View Full Version : Zelaya Removed as President of Honduras

06-28-09, 11:16
The millitary in Honduras removed President Manuel Zelaya to Costa Rica this morning. Zelaya was bucking both the supreme court and the congress in Honduras ala Hugo Chavez (who disolved both the Congress and the Court in Venezuela when he didn't get his way--this happened in the first year after his election). Not too surprisingly, Zelaya is a good friend of Hugo and was just attempting to follow the model he established (as have Daniel Vargas in Ecuador and Evo Morales in Bolivia).

And to think the current administration has stated that Cuba is now the only country in the Americas without a democracy.

This might get interesting...

On a side note, I notice that M-16s and M-4s are being used by the millitary there.

06-28-09, 11:18
Okay, now those in control in Honduras are saying that Zelaya was following the same course as Chavez when he took control in Venezuela and they were not going to let that happen (in Honduras).

06-28-09, 12:27
I wonder home my buddies are hearing this on Utila ?

when I lived their I was on the mainland in the goose at the airport and the president was coming in for some reason and there was a assassination attempt on him.
tons of gunfire and windows breaking and lots of us laying on the ground :)
not sure what happened ? as I got out of there as quick as I could and back to the islands
but the news brought back memories :)

06-28-09, 14:30
I left the Hondirty not to long ago. Beautiful country and beautiful women. Tried calling a buddy down in Comoyagua but no dice. I enjoyed working there.

06-28-09, 19:22
The news is reporting that there was wide support from the Supreme Court and members of his own party who thought he was attempting another power grab a la Chavez. Good for them!

06-28-09, 23:38
Hugo is threatening to invade them now. :rolleyes:

06-29-09, 07:00
Go figure that the dunces in DC want this guy put back into power. I swear they need to pull their collective heads out of their asses.

06-29-09, 07:39
Obama looks like Carter more and more everyday.

I don't get this referendum? If he was so unpopular, how is a referendum going to help?

Anything that pisses of Chavez has to has some redeaming value.



Saw this linked on Drudge, I know it is an opinion piece, but the WSJ isn't know for monkeying with facts. Kind of adds some texture to the 'military coup' storyline.


06-29-09, 10:39
Obama needs to worry more about Iran and North Korea and not about Honduras. I really don't get this administration and its' foreign policy decisions at all.

06-29-09, 10:44
Obama needs to worry more about Iran and North Korea and not about Honduras. I really don't get this administration and its' foreign policy decisions at all.

Tougher fights mean stiffer resistance. Being a product of preferential treatment all his life, he has no concept of something BEING "worth fighting for." :rolleyes:

06-30-09, 13:35
Tougher fights mean stiffer resistance. Being a product of preferential treatment all his life, he has no concept of something BEING "worth fighting for." :rolleyes:


Good article in the WSJ.

Maybe BHO sees his future as a South American style "elected ruler."

06-30-09, 13:58
I don't get this referendum? If he was so unpopular, how is a referendum going to help?

You're assuming it would be a fair referendum. Leftist politicians aren't real big on fairness or honesty. (see also Carter 2.0, aka Obama) If the ballots came from Venezuela, I'd wager that a lot of them are already filled out.

06-30-09, 17:50
Thank God we have alternatives to the MSM. Is Obama gong to airlift in the Sandanistas and Chavez's goons?

There was a guy in some of my classes that always got the wrong answer, it was quite amazing. Almost like he as brilliant and was trying to get zero on his SATs. I quickly learned that if I didn't know the answer, or had spaced out, I could just take the oposite postion to him and I'd be OK. I used to call it the Cynthia McKinney rule, but I think a better example is Chavez. Obviously the White House hasn't researched this much (or they are being fed info from leftists) and the Chavez Rule should help you get your rectal-cranial axis aligned.