View Full Version : Worst drop you carbine has survived...

07-05-09, 19:53
A bunch of friends and I went wild bore hunting over the weekend... We had an assortment of weapons ranging from a shotgun, an AK, m14's and the majority being of the m16 platform -- several A1 skinny 20's, about 5 10.5's and 4 14.5's.
The place was drenched and muddy and so slippery that several in the group slipped and either mud-poked, dropped or "side-slipped" and fell on their rifles. They all seemed ok after though but bkb0000's thread on weapon durability got me thinking, what's the worst fall/drop your guns have survived?

07-05-09, 19:54
ive never actually dropped my rifle before, but i have nearly thrown it across the garage in frustration lol.

Robb Jensen
07-05-09, 20:13
The worst any of my ARs have suffered was a 200lb co-worker landing on it from zero-Gs in the back of a Chevy Surburban. Long story about on the way back from Blackwater/now called US Training Center :)......it didn't lose zero in a LaRue SPR-E 30mm mount.

Patrick Aherne
07-05-09, 21:00
Sling failure, while waiting behind the line at SWAT training. No one believed the Fastex buckle failed; boy, pushups are fun!

07-05-09, 21:02
Sling failure, while waiting behind the line at SWAT training. No one believed the Fastex buckle failed; boy, pushups are fun!

yea i forgot... i have dropped my carbine before, the same way you did. i was walkin onto the range and the buckle failed, rifle fell onto the floor, butt first, then tipped over. no harm done, and my eotech didnt fall off i might add.

07-05-09, 21:12
Not a carbine, but I saw an A2 packed in a M1950 survive about a 200 ft drop onto a DZ. No damage to the rifle.

And no, it wasn't mine, it was our brand new 2LT on his cherry jump

07-05-09, 21:19
I once did a slingless transition in a FBI patrol tactics class. My rifle went straight down muzzle first into the asphalt. They gun was not worse for the wear. After I finished the COF I picked it up and reconnected the sling.

Before someone asked how you do a slingless transition, I will tell you. It happens when you are sitting in a patrol car, and have a sling that is getting caught on shit so you unhook it and forget you did.


07-05-09, 21:26
I had a fastex failure too; single point sling, 16" CMMG middy pointed nearly straight down. I felt a weird movement, then the rifle hit the deck, Vortex first ;) No damage, other than a dirty muzzle.

During a night class, we were doing low ready presentations. i had an EOTech 512 directly mounted to the flattop. I shot a few strings, using the red circle. The last string, it was up to the shoulder, light working, but no red circle--pretty disorienting at first. The sight was sitting somewhere in the dirt, didn't even know it bailed ;)

07-05-09, 22:34
A bunch of friends and I went wild bore hunting over the weekend... We had an assortment of weapons ranging from a shotgun, an AK, m14's and the majority being of the m16 platform -- several A1 skinny 20's, about 5 10.5's and 4 14.5's. The place was drenched and muddy and so slippery that several in the group slipped and either mud-poked, dropped or "side-slipped" and fell on their rifles. They all seemed ok after though but bkb0000's thread on weapon durability got me thinking, what's the worst fall/drop your guns have survived?

I've dropped mine a lot, and have thrown them downrange a few times to demonstrate build quality of accessory mounts.

A drop from waist or chest height from a buckle failure or ham-handing is so inconsequential...for good gear...it's unworthy of mention.

yea i forgot... i have dropped my carbine before, the same way you did. i was walkin onto the range and the buckle failed, rifle fell onto the floor, butt first, then tipped over. no harm done, and my eotech didnt fall off i might add.

I call BS. :D

Heavy Metal
07-05-09, 22:54
I saw an AR15A2 ejected thru the rear glass and onto the interstate from a friends totaled Mazda RX7.

The buttplate had a gash where it hit and the reciever was scuffed but it functioned fine when I got all of the fire retardant out it it for him.

Worse than any of the abuse I saw in the .mil.

07-06-09, 00:58
The worst any of my ARs have suffered was a 200lb co-worker landing on it from zero-Gs in the back of a Chevy Surburban. Long story about on the way back from Blackwater/now called US Training Center :)......it didn't lose zero in a LaRue SPR-E 30mm mount.

You gotta go SLOW over those bumps by the gate, dude! I used to hate driving over them in my Mustang...my teeth rattled.

Robb Jensen
07-06-09, 05:56
You gotta go SLOW over those bumps by the gate, dude! I used to hate driving over them in my Mustang...my teeth rattled.

No this was up near Williamsburg. My other co-worker (the vehicle owner who was riding shotgun) gave me the sign the stab the brakes and jerk the wheel cause the vehicle to drift and then jerk it back the other way. It was funny seeing my other co-worker float in midair for what seemed like a few seconds like an astronaut.

07-06-09, 06:56
Not the point of the thread, but if you're going to be out in those conditions I'd suggest one of the shoot-off type muzzle caps. I always use one, and a red one at that, when out hunting hogs.

07-06-09, 07:21
A month or so back I had the slimg on mine over the passenger headrest of my Yamaha Rhino. I was going around a sharp corner in mud, it was up hill with a sharp left that during the end of the turn.... yep... the sling let loose letting the rifle fall to the ground and get partially run over by the 1,100 lb Rhino. The gun was mashed partially into the mud. I took it back to the house a bit later and turned on the garden hose and hosed the mud out of it.

Do damage other than the flash hider got a bit of the black finish scratched off when it crushed a small sand-stone as I drove the rear tire over it. It still shoots the same and I did not have to change the sights... so I assume nothing is bent.

Two things may have helped prevent damage:
1) Soft mud
2) Floatation ATV tires on the Rhino.

The combination must have absorbed much of the would-be trama to the rifle and allowed it to basically just get muddy.

07-06-09, 07:28
at the beginning of a super dave 2 day adv carbine course, he made us throw our rifles straight up into the air has hard as we could. I grabbed mine by the stock and tossed it as hard as I could end over end, so I wouldn't look like a puss.

My rifle (12.5 sbr) did fine, nothing broke.

Some guy broke off his samson mount w/arms lever aimpoint 3x magnifier...that was an expensive day for him.

07-06-09, 07:32
I heard about that class, or one like it Derek and almost mentioned it but wasn't sure I'd get it right. May have been a different event though as I think the one I'm thinking of they just dropped them from shoulder height, arms out straight.

07-06-09, 08:03
I heard about that class, or one like it Derek and almost mentioned it but wasn't sure I'd get it right. May have been a different event though as I think the one I'm thinking of they just dropped them from shoulder height, arms out straight.

Im not gonna lie...i really didn't enjoy this part of the class. Not because I was worried about getting a 'scratch', this was at a point where i was still kind of new to training. I didn't have a backup gun, I had sighted in iron sights...no back up optic. I just REALLY didnt want anything to break.

Some other shit broke on other people's rifles...light mounts, A2 grip came "lose" i believe...

My rifle was heavy as shit that weekend as well, M900, OPS 15th, Meopta K-Dot etc. It came down to the ground in an expedient manner...i was fully expecting the meopta to be off zero for the rest of the weekend.

One thing I did take home from that class though, buy quality shit.

07-06-09, 08:35
at the beginning of a super dave 2 day adv carbine course, he made us throw our rifles straight up into the air has hard as we could. I grabbed mine by the stock and tossed it as hard as I could end over end, so I wouldn't look like a puss.

My rifle (12.5 sbr) did fine, nothing broke.

Some guy broke off his samson mount w/arms lever aimpoint 3x magnifier...that was an expensive day for him.
I've never trained with Super Dave but have heard many stories about him making you drop your carbine. Like Rob, I heard it was from shoulder height or so but I still have a hard time finding the logic in this. I know he supposedly says it's to demonstrate that your carbine is only a tool, yada, yada but still. I'm by no means knocking Super Dave as I've heard he puts on some excellent training but this part baffles me. I'd hate to know I just paid good money for a course and ammo to have to spend more money fixing things that I broke on purpose.

07-06-09, 08:46
Brand new POF 10.5 upper fully loaded with flip up Troy's, AImpoint and magnifier.....marine snap link on single point sling got hung up on gear during a transition drill and down she went (hard as ****) on a concrete floor optics first.....did I mention it was my fellow instructors new fun gun.....zero and everything was fine other than a few scratches.....HK clips all the way now!

07-06-09, 08:53
at the beginning of a super dave 2 day adv carbine course, he made us throw our rifles straight up into the air has hard as we could. I grabbed mine by the stock and tossed it as hard as I could end over end, so I wouldn't look like a puss.

My rifle (12.5 sbr) did fine, nothing broke.

Some guy broke off his samson mount w/arms lever aimpoint 3x magnifier...that was an expensive day for him.

I am curious,What is the purpose of throwing your rifle in the air? Is it so you

wouldn't be anal about it through the carbine class, constantly checking if

:confused:anything is ok?

07-06-09, 08:57
Crossing a dry creek bed once... Those river rock that are erroded nice and round. I'm usually a sure footed guy, but I stepped on a rock just right and I didn't even stand a chance of hanging onto my rifle. I fell fast.

The weapon seemed to land on the mag base. It is a USGI mag and the base was smashed to the point where you can't remove the floor plate. Mag still works like a champ and sits in my deuce gear to this day. I didn't realize that the impact opened up the buttstock trap door and I lost my site adjustment tool. :(

07-06-09, 11:25
Colt 6920 fell vertically about 3 feet and landed on its buttstock. Forgot to zip the bag all the way closed and it fell out. :o No damage.

Same rifle in the trunk (side closest to the bumper). Rear-ended on the freeway. Bent light mount, bent tapeswitch plug, irons and optic held zero.

07-06-09, 15:22
How about 700 feet during a night jump?

07-06-09, 16:19
What type of (if any) damage occured?

07-06-09, 17:20
running across a large parking lot we drilled in ,to "take that Hill"sling buckle let loose and my Colt M4 hit my knee in my run
and was knocked forward about 4 feet and landed stock first .
then flipped end over end.I picked it up and kept running,at the range the next day it was still in ZERO....just scratched it some:D.

07-06-09, 18:02
define "survived?"

as many already know, i've had two daniel defense handguard break from minor drops to concrete. first one was when the weapon was leaning on the rack and some asshole knocked it over, the second it got knocked off the bench and landed flat on it's side from less than 3' up.

the first rail was a DD M4, and it broke at the welds.

the second was a DD lite, and the bolt-up ring and ring welded to the rail body bent, leaving the handguard pressed up against my barrel at the FSB. i beat it straighter, but it's still all ****ed up.

DD replaced the first one, DD has yet to return any of my calls on this last one.

also had a DD show up already broken in the box once, but that was from a dealer- who took it back.

i've had a bunch of DD rails, and have a bunch currently.. but ****in A, i think i'm a larue man now.

also broke an Ergo grip, by tripping over myself while rushing and landing on it knee first. SNAP.

guy in my squad broke his A2 grip trying to chip packed snow/ice off the heal of his boot... he was stuck with it broken at the hilt for the next week, too. ****in rocked for him. he found out you can still shoot if you loop your thumb up over the stock and just sprawl your hand over the rear of the receiver.

i've dropped/fallen on/kicked/tripped over/even thrown my weapon more times than i can ever count without anything breaking. sometimes you just get unlucky, i guess.

07-06-09, 18:42
Fell about 6 ft off a wall onto concrete, I think it landed muzzle first

07-06-09, 18:49
Not the point of the thread, but if you're going to be out in those conditions I'd suggest one of the shoot-off type muzzle caps. I always use one, and a red one at that, when out hunting hogs.

Youre absolutely right! I have an orange one but completely forgot to take it with me in the rush to get all my stuff together for the trip.

Beat Trash
07-06-09, 18:56
Youre absolutely right! I have an orange one but completely forgot to take it with me in the rush to get all my stuff together for the trip.

Not that I'd intentionally want to do so, but in an emergency, is it safe to shoot through one of those plastic muzzle caps?

07-06-09, 19:05
define "survived?"

as many already know, i've had two daniel defense handguard break from minor drops to concrete. first one was when the weapon was leaning on the rack and some asshole knocked it over, the second it got knocked off the bench and landed flat on it's side from less than 3' up.

the first rail was a DD M4, and it broke at the welds.

the second was a DD lite, and the bolt-up ring and ring welded to the rail body bent, leaving the handguard pressed up against my barrel at the FSB. i beat it straighter, but it's still all ****ed up.

DD replaced the first one, DD has yet to return any of my calls on this last one.

also had a DD show up already broken in the box once, but that was from a dealer- who took it back.

i've had a bunch of DD rails, and have a bunch currently.. but ****in A, i think i'm a larue man now.

also broke an Ergo grip, by tripping over myself while rushing and landing on it knee first. SNAP.

guy in my squad broke his A2 grip trying to chip packed snow/ice off the heal of his boot... he was stuck with it broken at the hilt for the next week, too. ****in rocked for him. he found out you can still shoot if you loop your thumb up over the stock and just sprawl your hand over the rear of the receiver.

i've dropped/fallen on/kicked/tripped over/even thrown my weapon more times than i can ever count without anything breaking. sometimes you just get unlucky, i guess.

Well, by survived I mean not breaking any major component on your rifle. --barrel assy, upper and lower receivers... so in that sense, yes, yours survived :D
On the subject of Larue rails, I wish theyd come out with their own drop-in type free float rail like the Omega.

07-06-09, 19:07
Not that I'd intentionally want to do so, but in an emergency, is it safe to shoot through one of those plastic muzzle caps?

I believe some of them are made to shoot through.

07-06-09, 19:08
Not that I'd intentionally want to do so, but in an emergency, is it safe to shoot through one of those plastic muzzle caps?

Yup, theyre made to be shot off the muzzle if and when necessary.

07-06-09, 19:19
you can also use sandwich bags and rubber bands, for a less durable but cheaper and more water-proof method. i just rip the corner off the bag and triple up the rubber band.

07-06-09, 20:44
Ok here's one but someone more knowledgeable should confirm the validity of this...
Didnt soldiers in Vietnam wrap their muzzles with condoms??

Heavy Metal
07-06-09, 21:04
I've never trained with Super Dave but have heard many stories about him making you drop your carbine. Like Rob, I heard it was from shoulder height or so but I still have a hard time finding the logic in this. I know he supposedly says it's to demonstrate that your carbine is only a tool, yada, yada but still. I'm by no means knocking Super Dave as I've heard he puts on some excellent training but this part baffles me. I'd hate to know I just paid good money for a course and ammo to have to spend more money fixing things that I broke on purpose.

........and yet if you were a lowly biker and tried and make a similar point with SD'd truck............................................

07-06-09, 21:08
Ok here's one but someone more knowledgeable should confirm the validity of this...
Didnt soldiers in Vietnam wrap their muzzles with condoms??

I was going to ask that same question. :o lubed or non-lubed? :D Ok non-lubed; now are they cheaper then the muzzle caps?

07-06-09, 21:17
Yes they did, but now Im pretty sure the caps are cheaper if you know where to look

07-07-09, 04:45
Youre absolutely right! I have an orange one but completely forgot to take it with me in the rush to get all my stuff together for the trip.

Not that I'd intentionally want to do so, but in an emergency, is it safe to shoot through one of those plastic muzzle caps?

They are, in fact, meant to be shot through. Trying to remove one would be potentially unsafe as they stick on pretty good and would require your hand to get in front of the muzzle of a loaded gun.

Not only do you shoot through it, but in my experience they fly right off the gun.

07-07-09, 08:44
I've heard that if they fit tightly enough they don't even get "shot through," rather the column of air in front of the bullet pushes them off before the bullet gets there.


07-07-09, 09:09
I have no idea on that account. I've never stood down there and watched it. Maybe we could get some of the TR staff to take a video for us? :D

07-07-09, 10:44
I have no idea on that account. I've never stood down there and watched it. Maybe we could get some of the TR staff to take a video for us? :D


My varminter was nearly blown off the bench once. It was sitting on a concrete bench resting on the bipod when a good gust of wind blew it right on it's side. I guess those A2 stocks do a good job of catching a breeze. :D

It hit hard but the cheap Simmons scope and B-Square mount held up just fine.

Beat Trash
07-07-09, 16:15
They are, in fact, meant to be shot through. Trying to remove one would be potentially unsafe as they stick on pretty good and would require your hand to get in front of the muzzle of a loaded gun.

Not only do you shoot through it, but in my experience they fly right off the gun.

Thanks all for the info...