View Full Version : Bayonets

06-30-09, 10:34
This is one item that seems to generate debate on both sides of the issue.

Opponents argue that in today's world, the bayonet is somewhat of an anachronism. It's only uses seem to be in parades or maybe crowd control, and that actual bayonet usage in combat is rare.

Proponents say that it should still be maintained as an item of issue equipment for the instance that it is required. It also serves as a reminder of the ability to close with and destroy the enemy face-to-face is that becomes a necessity.

In the last couple decades we've seen the M9 and the Marines' OKC-3C (or whatever it's called) issued, and the Army seems to be leaning towards an M9 replacement. On the other hand, I don't think the new SCAR even has provision for mounting a bayonet, so who knows?


06-30-09, 15:36
The bayonet does have a purpose, but not on the modern battle field. By having our weapons attached to our bodies, this limits our ability to effective use the bayonet. Also, if you transition to your pistol with a bayonet on your rifle, you will be droping.that bayonet around your knees. Very bad thing.

06-30-09, 19:29
Outside of use as a psychological tool (crowd control, as mentioned; they do a great job for that), they make great tent pegs in a pinch and do a great job of getting in the way if you're forced to hang one on your gear.

Particularly the ones the Corps is issuing these days; damned things're practically as long as my forearm and bulky as hell. Our martial arts instructors had a big hand in the development, and I can't help but think that somebody was making up for a shortcoming when they did. Personally, I just wear a big Suunto watch, which is significantly less sharp.

Unless specifically ordered to cart those hoglegs around, they generally go into the bottom of the seabag on a deployment and stay there. More practical fixed-blade designs are readily available for something that will see more use slitting open MREs than shoved in between another's ribs.

07-01-09, 22:55
I cannot picture a soldier without a bayonet. I admit to being a little old fashioned, but what kinda warrior doesn't carry a sharp knife? Of course, I wouldn't want to carry a rifle that balanced like a 2X6 either.

07-01-09, 23:34
I know nothing about their usefullness, but if you could incorporate an issued fixed-blade with the issued rifle without compromising either design, then I don't see any reason not to do it.

07-02-09, 00:34
Bayonets, because when the ammo is gone a spear beats a knife.

07-02-09, 01:36
Detachable bayonets are also a good general purpose knife.

I however see the bayonet more as an escalation of force. While a barrel in your direction can be ominous and frightening, nothing will make you sh*t your pants quite like a gun barrel AND a large, pointy knife staring you in the eye...