View Full Version : So What Are The Specific ROE Here...?

07-08-09, 17:45
Looked for a conduct code but didn't see one.

Saw the stuff about personal attacks and such. What are the rules regarding Koran toilet paper, BOTD pics and language?

Also when I reach 40,000+ can I offer to sell my account for big $$$?


07-08-09, 18:02
Do not comment unless commented upon.

Keeps the post count low and lean.

(Edit: I am just gonna ride your new threads to up my own count. Kinda your own post count groupie.)

07-08-09, 18:50
Some personal opinions and some as a mod:

1) I think the Koran TP pic is funny.

2) One of the principals of this site is a Christianity-oriented woman, and I happen to have it on good advice that a gun site/gun rag/gun hobby/gear or gun manufacturer does not need to stoop to "babe of the day" to converse/deal in or about guns.

3) If you get to 1000 posts, I will personally see to it that we reset your post count. Each time.


07-08-09, 19:59
The rules here are simple ones. Be respectful, share legitimate knowledge (which some know you have).

Fun is welcome, but no classless BS.

07-08-09, 22:48
In a nutshell:
More of this (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=33942), less of this (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=33989). :p

Welcome :D

07-09-09, 00:10
Looked for a conduct code but didn't see one.

Saw the stuff about personal attacks and such. What are the rules regarding Koran toilet paper, BOTD pics and language?

Also when I reach 40,000+ can I offer to sell my account for big $$$?


With a name like SteyrAUG, you are not starting out on the right foot at M4 Carbine dot net. ;)

No trying to make converts!

Just out of curiosity, why big money for a large post account? Everytime I see my post count I think "I could have been shooting or practicing, why am I on this leather beer holster thread again."

Just think of all the mods here as your eight different bosses, that's your motivation.

07-09-09, 01:00
Looked for a conduct code but didn't see one.

Saw the stuff about personal attacks and such. What are the rules regarding Koran toilet paper, BOTD pics and language?

Also when I reach 40,000+ can I offer to sell my account for big $$$?


in my experience:

no pornography
no racial "slurs" (nope, not even @#$%#)
you can swear, but not "too much"
you can rip on pretty much anyone at any time, except SMEs and a few select special people who remain unknown until you rip on them.

07-09-09, 06:03
Take a couple of days to read through things and get acclimated. A few things I think you'll find different here....

There is very little traffic on this site in general discussion. It is probably the inverse of ar15.com where their total posts in the entire rest of their site don't add up too the daily traffic in GD. Here there is very little traffic in GD, and most of us like it that way. For example, we have ONE car thread, and typically when someone wants to go posting something new car related they go dig up that one thread, not start 500 different little ones. I can't speak for everyone else, but I really like this.

Most of the traffic here is in the technical sections. We tend to talk about guns, gear, and most importantly training with, and using, same. For most of us that have been here since the beginning, "the mission drives the gear train" and we're all looking at new and better guns and gear in terms of how it will improve our end use, whatever that use may be. We have guys that are REALLY good competition shooters, we have cops local, state, and fed, we have soldiers and PMCs downrange, etc. Everyone has their own mission, but the thing that binds us is that we're buying, training, and posting with an eye towards whatever that mission is.

So, while I doubt you're going to find anyone giving you shit over a koran TP pic, you're probably going to have a hard time finding a place to post it as it's probably not germane to the topics at hand.

This site isn't about post counts, pushing the limits of the COC (although dinger and katar might be surprised to hear me say that ;) ), posting funny youtube videos, etc. The unwritten mission statement is that we're all interested in what I call "critical use" guns and gear, and we all take that pretty seriously. We also tend to take people at face value in terms of their intended use. If someone says "I need a suppressed SBR AR for home defense", while we may critique that notion on other sites, here you'll take them at their word and try to help them tweak and tune their tool for their stated purpose.

In short, M4C is everything the ar15.com technical sections are with none of the "noise" from the GD mouth-breathers, picture posters, and post-counters, cluttering up the "signal". The mods and admin have embraced the fact that not all site are for all people, and understand that some people may not be happy here and will simply leave of their own accord.

steyr, I think you could contribute a lot here in the technical sections in terms of your affinity for HKs and the like. But, 5 new threads at once on the main page of GD tells me you probably need to just take a breath and surf the site for a bit.

07-09-09, 09:49
in my experience:

you can rip on pretty much anyone at any time, except SMEs and a few select special people who remain unknown until you rip on them.

That is great. So who are the unknown people that you cannot "rip" on??


07-09-09, 09:53
Take a couple of days to read through things and get acclimated. A few things I think you'll find different here....

There is very little traffic on this site in general discussion. It is probably the inverse of ar15.com where their total posts in the entire rest of their site don't add up too the daily traffic in GD. Here there is very little traffic in GD, and most of us like it that way. For example, we have ONE car thread, and typically when someone wants to go posting something new car related they go dig up that one thread, not start 500 different little ones. I can't speak for everyone else, but I really like this.

Most of the traffic here is in the technical sections. We tend to talk about guns, gear, and most importantly training with, and using, same. For most of us that have been here since the beginning, "the mission drives the gear train" and we're all looking at new and better guns and gear in terms of how it will improve our end use, whatever that use may be. We have guys that are REALLY good competition shooters, we have cops local, state, and fed, we have soldiers and PMCs downrange, etc. Everyone has their own mission, but the thing that binds us is that we're buying, training, and posting with an eye towards whatever that mission is.

So, while I doubt you're going to find anyone giving you shit over a koran TP pic, you're probably going to have a hard time finding a place to post it as it's probably not germane to the topics at hand.

This site isn't about post counts, pushing the limits of the COC (although dinger and katar might be surprised to hear me say that ;) ), posting funny youtube videos, etc. The unwritten mission statement is that we're all interested in what I call "critical use" guns and gear, and we all take that pretty seriously. We also tend to take people at face value in terms of their intended use. If someone says "I need a suppressed SBR AR for home defense", while we may critique that notion on other sites, here you'll take them at their word and try to help them tweak and tune their tool for their stated purpose.

In short, M4C is everything the ar15.com technical sections are with none of the "noise" from the GD mouth-breathers, picture posters, and post-counters, cluttering up the "signal". The mods and admin have embraced the fact that not all site are for all people, and understand that some people may not be happy here and will simply leave of their own accord.

Kurt, I think you could contribute a lot here in the technical sections in terms of your affinity for HKs and the like. But, 5 new threads at once on the main page of GD tells me you probably need to just take a breath and surf the site for a bit.

Rob has a good post here. The GD forum here is not the "busy" forum and that is kind of how we like it.

Training and technical knowledge are king here. People that try and fake these two things are quickly called out.

Enjoy the forum!


07-09-09, 11:30
Mission Statement

The purpose of M4Carbine.net is to provide a forum to share professional and technical information to the shooting community. The forum is open to military, law enforcement, and recreational shooters.
Posting Rules

1) Derogatory Remarks – Please do not post any comments that are intentional personal attacks against other members. (Including, but not limited to, name calling, comments of a racial, religious or sexual nature.) Debate is welcome and encouraged. Personal attacks, and name calling, serve no purpose in the exchange and debate of good information. Please be respectful to your fellow shooting enthusiasts whether they are new shooters or seasoned veterans.

2) Information, Links, and Images, – Please do not post information on illegal modifications to firearms, threats against individuals or government entities images, or links to pornography. Do not post someone else's personal contact information (including home phone numbers, addresses, and unpublished email addresses). Do not post topics that disrupt the overall workings of M4Carbine.net.

3) Industry Professional – This forum designates a very choice few members with the title of Industry Professional. These are individuals who have extensive first hand experience with the deployment of small arms, execution of proper tactics, or development of the past or current military weapons platforms. Generally speaking, they are well compensated for the information that they provide; and providing information on a free internet forum is a service to us all. Often in an internet forum other posters may not recognize the individual behind certain screen names or have checked their screen name bio. This title is a helpful tool for a viewer to identify such individuals. You are welcome to disagree with their opinion (debate is one of the best ways to fully understand and exchange information), but please take a moment to recognize where their experience and information comes from.

4) Contact The Manufacturer or Dealer First – Internet forums have a large global audience and unsubstantiated or ill-informed comments will affect the livelihoods of a lot of hard working people in the industry. If you have an issue with a manufacturer or dealer that you would like to resolve, we ask that your first contact them to resolve it.

5) Industry Disclosure – If you are an industry manufacturer/dealer or employed by one you must disclose this relationship through your screen name or signature line. Anonymous industry trolling will not be allowed.

6) Trolling – Posting comments with the purpose to start conflicts with members, libel persons or groups, or to disrupt the overall running of the forum will not be allowed.
Posting Suggestions

In order to maintain a site that is an effective database of good information, it is best to post information that you have first hand knowledge of. If you are repeating information that you have been told or have read from another poster, it is best to disclose that in the opening of the post.

Differences in opinion are quite common amongst the firearms industry, as there are few absolutes in this industry. And as a result, debates over preferences are common. We hope you use this forum to share and exchange ideas and not to win arguments. It is the bigger man that agrees to disagree without being disagreeable.
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1) Companies or individuals cannot advertise or sell products in the discussion forums (including signature lines and titles). Manufacturers or their dealers are welcome and encouraged to post information in the discussion forums as it relates to technical specifications, new product releases (models, colors, options, etc.), prototypes, user feedback, or additional features in existing or expanding products lines. Members interested in selling or trading equipment should use the Market Place.

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M4 Carbine LLC does not and cannot review all communications and materials posted to or created by users accessing the site, and is not in any manner responsible for the content of these communications and materials. You acknowledge that by providing you with the ability to view and distribute user-generated content on the site, M4 Carbine LLC is merely acting as a passive conduit for such distribution and is not undertaking any obligation or liability relating to any contents or activities on the site. However, M4 Carbine LLC reserves the right to block or remove communications or materials that it determines to be (a) abusive, defamatory, or obscene, (b) fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading, (c) in violation of a copyright, trademark or; other intellectual property right of another or (d) offensive or otherwise unacceptable to M4 Carbine LLC in its sole discretion.

M4Carbine LLC reserves the right to revise and amend the forum rules as necessary.

Thank you,
Site Staff

The rules are always available via the "Rules" button at the top of the page.

Welcome to the board, Steyr.

07-09-09, 11:40
Keep the Circus antics and Look at me syndrome threads to a minimum.

Rob_s is the biggest attention whore here, and that's how we like it.

This site it the refuge from the other ****tard gun sites.

07-09-09, 11:46
in my experience:
special people who remain unknown until you rip on them.

In regards to that, I would say this:

We try to encourage a default position of respect on M4C...as in everybody is treated with respect unless they happen to be an obvious troll or moron.

M4C gives some individuals the title of Subject Matter Expert because of their extensive real-world experience in elite military and some LE organizations where they lived and breathed combat and preparation for combat. This designation allows posters to have a good grasp of their background when they are reading the contributions of the SME's. If someone doesn't already know where Larry Vickers or Kyle DeFoor used to work, they could recognize by the yellow title that they are hearing from individuals who are eminently qualified to offer authoritative opinions.

That being said, there are also a lot of posters who have significant training and experience but that don't have blue or yellow screen names. It would be a serious mistake to dismiss the input of an individual simply because their name doesn't show up with a special color.

I've met a number of the people behind the screen-names on M4C and in doing so I've learned that I shouldn't be in a hurry to mistreat anybody on this site. ;)

EDIT -- well, anybody other than Grant.

07-09-09, 12:33
In regards to that, I would say this:

We try to encourage a default position of respect on M4C...as in everybody is treated with respect unless they happen to be an obvious troll or moron....

Echo what The Duke 777 says. "Respect everyone you contact. Until they have literally and positively proven that they don't deserve it..."

07-09-09, 12:44
I think you folks may be talking to the wall here. After throwing a temper tantrum in one of his several other threads he said we can keep this forum to ourselves.


07-09-09, 13:04
I think you folks may be talking to the wall here. After throwing a temper tantrum in one of his several other threads he said we can keep this forum to ourselves.


Where? I thought I looked at all of his threads. He seems like a knowledgeable guy. Had a detailed write up about his G3s. O well.

07-09-09, 13:14
Where? I thought I looked at all of his threads. He seems like a knowledgeable guy. Had a detailed write up about his G3s. O well.

There absolutely was another thread about his "ninja skills" or something that had a youtube link. It is gone now.

He was criticized for posting too much too fast and got angry.

I am sure others saw it. I could not possibly say how or why that could have happened. Perhaps this reply will disappear shortly as well.

07-09-09, 13:29
There absolutely was another thread about his "ninja skills" or something that had a youtube link. It is gone now.

He was criticized for posting too much too fast and got angry.

I am sure others saw it. I could not possibly say how or why that could have happened. Perhaps this reply will disappear shortly as well.

Enough said. Lets just forget about it.

07-09-09, 13:42
There absolutely was another thread about his "ninja skills" or something that had a youtube link. It is gone now.

He was criticized for posting too much too fast and got angry.

I am sure others saw it. I could not possibly say how or why that could have happened. Perhaps this reply will disappear shortly as well.

Well just to clear the record.

I didn't throw a tantrum, and I didn't get angry. I got annoyed because a couple of guys saw fit to flip me crap about posting too much. Rather than explain the nature of the GD they just started throwing me crap. Had somebody simply let me know this is more of a technical forum rather than a social one I could have simply adapted. I could have easily understood and appreciated the nature of the forum if I had simply been told.

But without that understanding it seemed (to me) to be just another cliquish forum were established members give the "new guy" crap in an effort to demonstrate they are the cool kids and I need to learn my place.

As for the "ninja skills" thing it was a comedy Youtube link that wasn't even me. It was a joke, I thought people would find it funny. But not only was it not well received, due to this forum trying to avoid pointless diversion, I actually got a warning because somebody deemed it a "hate video" which is ridiculous.

Really wish somebody would have simply explained the environment to me on this topic rather than just start feeding me crap on the other two topics without any kind of explanation. The whole thing could have been avoided.

As for "posting too much" that was nothing more than me recognizing a few people I knew from arfcom and feeling I was among friends. Perhaps that was my other error.

That said, it is not my wish to continue to disrupt this forum so the best thing for me is to leave it to you. And not because I'm throwing a tantrum, not taking my ball and going home, I just don't think I need to be here. Honesty the reception wasn't one that makes me welcome anyway. It's a tech forum and you guys have enough knowledgeable people you can get along just fine without me.

07-09-09, 15:06
I am sure we would be better off with you here. Nothing personal. It's just a different world than AR15, and many of us prefer it that way.

One day, perhaps you will too.

07-09-09, 15:15
Really wish somebody would have simply explained the environment to me on this topic rather than just start feeding me crap on the other two topics without any kind of explanation. The whole thing could have been avoided.

If I had known you were here I would have welcomed you myself. I just don't come into GD much so I didn't know about this thread until...well...today. :p

07-09-09, 15:24
That said, it is not my wish to continue to disrupt this forum so the best thing for me is to leave it to you. And not because I'm throwing a tantrum, not taking my ball and going home, I just don't think I need to be here. Honesty the reception wasn't one that makes me welcome anyway. It's a tech forum and you guys have enough knowledgeable people you can get along just fine without me.

Ok, your choice.

Should I lock your account now?

07-09-09, 15:52
I am sure we would be better off with you here...

I agree with Safetyhit. Your last post "Well just to clear the record..." was well said, SteyrAUG.

Thomas M-4
07-09-09, 16:18
I read your G-3 post and found it very interesting to read.
I didn't see the other one but It sounds like you got the standard M-4C welcome:eek: I had a week of a shit storm in a di VS piston debate:p soon after I signed up. I wouldn't be concerned with it please stay and make your self at home.

07-09-09, 16:37
In regards to that, I would say this:

We try to encourage a default position of respect on M4C...as in everybody is treated with respect unless they happen to be an obvious troll or moron.

M4C gives some individuals the title of Subject Matter Expert because of their extensive real-world experience in elite military and some LE organizations where they lived and breathed combat and preparation for combat. This designation allows posters to have a good grasp of their background when they are reading the contributions of the SME's. If someone doesn't already know where Larry Vickers or Kyle DeFoor used to work, they could recognize by the yellow title that they are hearing from individuals who are eminently qualified to offer authoritative opinions.

That being said, there are also a lot of posters who have significant training and experience but that don't have blue or yellow screen names. It would be a serious mistake to dismiss the input of an individual simply because their name doesn't show up with a special color.

I've met a number of the people behind the screen-names on M4C and in doing so I've learned that I shouldn't be in a hurry to mistreat anybody on this site. ;)

EDIT -- well, anybody other than Grant.

i understand, and value, all of this. Dont think my comment was any big criticism of this fine site, which is bliss compared to the politics/favoritism/back-scratching of other sites. my intent was only to point out exactly what you just said- that just because they don't have a brightly colored user-name doesn't mean they don't have a guardian angel.

i got my knuckles whacked for a relatively minor comment made in response to something one of these special people said- i know for a fact that he's an extremely knowledgeable guy, but that doesn't excuse his perpetual sullen/shitty/condescending attitude toward basically anyone but his own personal homies and the moderators.

i understand the infraction to serve as a reminder that i am not, however, a moderator, and to leave the moderating to moderators. i also understand that it's quite possible this particular individual was dealt with like i was- in private, through official channels- and is none of my business.

Staff knows it's hard not to be an asshole when faced with assholes- and that's why there's an infraction system. gives you an opportunity to back off and chill out, rather than just getting the boot.

Ed L.
07-09-09, 19:49
The problem with a "general discussion" category is that a lot of things that might be interesting or funny to you might not be interesting or funny to other people. The danger is that you then have a category that is so clogged with crap that it becomes useless and no one wants to wade through it to find what may be interesting. Some other sites suffer from this problem.

07-09-09, 22:31
Ok, your choice.

Should I lock your account now?

Normally I would say yes but one of the other mods told me you thought I was cute and wanted me to stick around.

Besides locking my account is such an arfcom GD thing to do. And as several people pointed out, this forum ain't like arfcom GD.


07-09-09, 22:34
The problem with a "general discussion" category is that a lot of things that might be interesting or funny to you might not be interesting or funny to other people. The danger is that you then have a category that is so clogged with crap that it becomes useless and no one wants to wade through it to find what may be interesting. Some other sites suffer from this problem.

I get that now. And pretty much can appreciate the concept. I just didn't know that when I arrived. I will try and keep the pointless diversion to a minimum.

07-09-09, 22:45
Normally I would say yes but one of the other mods told me you thought I was cute and wanted me to stick around.

He was confused. I asked, "Can he be put on mute?"

More of the HK write-ups less of this shiite. Ok?

07-09-09, 22:55
This thread basically went from a discussion about ROE to a demonstration of ROE.


07-10-09, 00:10
Some of these guys here I would let cover my Six.I am sure you will feel the same if you stick around ,and get to know some of them .I have learned so Much here and I enjoy the no Nonsense .But a good joke from time to time is a good break .But the Knowledge here is just to good to pass on.I thought the Army taught me all I needed to know about the M4 .I was Clueless till I found this Site.

And Welcome to M4C:D
Loved the post on your HKs ,Good read:)

07-10-09, 00:56
More of the HK write-ups less of this shiite. Ok?

I'm caught up now. All somebody had to do was explain it to me.

07-10-09, 01:00
Cool deal.

I ain't huggin' anybody though..... :cool:

07-10-09, 01:02
Well just to clear the record.

I didn't throw a tantrum, and I didn't get angry. I got annoyed because a couple of guys saw fit to flip me crap about posting too much. Rather than explain the nature of the GD they just started throwing me crap. Had somebody simply let me know this is more of a technical forum rather than a social one I could have simply adapted. I could have easily understood and appreciated the nature of the forum if I had simply been told.

But without that understanding it seemed (to me) to be just another cliquish forum were established members give the "new guy" crap in an effort to demonstrate they are the cool kids and I need to learn my place.

As for the "ninja skills" thing it was a comedy Youtube link that wasn't even me. It was a joke, I thought people would find it funny. But not only was it not well received, due to this forum trying to avoid pointless diversion, I actually got a warning because somebody deemed it a "hate video" which is ridiculous.

Really wish somebody would have simply explained the environment to me on this topic rather than just start feeding me crap on the other two topics without any kind of explanation. The whole thing could have been avoided.

As for "posting too much" that was nothing more than me recognizing a few people I knew from arfcom and feeling I was among friends. Perhaps that was my other error.

That said, it is not my wish to continue to disrupt this forum so the best thing for me is to leave it to you. And not because I'm throwing a tantrum, not taking my ball and going home, I just don't think I need to be here. Honesty the reception wasn't one that makes me welcome anyway. It's a tech forum and you guys have enough knowledgeable people you can get along just fine without me.

I welcome you here without reservation. Yes, you're a wiseass, but you know your shit. Just relax, and you'll fit in just fine.

07-10-09, 02:20
Cool deal.

I ain't huggin' anybody though..... :cool:

I was "quietly" lurking until I saw this.. I think I woke up the wife with my outburst of laughter...


07-10-09, 12:52
I'm generally under the radar here and on TOS, but I recall Steyr from there and welcome seeing his technical / photographic posts once again.

07-10-09, 15:27
I'm generally under the radar here...

With 4 posts since '07 that might be deemed an understatement.
