View Full Version : How We Almost Became Extinct In 1998...

07-08-09, 17:49
On August 27, 1998...for 5 minutes the Earth was bombarded by a deadly Gamma and X Rays, the lethal combination generated by a thermonuclear weapon. Radiation sensors on 7 Earth satellites went off the scale and two of them had to be shut down to prevent their destruction. This was the highest radiation level ever detected by them since being placed in orbit. The deadly radiation penetrated to within 30 miles of the Earths surface before being dissipated in the lower atmosphere. Had the deadly radiation been powerful enough to reach the surface of the planet it could have sterilized the Earth of all life completely.

And most shocking of all, the cause of the event was 20,000 years old. Back then primitive man had yet to domesticate crops or begin to create civilization and was simply struggling for survival in the last ice age along with wooly mammoths, mastodons and saber tooth cats. But far away... 20,000 light years away to be exact....a neutron star in the constellation Aquila (part of the Summer Triangle) underwent a violent cataclysm which emitted the deadly, expanding radioactive sphere into space moving at the speed of light.

For 20,000 years it sped through space, it's energy diminishing with each mile it traveled over the centuries. Until it finally reached us that summer day in 1998. Had the event occurred only 10,000 light years away the energy received by us would have been four times as strong.

07-08-09, 18:02
Although to be fair if it had happened only 10,000 light-years away our satellites would not have been built before it reached us right?

07-08-09, 18:16
BS speculation with a hint of 2012, Hitler survived, I saw Sasquatch. Quit watching the Science channel. It has become the doomsday for ratings channel. There are many posters here with advanced degrees that are quite up on current thinking/current bs.

07-08-09, 18:31
BS speculation with a hint of 2012, Hitler survived, I saw Sasquatch. Quit watching the Science channel. It has become the doomsday for ratings channel. There are many posters here with advanced degrees that are quite up on current thinking/current bs.

Well since you are so current, the source was Peter Ward not the Science channel.

07-08-09, 18:32
Although to be fair if it had happened only 10,000 light-years away our satellites would not have been built before it reached us right?

You got a point.


07-08-09, 19:10
I thought they figured out that Neutron stars are not the cause of GRBs (gamma ray burters)? I thought the cause was blackhole formation?

07-08-09, 21:29
Had the event occurred only 10,000 light years away the energy received by us would have been four times as strong.

And if my mother had external instead of internal genitalia, she wouldn't be my mother.

Everybody in the scientainment industry pounds it to S.M Stirling or Harry Turtledove, and feels the need to add in some alternate timeline horse puckey as though they already know that the science alone has a strong "So the hell what?" aspect to it.

07-08-09, 21:35
Nice interesting found fact. It's probably why my hairs falling out! That reminds me if that God awful movie with Nicholas Cage, my girl roped me into, Knowing. That's how the earth ended with a gamma ray burst from our sun. It had too much of a religious/ left behind theme for me.:rolleyes:

Heavy Metal
07-08-09, 21:45
Of course 95%+ of Earths atmosphere is below 30 miles.