfect.

I am hesitant though to purchase a pack that I will use to hike in without fitting it or hearing any reviews. I have found reviews of this companies GunSlinger Pack, but not the Operator http://www.eberlestock.com/G4%20Operator.htm.

My questions are regarding ergonomics and hiking. Is this pack up to par with the civilian issue high end back packing equipment? Does the position of the firearm being between the main load of the pack and the users back effect the feel and function of the pack?

Any thoughts you all may have would be much appreciated.
