View Full Version : The one thing you wish was cheaper?

06-11-09, 02:46
Curious to the responses.

06-11-09, 02:55
Divorce. Not going through one yet, but it may be coming.

06-11-09, 03:09
Gotta go with ammo.

06-11-09, 05:40
I commute 110 miles a day guess which one I picked.

06-11-09, 06:42
My wife.

06-11-09, 07:46
My wife.

I guess everyone's largest expense was left off the list.:confused:

06-11-09, 07:54
My Vote:

06-11-09, 08:15
My Vote:


06-11-09, 08:43
I picked taxes....it pretty much drives everything else...:(

06-11-09, 09:17
I picked taxes....it pretty much drives everything else...:(

If the government did not steal 45% of your income through a multilevel tax structure, you would have enough funds for your other hobbies.

06-11-09, 09:31
I picked food, kids eat like theres no tommorrow and their still scrawny/healthy, its freaking 10 dollars for 5 pounds of shitty hamburger

Ammo was a close second right after wife LOL

If the government did not steal 45% of your income through a multilevel tax structure, you would have enough funds for your other hobbies.

WOw, I just did the math, Im loosing easily 40% of my income just for taxes...wow I didnt realize I was being fleeced so much

06-11-09, 09:45

I just noticed yesterday that food prices have increased substantially. I think we are seeing the first signs of an overall inflationary trend. When oil spikes again, we are going to really feel the pinch.


06-11-09, 10:11
My wife.


06-11-09, 10:56
I picked taxes....it pretty much drives everything else...:(

ding! We have a winner

06-11-09, 11:47
I just noticed yesterday that food prices have increased substantially. I think we are seeing the first signs of an overall inflationary trend. When oil spikes again, we are going to really feel the pinch.

Groceries/food is what I have the toughest time with in each month's budget.

06-11-09, 13:16
I voted ammo...

But the cost of trips to the grocery store do seem to have increased dramatically as of late.:(

06-11-09, 13:27

I just noticed yesterday that food prices have increased substantially. I think we are seeing the first signs of an overall inflationary trend. When oil spikes again, we are going to really feel the pinch.


I work in the grocery biz and prices have been climbing for a few years now. Anyone remember a few years ago how much coffee and sugar went up?? When sugar goes up it affects a lot of the items you consume. Check your labels for corn syrup,high fructose syrup and such. I was shocked when a box of plain cheerios was almost $5 :eek: I have 3 boys so I know about food costs.


06-11-09, 13:32
I've noticed a pretty dramatic increase in my area just over the last several months.

06-11-09, 13:37
With a family with kids, food no doubt. Monthly grocery bill is now higher than my mortgage. I miss the days of just the wife and I 15 years ago buying our weekly groceries for $50, including plenty of meats.

Oil is my second choice at current prices, but if oil spkies again like last year, that would be my first choice since that raises prices for everything else in our fossil fuel driven economy.

06-11-09, 14:20
I picked taxes....it pretty much drives everything else...:(

Same vote for same reason.

06-11-09, 14:34
Less taxes would mean smaller government.:eek:

06-11-09, 15:04
Another vote for lower taxes :mad:

06-11-09, 15:16
Less taxes would mean smaller government.:eek:

hahaha.. yeah right. They'd cut programs before they actually cut back the actual SIZE of Gov't. Those Senators need those 100+ people working for them, so they'll cut funding to the roads (or some other important stuff) first.

I really don't mind paying taxes, I just wish those that spend them were held accountable and it was spent wisely. (but that's asking too much)

06-11-09, 15:26
If the government did not steal 45% of your income through a multilevel tax structure, you would have enough funds for your other hobbies.

The problem is that everyone else would have more disposable income as well, so the prices would rise to account for that and your real purchasing power would not change.

I do agree (for other reasons) that our taxes are way too high and our government is way too big.

06-11-09, 16:26
Ammo for me. This "Obama Effect" has virtually priced the "joy of shooting", out of the hands of the common American.

06-11-09, 19:39
I vote Fuel...I've stockpiled food and ammo for years. Being retired, divorced,and off the grid and the IRS screen, travel get's expensive.

06-11-09, 19:49
Other: divorce.

06-11-09, 21:55
Taxes.... Because, without big brothers hand in my pocket, I can afford to buy more of everything;)

06-11-09, 22:51
Other: Energy. It's a building block for just about everything. Cheap energy lowers the price of everything else.

If you're not thinking on quite that large a scale, my second answer is ammo.

06-11-09, 23:08
I wish there were fewer government subsidies. Then real estate, food, taxes, and education would be cheaper.

Having to pick one...ammo. I rent, I don't drive great distances, and I don't eat much. Though if taxes were cheaper I could afford to pay higher ammo prices.

06-11-09, 23:48

Market forces control the rest and I can choose not to buy (or buy in greater moderation) all of the other things listed. I have no say in my taxes ... not how much is collected, and not how it's spent.

06-12-09, 00:26
I had to go with ammo due to last weekend. I went into Gander Mountain to look around and saw two boxes of Hornady 75 grain TAP on the shelf. I thought, "boy am I lucky." Well, I got to the counter, the guy rang the two boxes up...$79.92. Two dollars a round? WTF! I pushed the two boxes back to him and walked out.

Semper Fi,

06-12-09, 00:38

Market forces control the rest and I can choose not to buy (or buy in greater moderation) all of the other things listed. I have no say in my taxes ... not how much is collected, and not how it's spent.

Damn! I voted for food. I was thinking that the one thing you definitely need is to eat.

But, when you say it like that, I want to change my vote to taxes.

06-12-09, 01:09

Market forces control the rest and I can choose not to buy (or buy in greater moderation) all of the other things listed. I have no say in my taxes ... not how much is collected, and not how it's spent.

You mean market forces WOULD control the rest if government didn't see fit to meddle.;) We pay farmers to not grow crops. College tuition has absolutely skyrocketed since student loans came about(my father paid his entire tuition each year with a summer job.) Bank bailouts? It wouldn't be wrong to call it real estate price fixing. Never mind how government inflated the bubble in the first place.

Provided government would actually reduce it's size and scope you'd be correct. History hasn't shown that to be the case. A reasonable person receiving less money would spend less. A government receiving less money borrows and prints, and continues growing anyway.

So given the choices available, I think reducing taxes wouldn't lower the other prices. Given the governments propensity to print money, they'd get more expensive. Whether or not low taxes would save you more money than the other things being cheaper depends on your income level.

06-12-09, 08:18
So given the choices available, I think reducing taxes wouldn't lower the other prices.

I didn't say it would.

I pay more in taxes each year than I spend on food, fuel, ammo, or even my mortgage. Lowering my taxes would save me real money.

06-12-09, 08:49
I didn't say it would.

I pay more in taxes each year than I spend on food, fuel, ammo, or even my mortgage. Lowering my taxes would save me real money.

Damn you people who shoulder an unfair portion of the welfare state!:D No worries, while my current earned income as a college student working part time at a certain Fudd store sometimes distorts my perception about how fricken much people are required to pay, I understand you fully.

The reason I'm vehemently opposed to the tax code differs. I view it as slavery, where the government thinks it owns my labor and allows me to keep a portion of my earnings. Even if the rates were much lower I think the basic premise is pretty abominable.

06-12-09, 09:29
Another vote for taxes.

06-12-09, 10:03
We pay farmers to not grow crops.

Hate to nitpick, but at least in my corner of the world, that is not going on anymore. There's the CRP program where the government pays you to plant grass on highly errodable farmground. That's the only thing resembling the concept of paying farmers to not grow crops, that's still in existence that I'm aware of.

I guess if I wanted something cheaper it would either be fuel or taxes.

06-12-09, 10:37
Same vote for same reason.

Same here. Taxes are pretty much eating up a third of my earned income. All the other items' cost fluctuate with the economy where as my taxes seem to hold steady no matter how bad things are.

Plus, I can find ways to cut back on the other stuff if I need to. JM2CW.