View Full Version : Things kids say......

06-13-09, 22:33
For anyone who has kids, have they ever said things you wish they wouldn't or didn't have to say? I was talking to my wife over Yahoo messenger when she told me my 2 1/2 year old son says his daddy is in Iraq whenever someone asks him or he sees my picture on the computer. She also said his older brother will wake up and say he misses daddy. He even tried to type daddy in the IM window. Besides the one time I've heard my oldest say "what the hell?" I wish they didn't have to say that kind of thing.

Sorry if it's not firearms related at all, but I felt like I had to say it. End of rant.

06-13-09, 22:44
I know its hard on you Brother .I hope you are reunited with them soon:D Be Safe.sometimes hearing from my daughter is better than "My silly old gun stuff "as she says.

06-13-09, 23:17
I know its not even close to the feeling of the war affecting you and your kids, but i know its hard as hell to see friends away fighting but yet still swelling up with pride from being able to know someone like that. Hang in their man.

06-14-09, 08:37
My son yelled out in the middle of the grocery store "Daddy, look at the little man!!" 1st time he ever saw a 'little person'.....I wanted to crawl in a hole. The guy took it all in stride. There are lots more and now that he is 10 and his sister 7, they are saying things daily that raise an eyebrow & I don't think it is going to get any easier.

Hang in there amigo. Words can't say thanks enough & stay safe....on the way to church and we'll throw one up for you, wife and the kids. Keep focused on the job and as stated, hope the gang is back together ASAP!!!

06-14-09, 08:44
that's no rant,
that's the reason you must live!
stay strong.
be proud of your boys.

i thank you for your service.

06-14-09, 11:27
At the range a while back my 8 yr old was watching the mall ninja at the next firing lane and then blurts out " Dad, that guy can't hit crap " ........:eek: I turned 2shades of red and had to keep from laughing out loud !! P.S. He was right about the guys shooting :D


06-14-09, 11:40
My son yelled out in the middle of the grocery store "Daddy, look at the little man!!" 1st time he ever saw a 'little person'.....I wanted to crawl in a hole. The guy took it all in stride. .

"Why's that lady so fat?", points to the lady at the end of the aisle.

"Do you have a penis?", to the lady when we can't escape.

"What happened to your arms/legs/etc", to folks with disabilities.

"You don't look fat mom. You look big." (Epic toddler FAIL.)

"That guy's weird, I'm glad you've got your gun" in the line at the store.

"But his sh*t is weak, dad", talking about a teammate in a league. Epic mom-look.

"I'm about to fix your malfunction, boy" to another kid on the playground at school.

"You're doing it wrong" to various customers in various gunstores.

"Don't point that gun at me", to various customers in various gunstores.

"All guns are always loaded", to various salesmen in various gunstores.

Most of this, ages ~2.5-4.

Good opportunities for dialogue, but various levels of embarassment, hilarity, and pride.

06-14-09, 11:46
At the range a while back my 8 yr old was watching the mall ninja at the next firing lane and then blurts out " Dad, that guy can't hit crap " ........:eek: I turned 2shades of red and had to keep from laughing out loud !! P.S. He was right about the guys shooting :D


Kids have a way of cutting through all the crap and being honest dont they?

I have a nearly two year old Grandson who lives with me...well the other day I was working on the dryer when I dropped a screwdriver. I blurted out "Son of a" thats when I noticed him standing there looking at me.
In a loud sing song voice and right in front of his Mom and Grandma...my Grandson Rylan finishes with..."Bitch! Pop pop."
Ooops, I wonder where he has heard that at before I asked the wife. She didn't buy my excuse so I was in the dog house with her and my daughter and have been informed that I must now watch my language.

06-14-09, 12:36
Your quotes are hilarious. I would be proud if my future(as in not born yet) son said he was about to fix a malfunction. A boy with confidence is not so common any more. I can't count how many sissy boys(like my brother's step son) I've seen whine, cry, and want to run from a tough spot.

Anyway, thanks for the laugh. I needed it. I'll be sharing your post with the wife.

"That guy's weird, I'm glad you've got your gun" in the line at the store.:D

"But his sh*t is weak, dad", talking about a teammate in a league. Epic mom-look.:eek:

"I'm about to fix your malfunction, boy" to another kid on the playground at school.

06-14-09, 12:47
[QUOTE=Skintop911;389341"You don't look fat mom. You look big." (Epic toddler FAIL.)

My 10yr old son got a quote from Family Guy and really got Mommy when they were razzing eachother one night which seems to be a ritual in this house and perfectly dropped a bomb saying at least he did not have any 'side boobs' (man, he was on the chit list that night) Me and the boy could not stop laughing.

06-14-09, 18:30
that's no rant,
that's the reason you must live!
stay strong.
be proud of your boys.

i thank you for your service.

I am proud of them. For all of the fighting between each other it makes me proud to see the oldest stand up for his little brother when he's getting picked on. So what if he smacked some other kid? It was for the right reason, defending someone weaker than himself. At least that is getting through.

Skintop, that is some very funny stuff.

06-14-09, 18:45
For anyone who has kids, have they ever said things you wish they wouldn't or didn't have to say? I was talking to my wife over Yahoo messenger when she told me my 2 1/2 year old son says his daddy is in Iraq whenever someone asks him or he sees my picture on the computer. She also said his older brother will wake up and say he misses daddy. He even tried to type daddy in the IM window. Besides the one time I've heard my oldest say "what the hell?" I wish they didn't have to say that kind of thing.

Sorry if it's not firearms related at all, but I felt like I had to say it. End of rant.

It's tough dude. It was harder when I came back. I'm out now but been deployed to various places where I collected the extra pay, but it was different with Iraq. I was very frustrated there and my frustration continued when I got back. Bosnia, Kosovo, South America, Miami, and such deployments were fine. When I got back from Iraq I was different. Cost me my marriage. I tried to get help too late. If you'd like to talk about it let me know.

06-14-09, 19:37
yesterday, at a U7 soccer game, my 7 year old, who is generally extremely mild mannered, got a bit flustered

*Dad brag on* he is one helacious soccer player...player of the year in his league before, lead goal scorer on his team, and a totally different person on the soccer field...which is fine...i was like that all the way through college athletics and beyond *dad brag off*

at any rate, we had played this team before, and their strategy is pretty much "hack a shaq" except with my son...yes, some people take U7 soccer seriously enough to actually tell their players to try and take out other kids...

so yesterday, the game was close, scoreless for most of the first half, and i can tell my son is getting frustrated at the amount of fouls...especially when he has break aways...

at one point, in the second quarter, he breaks away and clearly would score when he gets tackled...not slide tackled...football tackled

and he gets up...loud as can be and says..

"Oh the shit is on now, meat"...

Later in the second quarter he finally scores gets up and yells


i had to ask the coach to take him out of the game so I could talk to him...

but....they won 2-0, and he scored the only goals, so I guess that shit really was on :D

(and Thank God his mother wasn't there...because even though I totally didn't tell him to say that, it would have sooooo been my fault...)

06-14-09, 19:48
It's tough dude. It was harder when I came back. I'm out now but been deployed to various places where I collected the extra pay, but it was different with Iraq. I was very frustrated there and my frustration continued when I got back. Bosnia, Kosovo, South America, Miami, and such deployments were fine. When I got back from Iraq I was different. Cost me my marriage. I tried to get help too late. If you'd like to talk about it let me know.

It's not so much the stress that gets to me. I can go to the gym and work out my frustrations on a pile of metal. What bothers me is knowing I've missed out on so much of my sons growing up and will continue to miss a lot since I plan on retiring from the Army and if everything goes like I'm hoping will be gone more frequently than I am now.

06-15-09, 07:44
It's not so much the stress that gets to me. I can go to the gym and work out my frustrations on a pile of metal. What bothers me is knowing I've missed out on so much of my sons growing up and will continue to miss a lot since I plan on retiring from the Army and if everything goes like I'm hoping will be gone more frequently than I am now.

I got my dummy orders changed 5 days so I could see my daughter born. Three days later I was doing a tailgate jump with SOCEUR. Didn't see her again until she was 18 months old. It hurt me but her mom did a good job at showing pictures and stuff. I made the time that we were together extra special. Today - she is 10 and lives with me. We're very close.

It's not the amount of time you are with your kids that matters. It's what you do with that quality time that will have the biggest impact on their lives.

10-12-09, 21:54
It's not so much the stress that gets to me. I can go to the gym and work out my frustrations on a pile of metal. What bothers me is knowing I've missed out on so much of my sons growing up and will continue to miss a lot since I plan on retiring from the Army and if everything goes like I'm hoping will be gone more frequently than I am now.

Just got back to see mine. Will be back a few months and then off again.


10-12-09, 22:45
What an awesome thread. But to the OP.,,,See it out man, you'll be fine, I have said a kind prayer for you and yours. I'm not a very religious guy, but when I have wished for good things to happen to good folks, they usually do. I was in a bad way once too, thank goodness for my job, a civy would'nt be able to handle it. Hang in there and come home safe.;)

10-13-09, 00:05
For anyone who has kids, have they ever said things you wish they wouldn't or didn't have to say? I was talking to my wife over Yahoo messenger when she told me my 2 1/2 year old son says his daddy is in Iraq whenever someone asks him or he sees my picture on the computer. She also said his older brother will wake up and say he misses daddy. He even tried to type daddy in the IM window. Besides the one time I've heard my oldest say "what the hell?" I wish they didn't have to say that kind of thing.

Sorry if it's not firearms related at all, but I felt like I had to say it. End of rant.

There's lots worse things your kids could be saying about Daddy. Just saying.

10-13-09, 11:09
My son yelled out in the middle of the grocery store "Daddy, look at the little man!!" 1st time he ever saw a 'little person'.....I wanted to crawl in a hole. The guy took it all in stride.

Similar event happened to me and my son a few years back. I took him to one of those Comic Book Conventions and my son, about 4 years old at the time, said he had to go to the bathroom. So as we're walking in, out walks Kenny Baker, a.k.a. "R2-D2" from Star Wars fame and my son totally freaks out. He had never seen a little person and he just stopped in his tracks, eyes wide open, mouth hanging open and just points to him as he passes by. :eek:

I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the bathroom!

10-13-09, 16:11
Got a new one from my 12 yr old last night at his baseball game. He got up to bat 3 times and was walked 3 times on 14 pitches and man, he was pissed. That kid is a hitter so I know he is getting frustrated so when the last at bat he has bases loaded and one of the kids on his 12 yr old all star team is pitching for the other team and walks him on 4 consecutive balls. He thows his bat to the side and starts towards first and says to his friend at the mound " that sucks balls, throw me something to hit you pussy " :eek: It was an oh shit moment for me. I had to have a chat with him after he got back to the dugout. We never talked like that at 12-13 did we ???


10-13-09, 17:03
We never talked like that at 12-13 did we ???

I know I sure as hell did...as did many of the guys on my baseball teams at those ages. :cool:

10-14-09, 13:07
Maybe I just like to think that I did not talk like that when I was that young. I think it was most likely much worse what I would have said :D I had a bad temper and wanted to win at everything I did!!


10-14-09, 14:23
I have three boys, 8,6,and 4 and they say stuff almost everyday that makes me laugh. This is probably one of the best things about having three boys. The worst thing is that almost everything I own is broke, scratched, or tore up.

10-14-09, 14:55
I have three boys, 8,6,and 4 and they say stuff almost everyday that makes me laugh. This is probably one of the best things about having three boys. The worst thing is that almost everything I own is broke, scratched, or tore up.

Same here, My 3 boys are 12,8,2 and all of them are redheads like my wife...lol But they are some damn good baseball players !! My 8 yr old had a game last night too and he hit a bases loaded triple to the fence :D:D He came home with the game ball and called me while I was at the older ones game so he could brag that he hits better than his older brother !!


10-14-09, 20:14
I can't claim this one but it makes laugh every time I think about it: "Look out daddy, she's going to back up." In the grocery store when a very hefty lady's pager went off.