View Full Version : Small rant against the online media

06-11-09, 07:19
-the remarks by Reverend Wright concerning that "the Jews won't let Obama talk to him" aren't on CNN. Instead we hear about a serial killer of cats. No anti-Semites associated with Obama on CNN, no sir! Not even newsworthy. Neither is Letterman's tasteless "jokes" about Palin. There is the breathless headline " GOP has self-esteem issues, poll suggests"

-images.google.com has "participate in the Obama Time Capsule Project" right up front in the center. This from a company who has former executives working for Obama. attempting to help regulate/oversee their own industry.

06-11-09, 09:10
I'm with you Bro! Look at the overwhelming coverage on Dr.Tiller's shooting and little or none on the Muslim coward that shot Pvt. Long.

06-11-09, 18:14
I'm with you Bro! Look at the overwhelming coverage on Dr.Tiller's shooting and little or none on the Muslim coward that shot Pvt. Long.

The other day on the news they were talking about "Dr George Tiller who was gunned down in cold blood in his place of worship, apparently was a dr that also performed abortions" :rolleyes:

06-11-09, 19:12
I personally haven't watched the Commie News Network or those other POS liberal news orgs, in years. Letterman makes me wanna puke with his BS referring to Palin's 14 year old daughter being raped, who was in attendance at the game, then later back pedaling in a retarded CYA statement, claiming he was referring to Palin's older daughter, who was not in attendance. As if the rape of a 19 year old is OK. What a ****ing douche bag. I get the news from Fox almost exclusively, except when trapped in the airports, where they only broadcast CNN.:mad:

**** that hate mongering Rev Wright. He meant to say Obama's staff won't allow HIS sorry ass to talk to him. ;)

06-12-09, 14:11
the wright comments were actually the subject of a CNN sponsored blog:



K.L. Davis
06-12-09, 14:22


06-13-09, 18:25
I listen to Fox News on satellite radio. It's the only way to stay informed.

06-13-09, 23:28
Beleive me, fox has its times when you have to do a double take and scratch your head. All be it few and far between. But as far as the big wigs in news, i would agree that fox is the less biased of them all. It seems they get stereo typed more than needed for being conservative simply because 90% of the time they just dont put a partisan spin on it. I.E they dont slant the news to the left or right most of the time. The way news SHOULD be.:rolleyes: But hey, give the obamanator a few more weeks to get nationalized healthcare up and goin then he can start working on making it illegal to speak low of his comrades. Hitler would have been proud..............

06-13-09, 23:58
fox is slanted right. i'm a far-right wackjob, and i can see that.

i dont watch any news. **** all news. what little news i get i get here. headlines don't peak my curiosity anymore- i could see "JESUS HAS RETURNED!" on the Comcast welcome screen when i check my email, and I still wouldn't click on it. all news is biased, all news is slanted, all news is full of corporate ****s pushing their own agendas and worshipping ad revenue.

my life is so much more peaceful now. if something major happens, someone will tell me about it... i'm the guy with all the guns, afterall. they'll need me.