View Full Version : California Ammunition Registration Bill AB 962

06-28-09, 15:33
California Ammunition Registration Bill AB 962

Attention Caliifornia Residents/ Voters:

The following Bill already has passed in the California State Assembly. The bill will place additional requirements onto (handgun) ammunition retailers, require the finger-printing of buyers, and generally has proven to be an ineffective measure against criminal activities. The bill author is Assemblyman Kevin DeLeon; a Democrat from the Hollywood area.

The Bill (AB 962) has been forwarded to the California State Senate's Committee for Public Safety. The hearing date was re-scheduled for 7/7/2009. Links are attached to the NRA-ILA alert along with a link to the contact information for the individuals who will be over-seeing the hearing for the bill. The NRA encourages interested parties to CONTACT all the members of the committee INDIVIDUALLY and inform that a "NO" vote should be cast to prevent further consideration and/ or passage of the bill (AB 962).

LINKS: http://nramemberscouncils.com/legs.shtml?summary=ab962&year=2009


For you consideration.


06-28-09, 15:54
I am baffled as to why any freedom loving Americans continue to live there, stupid laws, immigrant infestation, and a bankrupt state government.............

With the bigger issues that the state has that they would be considering this bill is just plain idiotic.

Next they will ban ammunition as it creates smoke and contains "substances known to the State of California to cause cancer".

Every company in the firearms industry should follow Barret and refuse to do business in California, especially with local and state agencies.

Calling State reps there is probably an exercise in futility, obviously voters don't matter to them.

06-28-09, 16:05
Ammunition - a good & future source of 'carbon tax revenue.' :mad::mad::mad:

06-28-09, 16:18
I am baffled as to why any freedom loving Americans continue to live there, stupid laws, immigrant infestation, and a bankrupt state government...

Calling State reps there is probably an exercise in futility, obviously voters don't matter to them.

I will have to disagree with you on that one. Several recent new proposed firearms regulations were stopped/ prevented by enough people expressing their disagreement/ voice.

COMPLETELY Agree with you about the economic consequences. The firearms industry is a Multi-Billion dollar industry. California's new regulations on ammunition will only serve to undermine the already struggling economy.

Yes, there are many freedom loving Americans in California.


06-28-09, 16:24
Every company in the firearms industry should follow Barret and refuse to do business in California, especially with local and state agencies.

Yep.. all manufacturers should refuse to sell to LEAs.. i think we'd see a dramatic improvement in california gun laws within a few days.

Calling State reps there is probably an exercise in futility, obviously voters don't matter to them.

the problem with california voters is that most of them probably wouldnt bat an eyelash if the state banned all firearms and ammunition. what we really need is a way to contain the libs there and liberate the good 2A people left.. instead, all we get up here in Oregon is newlywed fags and feinstein fans. i hate sharing a border with that place.

06-28-09, 17:38
California Ammunition Registration Bill AB 962

"... and generally has proven to be an ineffective measure against criminal activities."


They will keep us on the defensive if we continue to parrot the "it's to stop criminal behavior". I know you already know (or suspect) it's about registration for future confiscation/incarceration. I have a sneaking suspicion that this will be introduced outside of CA soon and if it passes in CA it most assuredly will be copied elsewhere. NJ, NY, CT and MA come to mind. Let's assist our fellow Californians defeat this.

06-28-09, 18:20
I was born and raised in California. I even ended back there a few times over the years. The best thing I ever did was leave. As much I hoped that Cali would change I don't see it happening. My personal feeling is that all the gun companies need to cut the LE agencies off at the legs. Then maybe there would be a backlash and common sense would prevail.

It surely doesn't help when all of those asshole chiefs of police and sheriffs endorse every brain dead gun control scheme that gets dumped on the Capitol doorstep.

06-28-09, 18:30
All you have to do is look to Cali to see where the current majority in washington is wanting to take us as a whole nation....they can see faliure and yet still go down the same road.

Pretty sad as it's a great state with solid folks out in the sticks. The mass of idiots in the big cities are voting them to their death of a fine state. Just look at how they voted by area / county on the blue & red map of shame.

Sad times...

06-28-09, 19:43
I'm currently stuck here in CA (going to college) and I plan on moving as soon as I can.


06-29-09, 15:50
They will keep us on the defensive if we continue to parrot the "it's to stop criminal behavior". I know you already know (or suspect) it's about registration for future confiscation/incarceration. I have a sneaking suspicion that this will be introduced outside of CA soon and if it passes in CA it most assuredly will be copied elsewhere. NJ, NY, CT and MA come to mind. Let's assist our fellow Californians defeat this.

I agree with you. The sole purpose for Registration of ANY kind. Is ultimately to locate said item being REGISTERED when it is deemed neccessary/ required.

Many of the new firearm legislation which is ultimately brought to the Federal/ National Level originate in California and the North-Eastern part of the U.S. -Smart Gun Technology, etc.

My primary purpose in posting the information was to inform any of the California members of the forum. I myself was not aware of this bill until recently, when a friend passed the information along. But as a secondary consideration, it was to inform others about what is happenning in this part of the country.

Completely agree. I don't think that we should write-off any State. If support can be given to the cause of protecting the 2nd Amendment or any other part of the United States Constitution, then we should. Some of us have even taken an oath to do so.


06-29-09, 19:57
Bad people who commit crimes STEAL!!!!! Yes they STEAL ammo! I know I know it's unheard of. I mean stealing ammo to avoid finger printing that will eventually lead back to a decent law abiding citizen is completely rediculous. I mean our trust worthy government officials would have considered this right? Sure am glad North Korea is off to the Pacific.