View Full Version : Gates Orders Measures to Protect Hawaii From North Korea Missile

06-18-09, 15:14

June 18 (Bloomberg) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates said he has ordered the U.S. military to take defensive measures should North Korea attempt to fire a ballistic missile toward Hawaii.

“I think we are in a good position, should it become necessary, to protect American territory,” Gates told reporters at the Pentagon today.

06-18-09, 15:40
I thought everyone loved us in the New "Happy Changey" World Order. Ah, well. Misled by the media again.

06-18-09, 16:16
If NK keeps going down this path, the UN will have no choice but to write another strongly worded letter.

06-18-09, 16:20
Nahh.. they might go farther and fart in their general direction while telling them their mother was a hampster.

Apparently, the US is tracking a ship that may have weapons and nuclear material aboard. I say they call B-7 and sink that ship!

06-18-09, 16:26
Nahh.. they might go farther and fart in their general direction while telling them their mother was a hampster.

Apparently, the US is tracking a ship that may have weapons and nuclear material aboard. I say they call B-7 and sink that ship!

As the U.N., if you do not cease this provocative action we will have no choice.......but to burn your toast in the morning.

buzz_knox, all you have to do is sit down and have a reasonable conversation with them and they will back down from their evil plans. After all, this method of dealing with hostiles has worked since the beggining of time, oh wait...........

06-18-09, 18:15
After all, he's... wait for it... so ronery, oh so ronery!:D

In all seriousness, though, I hope we don't back down if he actually goes through with this. Kinda hard to make a rational case against missile defense under these circumstances, eh?

06-18-09, 18:16
Guess we dont need that ballistic missile shield after all....:rolleyes:

Thanks for axing it NoBrainama

06-18-09, 19:37
I think we should help North Korea.

Give them the technical assistance needed to hit San Francisco.

I think it would be a win win situation.

06-18-09, 19:42
Please don't.

06-18-09, 19:43
Nahh.. they might go farther and fart in their general direction while telling them their mother was a hampster.

Apparently, the US is tracking a ship that may have weapons and nuclear material aboard. I say they call B-7 and sink that ship!

The UN is such a joke that the resolution to stop them form shipping arms will not even allow the ship to be boarded with out NK ok.

06-18-09, 19:51
So when the previous administration wanted to fund theater anti-missile defense systems, they were called "destabilizing" by the Democrats.

But the first thing Secretary Gates does (and properly, I might add) is to send those very same assets to Hawaii.

The same systems they voted to cut $2 BILLION in funding for in FY2010.

So all you Hawaii Democrats that voted for Obama, take note. When it starts raining something heavier than volcanic ash, remember who you elected out there.


06-18-09, 19:58
I think we should help North Korea.

Give them the technical assistance needed to hit San Francisco.

I think it would be a win win situation.

then hollyweird afterward.

06-19-09, 09:11
if i were the SECDEF, and the NK missile gets close to Hawaii, within 500 miles,i would respond with a non nuke, but very high explosive warhead to NKs capitol city, Pyongyang :D

06-19-09, 13:24
I think we showed our capabilities shooting down our own sattelite last year

06-19-09, 13:58
I'm not really worried.

06-19-09, 21:47
So when the previous administration wanted to fund theater anti-missile defense systems, they were called "destabilizing" by the Democrats.

But the first thing Secretary Gates does (and properly, I might add) is to send those very same assets to Hawaii.

The same systems they voted to cut $2 BILLION in funding for in FY2010.

So all you Hawaii Democrats that voted for Obama, take note. When it starts raining something heavier than volcanic ash, remember who you elected out there.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but didnt Gates say the system was ineffective recently. IIRC, during the budget process he said we would only spend money on effective weapons systems, something to that effect.

06-19-09, 23:29
Nice that I'll be on leave in Hawaii for the next 10 days!! Perfect timing!! Oh well, guess I can always pop into Hickam if the SHTF!

06-20-09, 01:39
We have nothing to worry about because the UN sent them a letter telling them to be nice:eek:

06-20-09, 03:25

06-20-09, 03:47
I think we should help North Korea.

Give them the technical assistance needed to hit San Francisco.

I think it would be a win win situation.

Thanks. Been serving here for three years. Not everyone in SF is a stupid hippie, but yes I hate it here also.