View Full Version : What snake is this thing, Black Rat Snake?

06-11-09, 14:58
Found in my yard, South Western PA, North of Pittsburgh a bit.

It was aggressive and nasty. I looked a bit on the Google-Fu site and I kind of thought some kind of Rat Snake. This damn thing wanted me dead. Good thing it's not poisenous, because before I caught a glimps of it coming at my face it was too late. I got my right hand up as I jerk/spun my face to the left away from the tree branch and he hit my hand drawing blood. I back peddled a bit and came back in slowly to grab him and he shocked the heck out of me when he lunged again and got me skipping and jumping backwards.

I went and grabbed a pair of MIG welding gloves and got him, I took him for a short ride on the Rhino and let him free down maybe 500 yards from the driveway.

This is the second super-ubber-nasty-violent tree snake I have found at the edge of my driveway. The one last year looked very similar, and he grabbed me 3 times before I got wise enough to go get the leather gloves.

If you know what this thing is for sure, let me know. All I know is it is pissed off.... and so was his mom last year. Must be Democrats....violent rodents that would just as soon kill you if given half a chance.




06-11-09, 15:07
Whatever it is... it's big enough to chop it's head off with a long handed shovel!!! *shivers*

To quote Indiana Jones... "Snakes... why did it have to be snakes!"

(I have an aversion to snakes, they don't like me, and I don't like them more!)

06-11-09, 15:08
It does indeed look like an adult rat snake, from the photos and description.

link (http://www.paherps.com/herps/snakes/rat_snake)

Venomous or non-venomous?


(from http://www.fish.state.pa.us/factsnake.htm)

Brock Landers
06-11-09, 15:13
I'm 99% sure that it is a black rat snake based on appearance and behavior. They're great climbers and aggressive as hell. I've had too many close encounters with them myself.

You're a brave man. I'd be screaming like a little girl.:p

06-11-09, 15:22
I kind of thought it was a Black Rat. They were both very similar looking, honestly it may be the same damn snake. I know this... if you see one of these out of the corner of your eye..... DUCK! I'm talking one pissed off, nearly airborn snake with it's mouth open nearly 180° coming at your eye ball.

Once it bites you, you have no choice but to capture and examine it. What if it were something not so "harmless"..... ya got to know what just took a chunk of your ass!

I'm not afraid of snakes, I kind of find them to be interesting.... but I'm not used to snakes being the aggressor. Normally we see black snakes, and they could be much larger than this Rat... but Black Snakes are wimps. Until you get it trapped or cornered... A black will just keep trying to escape. This rat snake wanted dinner, and I was his hamburger!

I'm not a big fan of it/them hanging around the edge of my driveway where my kids play..... if it jumps at one of them and bites them..... I will be bound by honor to burn and/or destroy half the state of PA to make sure that whatever hurt my baby....DIES.

06-11-09, 15:27
I agree on the rat snake ID. I've found several of them in the yard lately.

As mentioned, they can be aggressive and they will chase you if you disturb them too much. Fast bastards, too. I leave them alone as long as they return the favor. Any of them take off after me or my boys and they meet a quick, violent death.

I keep a double-barrel .410 over the back door just for that reason.

06-11-09, 15:40
Can we get the expert mountain man, scottryan in here?

Scott, input please?

How should we mere mortals identify and handle this beast of reverence?

06-11-09, 16:11
We need to talk about that stuff on your face........ :D :p

06-11-09, 16:22
To me it looks like some variation of a King snake. However they usually are not aggressive towards humans at all. Additionally its head certainly appears to be that of a member of the rat or racer family. In any case nice catch and hopefully a live release. As much as some people have an unreasonable fear of them, snakes really are a beneficial animal to have around.

06-11-09, 16:28
We need to talk about that stuff on your face........ :D :p

Now that right there is funny! My facial hair morphs..... that was what I like to call the end of the life cycle. just as my haircut grows in and turns more grey until I go in for a #1 on the sides..... that resets the clock. every couple months I shave clean and reset the clock on the face.

06-11-09, 16:33
Now that right there is funny! My facial hair morphs..... that was what I like to call the end of the life cycle. just as my haircut grows in and turns more grey until I go in for a #1 on the sides..... that resets the clock. every couple months I shave clean and reset the clock on the face.

I used not shave until I got a haircut as well. Ended up having a jihad beard in a short time. ;)

06-11-09, 16:44
I think that's a Black Racer. Not a Black Rat snake. he's pretty skinny and long for a Rat snake.

keep those guys around, the only thing you're hurting are the rodents.

06-11-09, 16:58
Now that right there is funny! My facial hair morphs..... that was what I like to call the end of the life cycle. just as my haircut grows in and turns more grey until I go in for a #1 on the sides..... that resets the clock. every couple months I shave clean and reset the clock on the face.

Damn snake probably thought you had fangs... it was just defending itself!

06-11-09, 18:14
"This damn thing wanted me dead" ROFLMAO
kRYST that's funny Larry!!!

You are a fine cool headed fellow to have managed that as you did. I grew up in the north where I could chase and catch every snake I saw with impunity and didn't really mind the common water snakes chewing on me a little in the process.

But I was on the offense. If that thing struck at me by surprise . . . jeeezus! :D

06-11-09, 18:57
We need to talk about that stuff on your face........ :D :p

I think it matches the Dodge grill on the shirt nicely.:cool:

06-11-09, 23:05
Most definitely a black rat snake. Once they get older, they have the orange/grey coloration in between their black scales. They are very aggressive but very harmless to human.

ETA: If you have a brick building/home around you see if you can corner him around it. They can climb straight up a brick wall by locking their belly scales into the morter. I think it is pretty impressive.

06-12-09, 08:26
This is a picture I took at 6am today while pbacking out to leave for work. The lower side of the hill along the driveway is where both of these man eaters were found at about head high in the tree branches. They lay in wait of an unsuspecting hillbilly with odd facial hair to wander into its path.... and they strike with the speed and agility only known by extreme predators and hungry fat women at a buffet bar!

I don't know... to me, my house does not look like a snake haven......


06-12-09, 08:32
Venomous or non-venomous?

The venomous snakes of North America are (not counting subspecies): rattlesnake, cottonmouth, coral snake, and copperhead. In other words, most snakes are harmless until you pick them up and they urinate on your clothes :D

06-12-09, 08:35
Like Indy Jones, I hate snakes, venomous or not. :mad:

06-12-09, 08:37
The venomous snakes of North America are (not counting subspecies): rattlesnake, cottonmouth, coral snake, and copperhead. In other words, most snakes are harmless until you pick them up and they urinate on your clothes :D

Oh, I know all about that - I've also been pissed on by many snakes. I just wanted to post that guide.

The most interesting snake I've personally run into was a rattler.

06-12-09, 08:40
Thanks for not killing it. Good thing to have around to keep the rodent population down.

06-12-09, 08:43

You need some simulation time with snakes:


06-12-09, 08:46
Thanks for not killing it. Good thing to have around to keep the rodent population down.

+1. I'd rather have a snake around than a danged rabbit, rat, or mouse. I respect predators more than prey. Snakes leave you alone for the most part (besides cottonmouths that chase you) and don't spread disease.

Coolest thing I ever saw was a golden eagle attacking a bullsnake. Looked like a scene inspired by the Mexican peso. The eagle's wings were just about from edge of the dirt road to the other.

06-12-09, 12:59
Funny you posted that Larry. I had a *luckily* mundane encounter with one a few weeks back while hiking in the Southern part of the Shawangunk Ridge (Ulster County, NY). I spotted it scaling the side of a huge boulder out of the corner of my eye only 2-3feet away from me. After taking notice, I was the lead, I had everyone stop and retreat and let the snake do its business continuing to climb the boulder at nearly vertical angles. Whoever said these things can climb is right on the money.

06-13-09, 00:03
The captive bred or a young caught black rat like that makes a fascinating and enjoyable pet. They are usually doscle too. Thanks for not killing it.

06-13-09, 09:27
I too have many ordeals with snakes down in FL. It's not uncommon to step out on the back porch in the morning afternoon night and come foot to face with a rattler. I tend to find those curled up on the back porch. I tell my family not to put items that they could hide in or under on the porch but who listens? One morning they females decided it was a good idea to put the plastic kiddie pool on the porch leaned up on the wall. Next morning 2ft adolecent rattle snake was curled up under it. Lucky I found it and not the kiddies. 1 whack with the machette and it was all over. We have a pond out back and Lake Apopka behind it so gators and snakes are prevelant. A large population of frogs congregates everywhere around us so I have many encounters of the 3rd kind. been chased by black racers and rat snakes, garters, you name it alomst everytime I cut grass! I only kill the rattle snakes though. Sorry Steve Irwin (GRHS) too deadly to keep around the house with little ones unable to defend themselves.

06-13-09, 21:57
I know up where i lived we have a real bad problem every year with copperheads. I live or lived rather, in eastern KY and now i live in the city:rolleyes: But ive known several times where black snakes and copperheads mix i guess, and you get the idea all you have is a harmless black snake but in reality its poisenous. I dont know how this happens to tell you the truth but i know it happens. you cant tell its a copperhead till you get right up on it, which sometimes is too late. I cant tell you how many times ive lifted a peice a plywood or scrap and almost shat my pants. Thats why when i treck through the woods i try an keep my "judge" revolver, its quite the little snake gun with some .410's in it. Hell, your snake problem might just be that excuse youve been looking for to buy another gun:D

Heavy Metal
06-13-09, 22:43
The real danger handling a Black Rat snake is it will musk you like a junior grade skunk.

06-13-09, 23:37
what 10MMGary said, King Snake, PLEASE, for heavens sake, don't anyone ever kill a non venomous snake just because you don't like snakes.., unless of course you like rats, mice, gophers and similar vermin more so.

when walking my Dog last week i killed a Sidewinder, at least i believe it was, as it was moving sideways and had that light sandy color with the all present black & white stripped tail with 5 rattles on the end. :D

06-14-09, 00:34
They can not interbreed. If you are anywhere near water (or even a wet environment), I would bet that what you are seeing is a Cottonmouth. Up in the midwest they look like a fat black/dirty brown/OD copperhead. They are usually much more aggressive that the average copperhead also. The common Black Rat Snake (as per OP) can flatten it's head out and puff it's gut out enough that the average person would mistake them for a venomous snake also.

I know up where i lived we have a real bad problem every year with copperheads. I live or lived rather, in eastern KY and now i live in the city:rolleyes: But ive known several times where black snakes and copperheads mix i guess, and you get the idea all you have is a harmless black snake but in reality its poisenous. I dont know how this happens to tell you the truth but i know it happens. you cant tell its a copperhead till you get right up on it, which sometimes is too late. I cant tell you how many times ive lifted a peice a plywood or scrap and almost shat my pants. Thats why when i treck through the woods i try an keep my "judge" revolver, its quite the little snake gun with some .410's in it. Hell, your snake problem might just be that excuse youve been looking for to buy another gun:D

06-14-09, 00:37
The real danger handling a Black Rat snake is it will musk you like a junior grade skunk.

They do stink like a SOB, but not as bad as most water snakes. At least they don't usually shit on you like smaller snakes.

06-14-09, 07:46
I know up where i lived we have a real bad problem every year with copperheads. I live or lived rather, in eastern KY and now i live in the city:rolleyes: But ive known several times where black snakes and copperheads mix i guess, and you get the idea all you have is a harmless black snake but in reality its poisenous. I dont know how this happens to tell you the truth but i know it happens. you cant tell its a copperhead till you get right up on it, which sometimes is too late. I cant tell you how many times ive lifted a peice a plywood or scrap and almost shat my pants. Thats why when i treck through the woods i try an keep my "judge" revolver, its quite the little snake gun with some .410's in it. Hell, your snake problem might just be that excuse youve been looking for to buy another gun:D

WTH, I didn't realize that "The Island of Dr. Moreau" was in eastern KY:D.

06-14-09, 07:59
The real danger handling a Black Rat snake is it will musk you like a junior grade skunk.

I'll bet I smelled one yesterday while doing yard work. I swear I smelled a skunk yesterday and even commented to the kids that I thought a skunk was somewhere around. Now I wonder if a Rat snake was hanging out close by.

Heavy Metal
06-14-09, 10:25
I know up where i lived we have a real bad problem every year with copperheads. I live or lived rather, in eastern KY and now i live in the city:rolleyes: But ive known several times where black snakes and copperheads mix i guess, and you get the idea all you have is a harmless black snake but in reality its poisenous. I dont know how this happens to tell you the truth but i know it happens. you cant tell its a copperhead till you get right up on it, which sometimes is too late. I cant tell you how many times ive lifted a peice a plywood or scrap and almost shat my pants. Thats why when i treck through the woods i try an keep my "judge" revolver, its quite the little snake gun with some .410's in it. Hell, your snake problem might just be that excuse youve been looking for to buy another gun:D

Black Snakes and Copperheads cannot interbreed. They might share a den but they absolutely cannot interbreed. You would have better luck crossing a dog and a cat.