View Full Version : If You Live in TN., ME., NH., UT., IN., FL. or OH.

Bob Reed
06-26-09, 14:54
Quote by The ANTI-Gun PUNK they just put into office: "Too much work [was] left undone. After a few sleepless nights, I wrote for myself a list of issues on which I needed to do more in the years ahead. One of those issues was global regulation of small arms." -- Harold Hongju Koh (2001).


On Wednesday, Senate Republicans attempted to kill the Koh nomination
with a filibuster -- until eight of them crossed the aisle to help
Democrats confirm Koh.

The back-stabbing Senators are: Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Susan Collins
(R-ME), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Richard Lugar (R-IN), Mel
Martinez (R-FL), Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and George Voinovich (R-OH).

Once the filibuster was thwarted, Koh's nomination passed easily.

If you live in one of the states mentioned above, Please contact your Spineless RINO and let "IT" know just how you feel about their "switching-sides" and The PUNK they helped gain office in order to further Destroy YOUR RIGHTS!

06-26-09, 15:08
Interesting. Since when did a firearms forum become a political blog for the right wing of the Republican Party? Not to burst your bubble, but not everyone on this forum shares your political views.

06-26-09, 15:17
On second thought, if it needs to be explained, I doubt it would be understood.

Bob Reed
06-26-09, 15:24
Interesting. Since when did a firearms forum become a political blog for the right wing of the Republican Party? Not to burst your bubble, but not everyone on this forum shares your political views.
Quote by The ANTI-Gun PUNK they just put into office: "Too much work [was] left undone. After a few sleepless nights, I wrote for myself a list of issues on which I needed to do more in the years ahead. One of those issues was global regulation of small arms." -- Harold Hongju Koh (2001).

Are you telling me that this Anti-Gun, Koh Punk, being in office doesn't bother you???

06-26-09, 15:40
A few of those names surprised me a little bit. One of those names, I actually considered (for a short time) supporting his run for president a few elections back.

I'm not part of the "Right Wing of the republican Party". I'm just an American with conservative views who feels that the laws of this country should not be influenced by the United Nations or other organizations made up of foriegn governments. To be honest I'm about ready to declare myself an independent. But, if I did that, I would miss out on the opportunity to infuence party action at a grass roots level.

06-26-09, 16:46
:mad: Who would have guessed?

Richard Lugar (R-IN)

He is a rat who needs to be run out of office!!!


06-26-09, 18:08
On second thought, if it needs to be explained, I doubt it would be understood.

I was going to attempt an explanation but I think you said it best.

06-26-09, 18:59
Interesting. Since when did a firearms forum become a political blog for the right wing of the Republican Party? Not to burst your bubble, but not everyone on this forum shares your political views.

The current crop of Obamacrats would eliminate firearms and this forum if they could. Wake up America. Vote 'em out in 2010.

06-26-09, 19:05
folks who dont understand this, well, they will have reaped due to their ignorance.

we all have to political for our cause. it is not just the republicans...its politicians in general.


when this quack gives opinion on a small arms treaty that would have us turn-in the 2nd amendment to be in line with other socialist like countries...what will you say then.

06-26-09, 20:13
Interesting. Since when did a firearms forum become a political blog for the right wing of the Republican Party? Not to burst your bubble, but not everyone on this forum shares your political views.

Interesting, coming from a guy with an explative on his avatar.

06-26-09, 22:34
Interesting, coming from a guy with an explative on his avatar.

I believe that's "an expletive".;)

06-26-09, 23:37

06-27-09, 02:08
Just sent Hatch a message.