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View Full Version : HBO's "The Pacific" Trailer

06-25-09, 05:05
Here is the trailer for HBO's upcoming series, "The Pacific" which is due out in the spring next year. I am really looking forward to this series and hope it is as good or better than Band of Brothers.


06-25-09, 07:47
That looks like it will be great! "I love ammunition"... :p

11-10-09, 23:55
Here is another trailer for the show which is due out in March.....


11-11-09, 00:02
This is gonna be awesome...:D

11-11-09, 00:06
About time!

11-11-09, 00:28
I can hardly wait!!!

11-11-09, 01:00
This series and Band of Brothers make me feel like a piece of dogshit. I feel so inadequate thinking about my life and then thinking about what our brave soldiers went through in this great war and all other wars so I can sit here and type this freely. God bless them all.

I truly hope this will be a good as Band of Brothers.

11-12-09, 03:59
Looks like I need to add HBO.

11-12-09, 04:04
has the premier date in march 2010 been set yet? hopefully it isn't delayed, been anticipating this miniseries for a long time!

11-12-09, 21:45
i'm sure the director will build an "intense" scenografy, just like the movie and the previous series.

11-12-09, 23:37
For the WWII buffs out there set your DVR's this weekend as The History Channel is debuting WWII in HD. Should be an excellent series.


11-18-09, 12:59
Sounds like three of the characters will be based on actual Marines:
Gunnery Sergeant Jon Basilone: Earned a Medal of Honor in the Solomon Islands and a Navy Cross on Iwo Jima. Gsgt Basilone insisted on going back to his unit after a War Bond tour in CONUS.

Eugene B. ( Sledgehammer ) Sledge. He went on to teach biology and wrote a couple of books: "With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa" and " China Marine ". He tells it like he saw it.

Robert Leckie: He wrote "Helmet for my Pillow" ,"The Wars of America" and a long list of history books. He was a self-discribed "brig-rat".

Both Sledge and Leckie went to school using the GI Bill. Their books are available on Amazon.
ETA: Worth a search , IMO , Sledge in particular....


All three Marines have a page on Wiki:

12-16-09, 17:20
This could finally be the WWII movie for Marines that they deserve.

03-01-10, 07:44
This HBO series has some serious potential. If it is true to the spirit of Sledge's book , it will be very grim.

03-01-10, 08:32
Here is the trailer for HBO's upcoming series, "The Pacific" which is due out in the spring next year. I am really looking forward to this series and hope it is as good or better than Band of Brothers.



The linked site attempted to attack my computer.

ETA: Post reported.

03-01-10, 10:46
This could finally be the WWII movie for Marines that they deserve.

Roger that. My grandad was USMC in the Pacific from '43-'45. He saw lots of action. I'm amazed he made it through. He had brass balls. He spoke very little of the war, but he did speak highly of the BAR he carried.

Definately part of the greatest generation.

If The Pacific is half of what Band of Brothers was, it will be good. WWII in HD is also highly recommended and very well done.

03-01-10, 11:28
if its anywhere as good as Band of Brothers, which IMO is the best tv mini-series EVER PRODUCED, then this will be good as well.

03-01-10, 11:31
With the Old Breed by EB Sledge (http://www.amazon.com/Old-Breed-At-Peleliu-Okinawa/dp/0195067142) is the finest book about WWII I've ever read. Band of Brothers was good but this is just stark and well written. The Marines went through pure hell island hopping.

03-01-10, 11:37
I'm optimistic. I just hope that this mini series pays proper homage to the Marines hat fought in the PTO, and isn't a redux of The Thin Red Line.....

03-01-10, 12:09
Opinions differ. I thought that the "Thin Red Line " was OK. Could have been better , but it is very possible that the new HBO series might borrow a concept or two from the Jones book if not the movie.

03-01-10, 15:43
Video from the HBO site:
The Pacific: Marines of the Pacific - Robert Leckie (HBO )


Frank Castle
03-01-10, 19:51
Friendly heads up, AT&T U-Verse is currently running a special in which subscribers can get HBO free for 3 months.

03-03-10, 06:59
The companion book to the HBO Miniseries: The Pacific, By Hugh Ambrose.

The Amazon page includes 2 excellent video clips.

03-03-10, 11:24
I see this is starting up in just under 2 weeks.

This should be good.

03-05-10, 08:42
More and more video is appearing on the HBO The Pacific site. This is trailer 5:


Warning: There is some harsh language at about the one minute mark. Sounds like the War Bonds sales promotion tour left a bad taste in the Gunny's mouth.

03-05-10, 10:05
Any of you Marines out there get Leatherneck? Very good feature about this in the old magazine. The write-up indicates that this will be a frank look at warfare in the Pacific--the courage and honor, and the bad stuff too. It ought to be as good as Band of Brothers.

It looks like they had some challenges with interweaving the stories of their three main characters. There was no one "D-Day" in the Pacific, and no one unit that fought all the way through; so the main characters did not serve together in the same unit. They did serve with some of the same people, and some other characters were "invented" based on multiple real-life Marines to connect the characters further. This is basically three separate stories of the war stitched together like a great American quilt. If they pull it off, I believe it will be better than Band of Brothers. If they don't pull it off, it'll still be good for the war junkies out there.

03-05-10, 12:09
The Pacifc: Marines of the Pacific - John Basilone .

Manilla John Basilone was 1 or 2 generations removed from the old country . The video does not mention it , but : When he was earning the MOH in the Solomons , Mussolini's Fascist forces were killing & crippling Americans in North Africa.

03-05-10, 13:52
HBO.com says March 14th

03-10-10, 08:00
Curious now how they will be presenting the war.


But the context for Hanks’ history lessons has changed. Band of Brothers, HBO’s best-selling DVD to date, began airing two days before 9/11; The Pacific, his new 10-hour epic about the Pacific theater in World War II, plays out against a very different backdrop, when the country is weary of war and American exceptionalism is a much tougher sell. World War II in the European theater was a case of massive armies arrayed against an unambiguous evil. The Pacific war was mainly fought by isolated groups of men and was overlaid by a sense that our foes were fundamentally different from us. In that sense, the war in the Pacific bears a closer relation to the complex war on terrorism the U.S. is waging now, making the new series a trickier prospect but one with potential for more depth and resonance. “Certainly, we wanted to honor U.S. bravery in The Pacific,” Hanks says. “But we also wanted to have people say, ‘We didn’t know our troops did that to Japanese people.’”…

And he is pleased that The Pacific has fulfilled an obligation to our World War II vets. He doesn’t see the series as simply eye-opening history. He hopes it offers Americans a chance to ponder the sacrifices of our current soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. “From the outset, we wanted to make people wonder how our troops can re-enter society in the first place,” Hanks says. “How could they just pick up their lives and get on with the rest of us? Back in World War II, we viewed the Japanese as ‘yellow, slant-eyed dogs’ that believed in different gods. They were out to kill us because our way of living was different. We, in turn, wanted to annihilate them because they were different. Does that sound familiar, by any chance, to what’s going on today?”

03-10-10, 08:58
I was lucky enough to see the first episode and 5 minutes of trailers of other episodes last night at the Philadelphia HBO premere. It was very good. Similar to BoB, because of the writing, directing, music and producers but also very different. Since it is based on only 3 main charictars , two who survived and wrote books and are now deceased, and one, a CMH winner who died in battle, it dosent have that personal link as much as BoB does, at least not in the first episode. Maybe that will deleop later. The cinimatography was excellent. The first hour seems to start out slow then all of a sudden the action starts and you wont belive an hour has passed. The first fire fight was intense. I think it will be a huge hit.

03-10-10, 09:04
For those of you with Comcast, they're currently running a special on HBO:

$10/month for six months, which includes both the main HD channel and all the other HBO varieties (Signature, West, etc.)

Frank Castle
03-10-10, 10:39
Curious now how they will be presenting the war.


No kidding. I have been awaiting the release of this miniseries for nearly a year and just upgraded our cable package for all the receivers in our house. Mr. Hanks comments over the last couple of weeks leading up to the premiere have been very disappointing to say the least. Hopefully much of his drivel will not make it into the series. To see these men portrayed as anything other than our greatest generation would be a grievous error of truly epic proportions IMO.

03-10-10, 13:13
No kidding. I have been awaiting the release of this miniseries for nearly a year and just upgraded our cable package for all the receivers in our house. Mr. Hanks comments over the last couple of weeks leading up to the premiere have been very disappointing to say the least. Hopefully much of his drivel will not make it into the series. To see these men portrayed as anything other than our greatest generation would be a grievous error of truly epic proportions IMO.

I am also hoping he does not slant it to much one way ?

with quotes like this

"Certainly, we wanted to honor U.S. bravery in The Pacific," Hanks says. "But we also wanted to have people say, 'We didn't know our troops did that to Japanese people.'

I guess he also should show the light what the Japanese GOV did to its people and the lies it told its people and the brainwashing it did to its people !!!

and to then show that the troops had to fight this way their was no other choice !

to say our troops did that to japanese ? we treated them very well compared with what they did to our soldiers

I really hope it is a good series without trying to plant a anti message just let the story speak for itself

03-15-10, 08:38
Someone mentioned this trailer on another thread:

The Pacifc: Marines of the Pacific - John Basilone .

Manilla John Basilone was 1 or 2 generations removed from the old country . The video does not mention it , but : When he was earning the MOH in the Solomons , Mussolini's Fascist forces were killing & crippling Americans in North Africa.

03-15-10, 11:02
people are over analyzing, both sides of every war do horrible crap, this is nothing new

03-15-10, 11:40
Curious now how they will be presenting the war.


Man, that makes me mad. I hope they show the barbarism of the Japanese as well.

03-15-10, 13:52
Man, that makes me mad. I hope they show the barbarism of the Japanese as well.

I think they started to when they showed the soldiers tied to a tree butchered... I think we will see the Jap's accurately depicted in this series... They were evil butchers and I think that is what will be shown in due time. Its only aired for 52 minutes, give it time.

03-15-10, 15:30
I think they started to when they showed the soldiers tied to a tree butchered... I think we will see the Jap's accurately depicted in this series... They were evil butchers and I think that is what will be shown in due time. Its only aired for 52 minutes, give it time.

I am thinking along these lines :) or so I hope it shows the real side of things

the butchered guys and the guy killing the medic trying to help the guy out shows some reality ? so fingers crossed and of course I will still watch it and hope they cant go to far from the truth and the screen writers did not change the books to much :)

03-15-10, 17:33
WW2 guy on the topic of Japanese prisoners:


Some units did better than others in terms of using 'terps and taking full advantage of enemy weaknesses.