View Full Version : Quality of SOG Armory AR's????

07-01-09, 14:53
I'm pretty sure I've decided on going with a purchase of the new DD XV this month, but today I'm going to visit the SOG Armory store here in Houston. They have a website and several different models, but haven't heard of anyone that uses their equipment. Anyone have experience with their rifles? Are they worth considering against the DD XV?

Thanks for input.

07-01-09, 16:52
From what I can see there is nothing special about their stuff. It also doesn't state who makes their barrels, etc...I would just go with a DD M4, XV or a Colt, LMT or Noveske.

07-01-09, 18:53
go over and ask for John,

Here's my take and I'm no expert . . . . they are a bit expensive but very knowledgable and will serve you until you feel good about what your getting. Their builds are expensive, use quality parts (brownells sells some of their branded stuff) and put together nice SOG builds. They also have all the other brands and most equipment you need.

With that said I've bought two ar's in the past three months and neither was from SOG. Like those guys but the price of their rifles is high, I took a buddy over and we outfitted him and they did an awesome job. I know by doing it myself with one piece from here and there and buying some things from SOG I'd have gotten to the same place for around $400 less.

07-02-09, 11:05
Thanks txxdukklr,
I didn't realize they sold other brands at their store. I think I'll stop by after lunch and browse. With what you guys have said, I'm pretty set on the New DD XV. I'll just customize it myself since budget, as well as quality, are my two main concerns.

Thanks for the info!

07-02-09, 17:19
this is strictly "hearsay"
review their items with caution, some guy on a local houston gun forum accused SOG of selling non-colt uppers as colts. They were pieced together in the back from misc. parts.
they also refused to refund the guy when he confronted them.

once again, strictly hearsay info.

07-03-09, 02:50
Yep, they are expensive!! That's for sure. They talk up their stuff alot, but you're right, they don't say manufacturers names.......hmmm:confused:.....got me kind of skeptical....:rolleyes:

07-03-09, 02:54
I have no experience with their guns, nor have I bought anything from them.

HOWEVER, when I was at the Crossroads of the West/Small Arms Review gun show this past December in Phoenix, they had a large set of tables outside of the SAR part in the normal Crossroads part.

All their stuff they had (from all brands) was mega expensive. And I am not talking PMAGs and stuff that was hard to get in December. Almost everything I looked at, including stuff that was not in high demand or hard to get, was way way over priced. Often way over MSRP.

07-03-09, 03:51
Yeah, I wasn't in their store for long! Nice stuff, but damn overpriced.........

Iraq Ninja
07-03-09, 03:56
Have you visited Texas Tactical Gear?


She is my choice for weapons and stuff when I am in Houston. She also has a large booth at all the gun shows.

08-10-09, 12:08
They have a few SOG AR's at gander mountain. I've handled one and it rattles real bad, not worth the almost 2 Grand they are asking for them.

08-10-09, 12:22
Have you visited Texas Tactical Gear?


She is my choice for weapons and stuff when I am in Houston. She also has a large booth at all the gun shows.

+1. I've had good luck with Jen as well.

08-10-09, 14:41
Well, not a problem anymore.....I'm very pleased with my DD XV.

08-11-09, 00:06
I will not buy anything from SOG Armory in Houston simply because they overcharge for EVERYTHING in their store!!

Just one example of their bullshit astronomical prices:

I went in there one day because I had heard about SOG Armory from a guy I met at the range. I saw an Aimpoint Micro T-1 already mounted in a Larue Tactical High Mount. I asked to look at it because I needed to buy yet another T-1 for a new rifle. The price written on the sticker on the side of it was $675. I thought that wasn't too bad of a price, since Larue Tactical sells their T-1 and High Mount "combo" for $640 on their website. And I know that these companies need to be able to pay their employees and still make a profit to boot, so I didn't think that was too bad.

HOWEVER, I then turned the optic and mount around to inspect the other side of it and saw another price sticker for $175!

Yup that's right, SOG Armory, home of the biggest rip-offs in the tactical AR world, was selling ONLY the aimpoint t-1 for $675, and ONLY the larue tactical high mount for a whopping $175... which equals (get ready for it) a combined cost of $850!!!:eek::eek::eek:

That is insane and damn near criminal in my opinion. Now remember, the t-1/high mount combo directly from LT cost only $640. So that means that SOG Armory actually has the gall to charge unsuspecting people, who have no clue what that optic and mount are really worth other than what the sales people tell them, a whopping $210 MORE than larue tactical charges for the exact same setup!

That is just plain ridiculous and wrong IMHO. I'm all for small businesses making a profit, but SOG Armory goes far beyond that and just plain rips people off badly!

And every single product they sell is the exact same scenario as the one I just listed. When I went in there that day, they were having a "sale" on a lot of gear and accessories, PMAGs being one of the items on "sale." I cannot remember what the exact price was for the PMAGs that were on "sale," so I won't actually list one. But what I DO remember about the price, is that it was practically the SAME price that good, honest and decent companies (such as G&R, Larue Tactical, Bravo Company, etc..) sell their PMAGs for on a daily basis.

There is another place here in Houston that I always frequent (which is why I will not disclose their name) that actually sells their PMAGs for $30, and sells Magpul MOE stocks for $98 (they are only worth $57).

I honestly don't understand how these places don't feel like complete shit every time they sell one of these items for these outrageously expensive prices:mad:

Integrity just doesn't exist in many Americans these days....

08-11-09, 01:02
I've found that finding a good gun shop is more difficult then buying a used car! And if you find someone you like, just like the used car lots, more often then not they don't have what you need... :rolleyes: I think I need to get over my reluctance of buying gun related stuff on line, and just go to Grant from now on.

08-11-09, 07:04
I honestly don't understand how these places don't feel like complete shit every time they sell one of these items for these outrageously expensive prices:mad:

Integrity just doesn't exist in many Americans these days....

I let my dollars talk in situations like this. Ripp-offs won't get them. I might fondle their goods and get their hopes up then go online and find the best deal. Don't get me wrong; I'd love to support businesses in Texas but can't if their prices are way out of line.

08-11-09, 15:26
i hate to disagree but . . . .

how does charging a high price equal lack of integrity. Don't buy if you don't want to buy. SOG's not going out of business so I'm sure someone is in there buying stuff.

I've dealt with them and like i've said they are expensive to I like to limit what i've got going on. But the guys are very knowledgable and will answer anything you ask. Again they're not cheap so I'm not going to be buying a lot of stuff from them.

Some folks would rather touch what they want to buy or don't want to wait. As I've gotten more confidence in folks like Grant more of my purchases will go through the internet but I'd rather lose $100 to a pricey local guy then the full price to someone on the internet.

08-11-09, 15:56
Check out this thread on that other forum before you buy: http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=3&f=118&t=452275

08-11-09, 17:01
selling a product as something it's not is a huge integrity issue.

selling a product for more then the market charges is not an integrity issue, it's free market.

I'd always say buyer beware. I've actually found all their sales guys to be nice guys but thats just me. Again, I'd never buy a gun there.

08-11-09, 19:27
You know what, as much as it pains me to admit to being wrong, you are technically right: it is simply the free market system we have here in the U.S. and there is technically nothing wrong with how they go about their business and selling guns, gear and accessories for much more than they're actually worth.

However, it's just plain wrong. And the reason they are not, and will not, go out of business is because there are constantly new and inexperienced AR owners out there who have no clue what the actual worth is of the items they are buying from SOG. I know this firsthand, because I used to be one of those guys when I first got back into shooting ARs 10 or so months ago.

Before I found Bravo Company, Larue Tactical and G&R (I just discovered G&R within the past few months), I used to buy everything from SOG's website: http://www.sogarmory.com/

I didn't know they had a storefront at that time, so I purchased everything from them online. I had no idea I was paying far more than I should have been paying until I found the above mentioned online stores.

What frustrates me the most about them is that ARs and AR accessories already cost so much $$$ as it is, so why do they have to up the price even more over MSRP? And I don't really think the argument to buy from local businesses had too much merit here, because I guarantee that they sell a large portion of their products online. If they didn't have an online store, then yes I would totally agree with you on that.

As far as the employees that work at the SOG Armory storefront here in Houston, they are good to go! They are very nice and professional, although I can't say anything about their knowledge of the arms and gear they are selling since I didn't really take any time to have an in depth conversation with any of them about their guns and gear.

When all said and done I wouldn't recommend SOG Armory to anyone, unless you are REALLY needing some magazines or a firing pin (or similar cheap accessories and parts) very soon for a trip to the range with your buddies or a carbine class the very next day or something (or if you have plenty of cash and don't mind overpaying and needlessly throwing money away on more expensive items such as complete ARs or optics). But if you are just wanting to get "hands on" and play with an optic or similar expensive accessory, then go to their storefront, play with it all you like, go back home and log on to Larue Tactical's or Bravo Company's or G&R's website (or many other great websites) and buy it there to save some cash that you can spend on ammo or PMAGs.

Like I said, you are technically right and I was technically wrong, but I still think that the prices they charge are just plain wrong. Just my opinion however, take it for what it's worth. If you enjoy shopping at SOG Armory, then more power to ya.


selling a product as something it's not is a huge integrity issue.

selling a product for more then the market charges is not an integrity issue, it's free market.

I'd always say buyer beware. I've actually found all their sales guys to be nice guys but thats just me. Again, I'd never buy a gun there.