View Full Version : Do we really want independence?

07-04-09, 21:01
Before I start this, all should know that I am a proud American and am currently celebrating today. I have fought to defend this country that I love, just as many of you have and do, risking our very lives. While I know that there are a great many like me, independent, and wanting to left alone to make the decisions that will make or break me, I have to ask, do we really want independence? We have elected (not I personally, or many if any here, but as a society) an individual who wants to grow government to a point that is very Soviet in its scope of size and power. There are no great cries about this absolutely treasonous, "cap and trade" bill that will reach into and effect every American life for the worse. More Americans than ever want the disaster that is socialized medicine, so that they don't have to be responsible for themselves. If you were to ask people if they want freedom or slavery, almost 100% would tell you freedom. Yet if you ask the same people if they want to be responsible for their own food, clothing, housing, health, and other amenities or if they want the government to take care of that for them......:eek: I look around and see a scary answer in how people act and what they ask for. While I realize that this does not count for most people, it is still a cultural shift in the wrong direction that I see and fear will go worse. The last line in that PRAVDA article about "American capitalism gone with a whimper" was eerily accurate of what I am seeing our average citizen move to. "The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker." I hope and pray that I am wrong or that if I am right people will wake up. Just a random thought.;) How do the rest of you see it?

07-04-09, 21:08

07-04-09, 21:12
From my perch, in the lefthand blue anchor of PA, I'd say, most folks here have no CLUE what the "independence" in "Independence Day" means - to say nothing of what it cost those who fought for it. :(

07-04-09, 21:13
I hope "they" get every single thing their hearts desire the next 4 years. Every bill, every government program, every stimulating stimulus, every restriction, tax, every legislation. Every single solitary thing. :cool:

I just wish that "WE" didn't have to pay for it.
And that means much more than simple tax dollars.

07-04-09, 21:16

07-04-09, 21:29
I can suffer through 4 to get 20+. :cool:

Gotta have rain to get a rainbow,

gotta have a Carter to get a Reagan.

07-04-09, 21:31

Outlander Systems
07-04-09, 21:36
Stick a fork in the collective ass of society.

We've gotten exactly the type of government our inactive, slovenly asses deserve.

The bulk of the population votes on emotion rather than intellect, mindlessly parroting what spoon-fed portions the media whores pimp at us.

The ship's sailed, bro.

The quest for power > altruistic, statesmanlike objectivity.

The above equation illustrates why, those who seek power, are the most likely to abuse it.

We'll spin this hamster wheel until we issue hard term limits for all elected positions.

07-04-09, 21:47
We'll spin this hamster wheel until we issue hard term limits for all elected positions.

Term limits do nothing. If we will elect these jackasses then we will elect other jackasses. Not to mention that we would limit ourselves if we did some how manage to get a true statesman in office.

07-04-09, 23:15
Abraxas and Z.

I couldnt say it better. Except, you "gotta have a Carter to get a Reagan."

I just pray that there is a Reagan out there!

07-04-09, 23:44

07-05-09, 14:11
Abraxas and Z.

I couldnt say it better. Except, you "gotta have a Carter to get a Reagan."

I just pray that there is a Reagan out there!

Problem with that thought is that there isn't a politician out there with the intestinal fortitude of Ronald Reagan, they are all lying sacks of crap and total bottom feeders, the Democans and Republicrats are all the same.

I really think that independence and liberty are dead, too many are willing to compromise freedom for "security", hugging trees and other feel good social programs.

This is not the America I grew up in and served to defend, today the Founding Fathers would all get written off as traitors and executed as domestic terrorists.

07-06-09, 01:11
I hope and pray that I am wrong or that if I am right people will wake up. Just a random thought.;) How do the rest of you see it?

A person may wake up, however people are sheep. In this day and age the populace votes for the person most liked, i.e. American Idol. It doesn't matter whether your'e the right person for the job, it's a matter of whether you can win the crowd over. We have a president that has no idea how to run a contry in control and simply because of the color of his skin. It's not even clear if he is a natural born citizen! What is wrong with our nation? If this was a third world country there would already be a civil war going on! Just look at Iran. In three and a half years we'll try again. Until then, brace yourselves brothers cause the ride has just started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

07-08-09, 18:50
You & I have discussed this before. However for all others. I think that part of the probelm is that the people who are not sheeple out there who as you say want to just be left alone are sadly trying to be left alone. What I mean is this group of people have a probem getting involved. Sure they may watch the news or listen to talk radio or what not, but calling a senator or writing a letter to politician may constitute to much effort. Not that I am trying to slam this group of people I no many hard working people who listen to talk radio while working or watch the news as they are getting their children off to school & when their job is done there is more work to be done at home. Yet another group view the problems we as a nation are having as some one elses problem & are still waiting for that some one else to try & fix it.

07-08-09, 22:06
guy's, i'm alittle too tired right now ( caused i worked my butt off all day ), but i agree with everything you fella's said. it's a damn shame the sad state of affair's our once great republic has degraded into.