View Full Version : GOOD NEWS! AZ SB1270

06-24-09, 00:20
I have not read this in it's entirety but so far it looks very good for Arizona residents. http://www.azleg.gov/DocumentsForBill.asp?Bill_Number=SB1270 It looks very similar to a Vermont or Alaska style concealed carry which I think is a big step in the right direction. What are your thoughts?

06-24-09, 07:33
Since I posted this late west coast time thought I'd bump it for the east coasters for them to check out. Have a good one.

06-24-09, 07:43
it's a good law but meaningless to me as i am not a bar hopper, sporting events attendee etc., i go to our local shooting range once a week and carry at all times, if i have to stop at a store for something, i carry, sometimes openly other times concealed, why ? because i can :D

06-24-09, 08:11

Thanks for the word. Right now I'd be happy if they would just finish up with the restaurant/ bar bill that has been bouncing around. The way I understand it the current legislative session is getting ready for summer break and won't be back in session until September.

06-24-09, 09:41
Glad to see they are moving in the right dirrection on that in any case.

Recently flew out to AZ for a week, have reciprocity and so I carried. Needing to disarm to go to a noodle joint just because they sell beer seemed beyond silly. My state doesn't have that silliness and even allows carry with up to a .04 BAC . . . which means of course that the average adult can enjoy one beer or glass of wine with a meal. 1/2 the legal limit for driving seems quite reasonable.

Apart from while slurping down a bowl of noodles, I didn't find myself impaired by AZ law in any way. Very thankful for reciprocity, my visit to IL a week later was much more nervous.