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07-09-09, 07:56
Factory Worker Dies After Falling Into Vat of Chocolate

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A 22-year-old factory worker died Wednesday after he fell into a vat of boiling chocolate at a manufacturing plant in New Jersey, police said.

the man had been in the melting pot for about 10 minutes by the time rescue crews arrived, MyFOXPhilly.com reported.

a co-worker tried to shut off the machine and two others tried to pull the man out of the 8-foot-deep vat. He was hit and fatally injured by the agitator that mixes the chocolate.

By the time he was pulled out of the tank just after 11 a.m., he was already dead.

slightly edited by me.., just wondering if that $12,000.00 pot of chocolate will be dumped or turned into little chocolate men like chocolate Easter Bunnies ?? ;) :D

07-09-09, 08:10
Whole new meaning to "death by chocolate"

07-09-09, 10:33
I now have the Oompa-Lumpa song going through my head..... ;)

07-09-09, 11:18
I now have the Oompa-Lumpa song going through my head..... ;)

Well I didn't but now I do......:mad:

07-09-09, 13:05
The man died in a work related accident. Chocolate, cement, dirt, whatever.

It's not amusing in the least.

07-09-09, 13:36
The man died in a work related accident. Chocolate, cement, dirt, whatever.

It's not amusing in the least.

I'm just a horrible person.

Believe it or not, the human mind often develops something called a coping mechanism. Many years ago, when I was a paramedic, and then a Marine grunt, I would use humor to try to deal with tragedy.

Yes, it was an accident. Yes, it was a bad thing.

And if I cried over every person I had ever seen die, or scraped their bodies out of some kind of accident, I'd be in a padded cell.

It's called dark humor, or sarcasm, or whatever you want.

I am glad you can feel bad over every bad thing that happens in the world. I really am, and I do not mean that as a slight. I am glad there are people that go about their lives with a smile.

But there are a lot of people that have spent too much time cleaning up after other people, and we get a wee bit hardened by it. So we think and say things that you would complain about.

Be happy you are you.

07-09-09, 13:50
I am glad you can feel bad over every bad thing that happens in the world. I really am, and I do not mean that as a slight. I am glad there are people that go about their lives with a smile.

Do you think you could make any stronger a generalization? This sounds like something coming from someone who sees the world in 2 dimensions.

It also sounds like you have seen a lot, perhaps too much. Still, you have no idea what I have seen and endured as well. I have every reason to go around frowning if I chose to.

But, not only don't I do that, but I do smile often (mainly because of my 5 year old son). I have seen death and lost much, yet I still love and can sympathize with this man's unusual death.

The concept of coping with humor is questionable at best. I suppose it is up to the individual.

larry starling
07-09-09, 13:57
The man died in a work related accident. Chocolate, cement, dirt, whatever.

It's not amusing in the least.

I got to agree with ya!

07-09-09, 21:49
The man died in a work related accident. Chocolate, cement, dirt, whatever.

It's not amusing in the least.
Your in the minority; This is one of over 5000+ industrial deaths that occur every year. Why do you think the media chose to report this one over a guy falling off a ladder?

07-09-09, 22:00
Your in the minority; This is one of over 5000+ industrial deaths that occur every year. Why do you think the media chose to report this one over a guy falling off a ladder?

Because the media is a bunch of ****ing assclowns, the whole lot IMO.

07-09-09, 22:13
Because the media is a bunch of ****ing assclowns, the whole lot IMO.

Well, I will not argue with that one, but we are the ones who watch.

Personally I wish the media would get back to the facts and not report sensationalist stories just to drive numbers.

"Here with that report is a midget in a bikini."