View Full Version : CIA director admits Congress was mislead

07-09-09, 17:07
What a surprise, the CIA lies again.

CIA director admits that Cogress was misled or outright lied to by the agency. Lying to Congress is a pretty serious crime.

07-09-09, 17:34
Well with a director with such a strong intelligence background as Panetta, surprised we are not launching an investigating into CIA planning the 9/11 attacks or secret CIA plan to promote global warming since the 50s.

He is an administration stooge and since they got Cap and Trade through the House, now is the time to be nice to Peloci and help her out.

Lets **** off the people working to protect us for some political crap.

Not bitter, not bitter at all.

07-09-09, 17:38

07-09-09, 17:44
Wall Stree Journal - one of the last, best newspapers left.


07-09-09, 20:11
You know, there are things that Congrss just doesn't need to know....those guys just get in the way. They just need to write the checks and butt out.

07-09-09, 20:13
Elected officials Lying to taxpayers should be a serious crime.

...fixed it.

07-09-09, 21:29
Misleading statement about the lying. Saying the CIA lied is not telling the full truth. Read the whole story and associated details that have come out since then. It actually points to Nancy Pelosi lying and not the CIA. I'm assuming the OP was simply unaware of the true nature of the story. Not worth getting into. Do a little research and you'll see the story title is extremely misleading.

Robb Jensen
07-09-09, 21:40
What a surprise, the CIA lies again.

CIA director admits that Cogress was misled or outright lied to by the agency. Lying to Congress is a pretty serious crime.

Simply...........he's an idiot and he's wrong.

07-09-09, 21:44
Maybe the CIA should launch an investigation, as to whether they can extract his head from its current cranialrectal infarction... :mad: