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06-30-09, 14:34
Don't shoot the messenger ...

Minn. court rules for Franken in Senate fight (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/30/AR2009063002200.html?hpid=topnews)
The Associated Press
Tuesday, June 30, 2009; 3:10 PM
ST. PAUL, Minn. -- A unanimous Minnesota Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that Democrat Al Franken should be certified the winner of the state's long-running Senate race, paving the way for the former Saturday Night Live comedian to be seated after an almost eight-month fight.

The high court rejected a legal challenge from Republican Norm Coleman, whose options for regaining his Senate seat are dwindling, saying Franken is entitled to the election certificate he needs to assume office.

"We affirm the decision of the trial court that Al Franken received the highest number of votes legally cast and is entitled under (Minnesota law) to receive the certificate of election as United States Senator from the State of Minnesota," the court wrote in its 5-0 ruling.

With Franken and the usual backing of two independents, Democrats will have a big enough majority to overcome Republican filibusters.

Coleman hasn't ruled out seeking federal court intervention, and has 10 days before the ruling takes effect in which to point out any errors related to the court's interpretation of law, facts or material questions in the case.

The earliest Franken would be seated is next week because the Senate is out of session for the July 4 holiday, said Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Reid said Pawlenty should respect the votes of his constituents and his state's highest court.

The election certificate also requires the signature of Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie. Ritchie, a Democrat, said he was ready to sign it "as soon as the governor issues it."

Ritchie said he takes the ruling as a direction to sign the certificate. He said he hasn't spoken with Pawlenty and wasn't aware that the governor was out of the state at a conference in Washington.

Franken, a former Saturday Night Live star making the leap from life as a left-wing author and radio talker to the Senate, planned a news conference later Tuesday and didn't immediately comment.

Coleman's campaign didn't immediately return a call for comment. Nor did Gov. Tim Pawlenty, whose signature is required on the election certificate Franken needs to be seated.

Pawlenty, a Republican, has said he would sign the certificate if ordered to do so by the court. The court's ruling stopped short of explicitly ordering the governor to sign the document, saying only that Franken was "entitled" to it.

Coleman's appeal hinged largely on whether thousands of absentee votes had been unfairly rejected by local election officials around the state.

The unanimous court wrote that "because the legislature established absentee voting as an optional method of voting, voters choosing to use that method are required to comply with the statutory provisions."

They went on to say that "because strict compliance with the statutory requirements for absentee voting is, and always has been required, there is no basis on which voters could have reasonably believed that anything less than strict compliance would suffice."

06-30-09, 15:37
And Coleman has conceded the race.

06-30-09, 15:40
It's times like this, that I wish I drank...

06-30-09, 15:41
Many of the votes I saw being counted on TV for Franken, vice being disqualified or given to Coleman, were absolutely astonishing.

There were votes shown where the only mark on the ballot was on Coleman's name, then crossed and scribbled over, with no other marks. The vote was stated to have been counted FOR FRANKEN. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

This was not one or two, it was ballot after ballot with no mark NEAR Franken's name, only marks on Coleman's name -- and they were counted FOR FRANKEN.

Oddest damn thing I've seen in election engineering.

06-30-09, 15:44
The new rule in elections seems to be "If you don't like the results, call for recounts until you do." This allows for all kinds of fraud. I don't like it.

How many recounts are "enough"?

06-30-09, 16:30
Surely no one expected Al Franken to do the right thing and concede did they?

06-30-09, 16:47
Al Franken is the cherry on top of this silly sundae. Fraken is unable to be senatorial, and will eventually be ostricized by his own party.

06-30-09, 16:52
Well we always knew Congress was a circus, now we have our clown... :(

06-30-09, 16:53
A annoying loud mouth idiot pro wrestler elected Minnesota Governor. Now a annoying loud mouth idiot comic elected Minnesota US Senator.

06-30-09, 20:01
On the contrary, I think Al Franken will lend some legitimacy to the U.S. Senate. We'll finally have one member who admits he's a comedian.

06-30-09, 20:55
Franken is a douche bag of the highest order. WTF was on the the states mind in their retarded voting practices is beyond me.

07-01-09, 09:07
I have to assume that the whole state is governed by the large cities population. It was like that when I lived in Maryland. Baltimore, Annapolis, and PG county ruled (DC suburbs)!!! Whoever they voted for won.............no matter what the rest of the state said!!! Oh and by the way, election fraud was rampant and completely ignored by everyone!!! I mean, how can a complete voting precinct have 100% turn out and of that turn out, have 100% vote for one person???

Completely ignorant!!!

07-01-09, 09:24
It's times like this, that I wish I drank...

Don't worry, I will have one for you.

Just what we need, a filthy minded, conservative bashing POS to make the dems filibuster proof. This lowlife has actually enabled the entire party. Now it's easier for them to fu*k things up even worse.

07-01-09, 14:19
Many of the votes I saw being counted on TV for Franken, vice being disqualified or given to Coleman, were absolutely astonishing.

There were votes shown where the only mark on the ballot was on Coleman's name, then crossed and scribbled over, with no other marks. The vote was stated to have been counted FOR FRANKEN. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

This was not one or two, it was ballot after ballot with no mark NEAR Franken's name, only marks on Coleman's name -- and they were counted FOR FRANKEN.

Oddest damn thing I've seen in election engineering.

Maybe this is the "Iranian" style of election counting (engineering)!:eek:

07-02-09, 23:41
Don't worry, I will have one for you.

Just what we need, a filthy minded, conservative bashing POS to make the dems filibuster proof. This lowlife has actually enabled the entire party. Now it's easier for them to fu*k things up even worse.

scary times are coming

07-03-09, 00:19
On the contrary, I think Al Franken will lend some legitimacy to the U.S. Senate. We'll finally have one member who admits he's a comedian.

rofl :D

07-03-09, 00:57
Glenn Beck discussed this the other day. Apparently Ritchie got into his position through the Secretary of States project, something supported by ACORN and George Soros. The thinking is, if they can get enough left wingers into the Secretary of State position at state-level, then they won't run into the Florida 2000 problem.

07-03-09, 01:21
I have to assume that the whole state is governed by the large cities population. It was like that when I lived in Maryland. Baltimore, Annapolis, and PG county ruled (DC suburbs)!!! Whoever they voted for won.............no matter what the rest of the state said!!! Oh and by the way, election fraud was rampant and completely ignored by everyone!!! I mean, how can a complete voting precinct have 100% turn out and of that turn out, have 100% vote for one person???

Completely ignorant!!!

Absolutely, I was born in MN and have tons of family there. Most of the pop. is concentrated in the Twin Cities.


07-03-09, 04:36
I have to assume that the whole state is governed by the large cities population. It was like that when I lived in Maryland. Baltimore, Annapolis, and PG county ruled (DC suburbs)!!! Whoever they voted for won.............no matter what the rest of the state said!!! Oh and by the way, election fraud was rampant and completely ignored by everyone!!! I mean, how can a complete voting precinct have 100% turn out and of that turn out, have 100% vote for one person???

Completely ignorant!!!

For the most part, but not completely. I live in northern MN in a small progressive town where we have smart people dumb enough to vote for a tool like Al Franken.

07-03-09, 07:05
For the most part, but not completely. I live in northern MN in a small progressive town where we have smart people dumb enough to vote for a tool like Al Franken.

Please elaborate. What is "a small progressive town"?

07-03-09, 10:30
Bemidji (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bemidji,_Minnesota)

Progressive -'enlightened', lenient, advanced, forward-looking, left, reformist, radical, bleeding-heart

A third of the population is either a student or works for the University. It's a nice, small state University, but it does a good job of pushing it's leftist views.

07-03-09, 12:26
This is a sad day but.....filibuster? What are the Republicans going to filibuster?

Last time I checked, both parties are working awfully hard to make the government as big as ever. I didn't see any Republicans stopping TARP or the latest Energy bill. Sure there are some on both sides that were against it but not enough to make a difference. Heck, we can barely get the Supreme Court to vote pro-Constitution.

It time to grab our torches and pitchforks and clean house in 2010. :mad:

07-07-09, 21:04
Wife just told me Franken has been put on the Education (health care plan) and Justice (SCOTUS confirmation) committees. Unusual for a freshman Senator ...

07-07-09, 21:08
Wife just told me Franken has been put on the Education (health care plan) and Justice (SCOTUS confirmation) committees. Unusual for a freshman Senator ...

I think it's magnificent that in our country a guy who never published anything significant can become editor of Harvard's Law Review and then run for POTUS before he's even been sworn in as a senator...that Stuart Smalley can actually have a say in who gets to sit on the supreme court.

He's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone it, people like him!

Hooray for democracy!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go gargle with some Drain-O.

07-07-09, 21:23
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go gargle with some Drain-O.

That's letting them win......John.

(These are the words of you psychiatrist)

07-08-09, 07:25
Why is it during these recounts, only the Democratic canidate picks up votes?

Hopefully he will be a one term senator.

07-08-09, 07:55
Panzerr, i found this photo on the sixty-6 web site in your sig,


i think it is just great !!, i am glad to know i am not the only person who kisses my rifles. but.., we need to get him an ACOG or some sort of rear sight

07-08-09, 13:28


07-08-09, 13:47
Many of the votes I saw being counted on TV for Franken, vice being disqualified or given to Coleman, were absolutely astonishing.

There were votes shown where the only mark on the ballot was on Coleman's name, then crossed and scribbled over, with no other marks. The vote was stated to have been counted FOR FRANKEN. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

This was not one or two, it was ballot after ballot with no mark NEAR Franken's name, only marks on Coleman's name -- and they were counted FOR FRANKEN.

Oddest damn thing I've seen in election engineering.

You know, I understand we have a less than stellar history in this country of trying to exclude certain groups from voting - but Jesus Christ - if you can't fill out one of the simplest forms on the planet then your vote should be disregarded.

07-08-09, 13:54
I think it's magnificent that in our country a guy who never published anything significant can become editor of Harvard's Law Review

In fairness...law reviews are by their nature student-run and student-edited. Nobody who is the EIC of a law review at any law school has ever published anything of note, and usually nothing at all. It's a common gripe of experienced legal academics - the articles committees and editors who select the articles and edit them are 20-something years old and don't even have a law degree yet.

Editor positions on law reviews are largely a game of politics. Kiss the asses of the outgoing editorial board and they'll make you a top editor. Not surprising that Barry pulled it off. Selection has nothing to do with your level of scholarship.

07-08-09, 13:56
You know, I understand we have a less than stellar history in this country of trying to exclude certain groups from voting - but Jesus Christ - if you can't fill out one of the simplest forms on the planet then your vote should be disregarded.

Agreed. We enforce truancy laws to force education on our youth. Why not expect something on the tail end of it, such as the ability to pass a simple literacy test?