View Full Version : Pirate Hunting Cruises Being Offered in Russia

06-24-09, 18:09
Pirate Hunting Cruises Being Offered in Russia

Pirate hunting cruises along the African coast are being offered by private yachts in Russia. For £3,500 per day customers can sail along the coast of Somalia at low speed to entice a pirate into attacking.

Former special forces troops are on board to make sure no harm comes to the wealthy punters. If a pirate does take the bait, they are met with machine gun, rocket, and grenade fire. For an extra fee, customers can hire an AK-47 and join in.

"They are worse than the pirates. At least the pirates have the decency to take hostages, these people are just paying to commit murder," said Vladimir Mironov, a Russian yachtsman.


06-24-09, 18:10
Hell Yeah!!!

I know here I'm going on my next vacation!

06-24-09, 22:04
I think the same thing was on the onion a while back except it was a somali pirate cruise.


06-24-09, 22:09
You need to take anything from Ananova with a huge grain of salt.

06-24-09, 22:12
Enticing priates to attack, so you can kill them.....

Enticing burglars to break into your home, so you can kill them.....

Which is wrong? Which is right?

06-24-09, 22:44
Enticing priates to attack, so you can kill them.....

Enticing burglars to break into your home, so you can kill them.....

Which is wrong? Which is right?


06-24-09, 22:48
Enticing priates to attack, so you can kill them.....

Enticing burglars to break into your home, so you can kill them.....

Which is wrong? Which is right?

hard to say both are criminals :) and they had a choice not to break in or pirate :)

how do you entice a burglar ? heheheheh

hear burglar burglar burglar !!! hear boy I have some treats inside ?
leave a trail of pennies or nickels to your door ;)


sorry just having fun

06-24-09, 23:00
Wow - talk about the dark side of humor. Fear of backlash especially if there are truly terrorist ties might keep this from flying.

06-25-09, 11:09
This plan sounds like a great way for Somali pirates to lure wealthy idiots into their waters so they can get a big ransom...with a nice cut for the "guards" on the yacht. :)

06-26-09, 02:49
I really don't know what to say about this one. On one hand the title made me smile, on the other hand, I can see it being very wrong.

I'll toss a coin later...

:D or :( ...?

06-26-09, 12:30
I see it like getting both sides cleaned up a bit :)

kinda like if we could get all gang members together and give them guns and let them shoot it out till the end and tell them the last standing gets a million bucks and a new house :)

the catch being the new house has no windows or doors :)

I think its wacked to go hunting people but at the same time the pirates are not normal citizens of any country