View Full Version : stumbleupon.com

06-27-09, 22:45
If you know what stumbleupon.com is, please explain it to me.

Normally, I get about 1,000 visitors a day to my website.

Yesterday, I got over 10,000 ... about 7,000 of whom came from stumbleupon.com along with a huge increase in referrals from search engines like Google and Yahoo.

Did I get implicated in Michael Jackson's death or something?

Robb Jensen
06-27-09, 22:46
Must be people stalking you...

06-27-09, 22:59
Maybe people are searching for free ammo.

K.L. Davis
06-27-09, 23:07
It is a cummunity rating and AI that recommends websites based on your interests... there are plugins for Firefox et al...

StumbleUpon is an Internet community that allows its users to discover and rate Web pages, photos, and videos. It is a personalized recommendation engine which uses peer and social-networking principles.

Web pages are presented when the user clicks the "Stumble!" button on the browser's toolbar. StumbleUpon chooses which Web page to display based on the user's ratings of previous pages, ratings by his/her friends, and by the ratings of users with similar interests. Users can rate or choose not to rate any Web page with a thumbs up or thumbs down, and clicking the Stumble button resembles "channel-surfing" the Web. StumbleUpon also allows their users to indicate their interests from a list of nearly 500 topics to produce relevant content for the user.[3] There is also one-click blogging built in as well.

Toolbar versions exist for Firefox, Mozilla Application Suite and Internet Explorer, but also works with some independent Mozilla-based browsers. Third party toolbars have also been created for Safari[4], Opera[5] and Google Chrome.[6]

StumbleUpon was owned by eBay from May 2007, when it was acquired for $75,000,000,[7] until April 2009, when two of the founders, backed by investors, bought it back.

06-28-09, 00:40
Yup - it's essentially a personalized guide service of sorts. I have been made aware of some great sites through this service that I never would have found otherwise.

06-28-09, 00:48
I bet it had something to do with that link I posted about your sexual prowess....:D

Kind of like those little notes on the bathroom wall.