View Full Version : Certification of Compliance with 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(5)(B)

06-30-09, 13:31
Decided to call and see if I had gone pending for a COLT 6933. Person I spoke with said my application had been placed in the "problem" category. She informed me that I had not included a Certificate of Compliance.

My local Class III dealer said he has never heard of this being required, they had not been doing it, and were getting stamps back on a regular basis.

As we looked over the form he said he had been required to fill one out for his Class III license. On question 2 it states, "Name of Person Certifying to Citizenship." He said I put my name there. At the bottom of the form it says, "Signature of Individual Who is Identified in Question 2." My dealer said sign my name there as well.

I overnighted the form along with copies of my drivers license and official birth certificate.

After I mailed off the forms, I began thinking that maybe my dealer isn't up to speed and that he may have just given me bad info on filling out the forms. Does anybody know if he advised me correctly?

I'm really bummed. The person at the NFA Branch in West Virginia said I may be put to the back of the pile and that I shouldn't be surprised if I had another four month wait. Wife and I are preparing for our first child, she's taking prenatal vitamins, and we're saving money. I had hoped to take several carbine classes late summer/early fall. I just don't have the money to spend on buying another rifle.

I hope someone can give me some insight into the form. Any help greatly appreciated. I'm just sooooo down right now. This stinks.:(

06-30-09, 13:48
The Certificate of compliance is supposed to be included. Although, I've read accounts of folks getting approvals without it when they've sent their forms in using their Trusts.

I've always included the Certificate of compliance.

06-30-09, 13:54
markm-Did he advise me correctly on putting my name on Question 2 and at the bottom of the form?

06-30-09, 14:18
Shit. I can't remember. That's the one thing I didn't keep a copy of.

06-30-09, 14:28
I think your dealer goofed. It's been required for every transfer I've done lately.

06-30-09, 15:36
When I was looking to do my first Form 1 as an Individual a couple of years ago I seem to remember I had to include the Certificate of Compliance. I also seem to remember that the person certifying had to be someone else - I could be wrong though.

I decided to do it the RLT way and am very glad that I did so. Good luck!!

06-30-09, 18:59
When I was looking to do my first Form 1 as an Individual a couple of years ago I seem to remember I had to include the Certificate of Compliance. I also seem to remember that the person certifying had to be someone else - I could be wrong though.

I decided to do it the RLT way and am very glad that I did so. Good luck!!

The certificate of compliance is stating you're a citizen. Line two is the person applying and the signature at the bottom better match. I've never attached any supporting documents and mine was for FFL renewal.

06-30-09, 21:24
markm-Did he advise me correctly on putting my name on Question 2 and at the bottom of the form?

Yes, you are the person certifying your citizenship, and no other documentation is necessary.

06-30-09, 21:29
Yes, you are the person certifying your citizenship, and no other documentation is necessary.

Bingo. It will always be required and has on all of my transfers that I can ever remember. However as was said no other documentation is required to be sent in to prove it.

06-30-09, 22:39
Hey Mike. Sorry to hear about your snag. Your dealer was correct. All you are certifying is that you are a citizen. You put your info on line two then sign your name. Don't sweat it. Do you know who your investigator is?

06-30-09, 23:33
Hey Man,
Nancy Flanigan. Haven't heard any one else mention her. Could be one of the new hires. Stay safe; my man King George(Strait that is) and I would be mighty unhappy if you blew in a door and took one for the team.:p The boss and I still keep you in our prayers. Have a great 4th.


06-30-09, 23:54
Nancy Flanigan has been around the NFA branch for several years and is good people. She has been extremely helpful to me on work matters and covers things quickly and accurately. Granted, I haven't dealt with that many people from ATF, but all things being equal she has been a treat to work with.

07-02-09, 00:49
Hey Man,
Nancy Flanigan. Haven't heard any one else mention her. Could be one of the new hires. Stay safe; my man King George(Strait that is) and I would be mighty unhappy if you blew in a door and took one for the team.:p The boss and I still keep you in our prayers. Have a great 4th.


I would just give Nancy a call and talk to her directly. Make sure she got your certificate and see if she needs anything else from you. What I have learned is that the people who answer the phone can only do so much but every investigator I have spoken with has been happy to answer questions and provide info.

Thanks for the prayers. They are much appreciated. Good luck with the little one on the way. The doc still says late August for us but he thinks the little girl will be here mid-August. Already got a pink 10/22 ready to go for her!

Have a great 4th and be safe! :cool:

Robb Jensen
07-02-09, 06:19
Even though the vast majority of my NFA stuff is owned by my revocable living trust I still include a Certificate of Compliance and fill it out in the name of the revocable living trust and sign as the grantor and trustee of the revocable living trust. This certifies that as the grantor and trustee I'm a U.S. citizen. I also have to fill out one of these for my C&R FFL. And my boss does on his FFL/SOT.

I agree everyone I've ever had to talk on the phone at the NFA branch has been very professional and helpful. Actually all the ATF personnel I've ever talked to have been great.

07-02-09, 08:56
I've always thrown one of those citizenship forms in with my trust transfers. I couldn't cite you chapter an verse about whether it's "required," but the trend with these types of transfers seems to be toward requiring more documentation for the human being that is taking possession - such as filling out a 4473 as an individual when you pick it up.

07-02-09, 09:47
I too sent the C of C forms in with my Trust, as to your inspector. There is a NFA time frame thread over on TOS. Nancy is one of the fastest out there. She seems to be heald in high reguard as "one of the best" in the group. If you are having a snag she is the one to have it with.

07-02-09, 12:57
Before you know it there is going to some punk at the door getting ready for a date with your daughter!:p

I think appropriate attire for you will be: full door kickin' in, ass whoopin', black mask wearin', entry gear highlighted with an in-season select fire AR and trendy black or tan boots(perfect for that inpromtu boot party you may have to throw). All topped off with a light black Louis Vitton mil-spec kevlar helmet. For jewelry, a shiny four fingered ring sometimes called brass knuckles by the non-fashion informed.