View Full Version : Sen Boxer To General: Call Me Senator

06-18-09, 14:29

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06-18-09, 14:32
F**k you, Senator.

06-18-09, 14:35
I didn't realize that ma'am was a pejorative term :rolleyes:
I am sure General Walsh would be very offended if someone called him "sir" :rolleyes:

06-18-09, 14:42
How about F$%& you Senator.

06-18-09, 14:47
When a general in the Army calls you "ma'am" he is deferring to your authoritative position...

06-18-09, 15:21
What a stupid bitch.

06-18-09, 15:37
Wow... how disrespectful... I wonder if she called him General every time she addressed him. Afterall, he worked very hard for that title.

What a hobag, I mean Senator Hobag... she worked hard for that title!

06-18-09, 15:40
that vain bitch dont like being called ma'am cause it makes her feel old.

06-18-09, 16:02
Wow - ditto on "what a bitch"

06-18-09, 16:19
Yes Senator Bitch... err... Senator Boxer!! :p

Left Sig
06-18-09, 17:20
She didn't "work hard" for that title. She ran a public campaign to get it. Big difference.

Now, a Brigadier General? HE worked hard to get that title. Probably harder in his first year as an officer than Senator Boxer has ever worked in her life. Hell, I'm sure he worked harder to even get his commission in the first place!

06-18-09, 17:24
Arrogance and vanity all wrapped up in the skin of a bitch.

06-18-09, 17:33
She didn't "work hard" for that title. She ran a public campaign to get it. Big difference.

Now, a Brigadier General? HE worked hard to get that title. Probably harder in his first year as an officer than Senator Boxer has ever worked in her life. Hell, I'm sure he worked harder to even get his commission in the first place!

wow,aint that the truth!

06-18-09, 19:08
that vain bitch dont like being called ma'am cause it makes her feel like a female.

Fixed it for ya...

06-18-09, 19:20
Arrogance and vanity all wrapped up in the skin of a bitch.

Perfectly stated!

06-18-09, 19:29
What a wretched wench.

06-18-09, 22:11
that arrogant slug bitch is a shining example of why this country is fast going down the shitter.

06-19-09, 00:54
Excuse me SENATOR, you appear to have something jammed up your ass.

06-19-09, 05:18
So fella here's this cranky bitches contact page, feel free to leave her a note, just be warned that you might get audited, or lose your investors or die under mysterious circumstances.


Oh and if anybody in California can recomend a good proctologist for that bug up her ass you might want to pass that along as well :D

06-19-09, 07:35

06-19-09, 07:54
I think C.U.N.T. just got a new definition. How F'n disrespectful can you be.

06-19-09, 08:20
Sounds just like a whiny woman. Bitch bitch bitch.

06-19-09, 10:11
Where is Brutus when you need him?

06-19-09, 10:28
I feel the same way about the Senator as everyone else here, but I need to add this in:

The General's Staff screwed the pouch on this one. Boxer would have been eating out of his hand had he used the "Boxer Protocol." Once Boxer did the 'correction,' as far as she was concerned she was running the dyke.

The General addressing her as Senator from the beginning would have kept her in her seat and left him in charge.

06-19-09, 10:50
I know he wouldn't/couldn't say this, but I wish this is how he would have handled it...

G - "Then, with respect senator, you will address me as General. Afterall, I've put in a lot of hard work to get that title"

SB - "But I'm not in the Military"

G - "Senator, and I'm not a civilian!"

06-19-09, 12:20
From a transcript:

Bitch: "You know, do me a favor, could say 'senator' instead of 'ma'am?'"

BG Walsh: "Yes, ma'am."

Bitch: "It's just a thing, I worked so hard to get that title, so I'd appreciate it, yes, thank you."

BG Walsh: "Yes, senator."

Best option:

Bitch: "You know, do me a favor, could say 'senator' instead of 'ma'am?'"

BG Walsh: "Yes, ma'am senator ma'am." :D

06-19-09, 12:48
To be fair, we have only seen the one little cut of the conversation/inquiry/hearing.

I am not taking the bitch's part, but if the fine general was addressing the male senators on the panel as 'senator' and her as ma'am, then she had the right to request him to address her as senator as well. The general should not make himself guilty of gender discrimination. She is still a total bitch for doing it in public platform anyway

If on the other hand, the fine general was addressing the male senators as 'sir' and her as ma'am, then she is an even bigger bitch.

06-19-09, 14:09
To be fair, we have only seen the one little cut of the conversation/inquiry/hearing.

I am not taking the bitch's part, but if the fine general was addressing the male senators on the panel as 'senator' and her as ma'am, then she had the right to request him to address her as senator as well. The general should not make himself guilty of gender discrimination. She is still a total bitch for doing it in public platform anyway

If on the other hand, the fine general was addressing the male senators as 'sir' and her as ma'am, then she is an even bigger bitch.

You don't call a man out in public. Especially over trivial things. Especially when that man has esteem over you. You don't compare your "hard work" to that of a military general. You don't interrupt a man when he is talking. You don't distract from larger issues at hand simply to argue salutations. She is the product of a generation that knows better. There isn't a reason on earth that excuses what she said, how she said it, and when she said it.

06-19-09, 14:47
You don't call a man out in public. Especially over trivial things. Especially when that man has esteem over you. You don't compare your "hard work" to that of a military general. You don't interrupt a man when he is talking. You don't distract from larger issues at hand simply to argue salutations. She is the product of a generation that knows better. There isn't a reason on earth that excuses what she said, how she said it, and when she said it.
Very well put. If he had been calling her something really condescending like "little lady" or "you chest thumping bitch" then I could understand her making it a public issue. The fact that he was using a term of respect, but not her PREFERRED term of respect, gives her no excuse.

And yes, the whole "I've worked hard" thing is a bunch of ****ing bullshit. She obviously has a bone to pick. Who among us hasn't at one time called someone by an incorrect title? Ever call a Dr "Mr" by mistake? Did he freak out at you about how hard he worked? Maybe if he was a dick: but not that I've personally witnessed unless someone was actively trying to antagonize. He was clearly not trying to antagonize her so she shouldn't get her panties in a bunch.

I have heard second hand that he was referring to the male senators as "sir" but cannot personally confirm as I have not seen extended footage. So I don't really want to spread rumors on the errornet and I freely admit that what I heard could be totally wrong.

06-19-09, 16:23
You don't call a man out in public. Especially over trivial things. Especially when that man has esteem over you. You don't compare your "hard work" to that of a military general. You don't interrupt a man when he is talking. You don't distract from larger issues at hand simply to argue salutations. She is the product of a generation that knows better. There isn't a reason on earth that excuses what she said, how she said it, and when she said it.

Unless you are so full of self importance that you believe you are above us ordinary worker bees.

Her attitude is typical of most Congress Critters in DC that are there by the grace of the people that they despise.

The time has come for a Congress Flush. Every representative and Senator should be fired and fresh blood introduced that will truly represent "WE THE PEOPLE"

Where is the Congress REST button?

06-19-09, 20:54
Ever call a Dr "Mr" by mistake? Did he freak out at you about how hard he worked? Maybe if he was a dick: but not that I've personally witnessed unless someone was actively trying to antagonize.

I used to be a Golf Professional and we had to call everyone Mr., Mrs., Dr., Judge etc. On like my second day on the job I called a gentlemen Mr. (insert last name). He got all upset and interrupted me and said it's doctor (insert last name) and don't you forget it! The guy was such a dick, obviously! I commented that while I do understand that he has worked hard I would have thought that he would have displayed a little bit more professionalism on his part. Did he treat his patients so condescending in his office if they called him by his first name even? I told him my grandfather and mother didn't require me or anyone of my friends or anyone for that matter to address them as doctor and they sure as hell earned it! The guy was speechless and the funny thing was he came up to me a few days later and apologized. To me it doesn't matter what one's title is persay, but the manner in which you treat people. On a side not the best time was when one of the judges got to tee off in certain events and I got to use the ol' Caddy Shack line of "your honor your honor"!

Regarding the OP's topic: It is very sad that today we get caught up in certain titles and I have now listened to the entire section between the general and senator cuntbag and while I wish the good general would have put her in her place it just goes to show you how professional our military are in situations like this being able to bite their tongue. Much repsect for him and that bitch just went down a few more notches in her peers' eyes if we're lucky. Hopefully she will be voted out next go around too!

06-19-09, 22:12
I was never on for hero worship or give undeserved praise to the brass, but what Gen. David Petraeus has done for our country could never be repaid. During the hearing regarding the surge Sen. Boxer talked to him was an outrage.

Please California, fire her.

06-19-09, 22:14
To be fair, we have only seen the one little cut of the conversation/inquiry/hearing.

I am not taking the bitch's part, but if the fine general was addressing the male senators on the panel as 'senator' and her as ma'am, then she had the right to request him to address her as senator as well. The general should not make himself guilty of gender discrimination. She is still a total bitch for doing it in public platform anyway

If on the other hand, the fine general was addressing the male senators as 'sir' and her as ma'am, then she is an even bigger bitch.

Good point.

06-19-09, 22:22
She always follows her own rules! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpU_BYI9d24&feature=response_watch

06-20-09, 07:00
It's an Army thing. If you are junior in rank, you address a senior officer as "Sir" or "Maam". If you are a senior officer, you call your subordinate by his/her rank. The General was showing respect by calling the senator "Maam" instead of her rank ("Senator").

They aren't perfect, but I will ALWAYS trust a military officer more than a politician.

06-20-09, 09:53
Maybe she should focus on fixing her totally messed up / failing / bankrupt state instead of how she wants to be addressed.

Term limits is the only way to fix this kind of attitude....what a tool.

MSP "Sarge"
06-20-09, 12:58
hahahaha You said " Term Limits" hahaha:D

06-20-09, 18:17
I gotta name for her... :mad:

06-20-09, 23:58
To be fair, we have only seen the one little cut of the conversation/inquiry/hearing...

In the military, we were trained to address those of a higher rank, whether Commissioned Officers or CIVILIANS, as "sir" and "ma' am". This is a sign of respect.

Those who are being disrespected are usually addressed by their rank or a facsimile of it (ie: Sarge, Loo-tenanant, El-Tee, etc.).

Your excuse has the maxiumum effective range of zero meters. JM2CW.

Kyle E. Coyote
06-21-09, 00:17
I hate to actually reccomend something from the Mel Gibson playbook, but I'd have laughed my shorts off if he'd responded with something along the lines of "My apologies, Senator Sugartits."

06-21-09, 06:25
Unless you are so full of self importance that you believe you are above us ordinary worker bees.

Her attitude is typical of most Congress Critters in DC that are there by the grace of the people that they despise.

The time has come for a Congress Flush. Every representative and Senator should be fired and fresh blood introduced that will truly represent "WE THE PEOPLE"

Where is the Congress REST button?

Dude great idea, let's do it up like jury duty, sure you'll get some retards every once in a while, but I don't see them doing worse at getting a balanced budget than the ivy league educated lawyers running things now.

06-21-09, 18:19
Will "pompous bitch" suffice?