View Full Version : Capital Punishment

07-09-09, 17:09
Do you support it?

Why or why not?

I believe I have read that it costs as much, if not more, to put someone to death as it does to incarcerate them for the rest of their life.

I also have read a number of people who believe it does not deter crime (or at least the crimes that would warrant the death penalty).


07-09-09, 17:18
Support it - yes. To me this is still the ultimate punishment. Why - because it is the ultimate deterant. Even to those who have nothing, losing their life is still something else they can lose.

Now I am sure you can play a number of different scenarios and worse punishements, yada, yada, yada - but this is the worst we can offer.

Why is it messed up and costs so much and whacked out states like Maryland have it but dont exercise it...Yet something else the politicians and lawyers screw up. If we could punish people FAST, like Judge Dredd fast, for like you know, for people who drive slow in the fast lane or vote for the wrong politician...it would be more effective.

07-09-09, 17:19
It may not deter crime, but it sure as hell prevents that person from committing crimes again. I'm not sure about the cost being that high to put someone to death, but if it is, it's because they have to do it all "humane". Whereas, the arsehole who raped and killed the 8 year old girl wasn't "humane" about what he did in any way shape or form. Just another sign of the wussification of the world.

Personally, I think this would be a good idea. (good movie by the way)
Toss 'em on an island and walk away. a la "No Escape" with Ray Liotta
*linky broken*

07-09-09, 17:28
snip...I also have read a number of people who believe it does not deter crime (or at least the crimes that would warrant the death penalty).
I'm for it.
It isn't called capital "deterrent", it's called capital "punishment".
Our criminal justice system is not aimed at deterring crime, it is aimed at punishing criminals.
If the potential of the punishment deters you from committing a crime, great.
People that insist on arguing that the death penalty doesn't deter crime are simply trying to divert the argument.

07-09-09, 17:45
Support it - yes. To me this is still the ultimate punishment. Why - because it is the ultimate deterant. Even to those who have nothing, losing their life is still something else they can lose.

Now I am sure you can play a number of different scenarios and worse punishements, yada, yada, yada - but this is the worst we can offer.

Why is it messed up and costs so much and whacked out states like Maryland have it but dont exercise it...Yet something else the politicians and lawyers screw up. If we could punish people FAST, like Judge Dredd fast, for like you know, for people who drive slow in the fast lane or vote for the wrong politician...it would be more effective.

Like Old West Justice. "I pronounce you guilty and sentence you to death. You will hang tomorrow morning."

I believe death row inmates often spend a decade or more waiting to be executed. I personally feel that the process should be altered so that real justice (in some cases, execution) can be carried out without allowing the guilty or other parties to drag the process out for years.

Gutshot John
07-09-09, 17:47
I support it but I don't view it as punishment. It's as simple as putting down a rabid dog.

If it was intended to be punishment, it would be long, slow and public.

I don't believe it works as a deterrent either, anybody who commits murder believes they're going to get away with it

The death penalty exists to permanently remove from society those deemed too dangerous to exist. They have forfeited a right to be considered as human and must be destroyed.

I also believe that it also allows the guilty to suffer here for their crimes when faced with a limited time remaining to maybe allow the victim to get some peace.

For myself I think there should be more crimes that fit the penalty. That said I think there needs to be a definitive burden of proof such as DNA.

07-09-09, 17:48
I absolutely support it, if a crime is bad enough the offender should be removed from the gene pool permanently.

I also think pedophiles should be executed, Sex Offender Treatment Programs do not work.

I worked Death Row, and it is sobering to see the effect that knowing they are going to die has on them, and when it gets time for the execution reality crashes down on them like a ton of bricks.

Does it deter anything, not at all but as someone else pointed out it is capital punishment not a deterrent.

07-09-09, 17:58
I support it one hundred percent if we did more of THIS>http://forum.pafoa.org/redirect-to/?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fworldnews%2Fmiddleeast%2Fyemen%2F5765664%2FExecution-of-Yemeni-child-killer-captured-on-camera.html

Then yes it would deter crime like it does in the rest of the world. Think about it... If a thief new his hand would be cut off if he stole, he would think twice.

07-09-09, 18:24

ack.. i'd have some concerns about being he executioner..

I'm opposed. John 8:7

07-09-09, 18:36

ack.. i'd have some concerns about being he executioner..

I'm opposed. John 8:7

What would you want done, if that guy raped your son or daughter? If you start to send a message that if you commit crimes you will be punished, you will see change you can believe in. Bring back the chain gangs for other criminals. 12 hour days of hard labor instead of trips to the Hilton, now that would act as a good deterrent.

07-09-09, 18:49
What would you want done if that guy raped your son or daughter? If you start to send a message that if you commit crimes you will be punished, you will se change you can believe in. Bring back the chin gangs for other criminals. 12 hour days of hard labor instead of trips to the Hilton would act as a good deterrent.

all theories and philosophies on crime and punishment turn to dust in the presence of God. it's not about what i want- it's about what He's taught us.

if it were my son, it would take God's own hoast to keep me from tearing the man limb from limb. but that's not justice, that's vengeance- and I'd have my own to account for while kneeling at the feet of Him. Deuteronomy 32:35; Hebrews 10:30

07-09-09, 18:57
An eye for an eye... let the punishment fit the crime. However, DNA evidence has released quite a few "guilty" prisoners in the past few years.

07-09-09, 19:00
Support it. I do however think that if you are on death row you should not be there for the rest of your life. If the death sentence is handed down then it should be carried out post haste. As for saying if capital punishment is biblical I view that we have set up governments in laws in the hopes of keeping some degree of peace. That being said there must be punishment for not following the law, or else why have them.

07-09-09, 19:02
all theories and philosophies on crime and punishment turn to dust in the presence of God. it's not about what i want- it's about what He's taught us.

if it were my son, it would take God's own hoast to keep me from tearing the man limb from limb. but that's not justice, that's vengeance- and I'd have my own to account for while kneeling at the feet of Him. Deuteronomy 32:35; Hebrews 10:30

It's up to him to know Christ and go to heaven. However an eye for an eye come to mind. God teaches consequences starting at a young age... Spare the rod spoil.....

We have gotten away from accountability in this Country. I believe that is a big part of our problem in today's society. Today we blame everything but the person responsible for their actions...

07-09-09, 19:16
i'm not opposed to killing. God has sent many a man to his death, and works through man to achieve His aims. We're His hitmen. But killing a caged man seems cowardly and spiteful.. serves no other purpose than to offer some temporary relief through sinful vengeance. Even this fails, however, when they sit on death row for 10-20 years.

another extremely important reason i'm opposed was mentioned, however- the fact that our criminal justice system is imperfect. many a man has been executed for crimes he didn't commit.. and in my opinion, if this happens even once, it indicates a complete failure of the entire system. look at how many men have been exonerated, before or after execution, in the last decade, due to DNA... its a travesty. for this reason alone, despite any religious/ethical convictions, i'd be opposed.

07-09-09, 19:34
I think we should bring back public executions. Not in a perverted sense but like mentioned above. If people see how they will be punished then they may have second thoughts.

07-09-09, 19:40
An eye for an eye... let the punishment fit the crime. However, DNA evidence has released quite a few "guilty" prisoners in the past few years.

But many, many more get away scott free... OJ... It more than evens out in the long run.

07-09-09, 19:43
But many, many more get away scott free... OJ... It more than evens out in the long run.

There is no "evening out" when it comes to killing an innocent human being regardless of how many guilty go unpunished. If that's the case go kill yourself to help balance the scales.

07-09-09, 19:54
No! because we have a system that has flaws and can make a mistake.

Now with that said, there are certain individuals that need killing. I lived in California when Polly Klaas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Polly_Klaas) was killed. I would have no qualms about putting a bullet through Richard Allen Davis. Guess when the crimes involve the murder of children I get a little upset.

I guess for me horrific or especially heinous crime I am all for the death penalty or capital punishment.

I don't think the death penalty does shit as a deterrent. I think the killer suddenly gets remorse after they get caught, but never thought about it during the murder.

07-09-09, 20:12
I support it. Some crimes deserve the ultimate punishment. As far as being a deterrent, thats open to debate. Our society makes such an effort to hide it from the public eye that it loses some of its impact. I think the death penalty is a deterrent to the law abiding as much as it is a final punishment to the guilty. I understand that our legal system is less then perfect. No system is perfect. Perfection is something we strive to achieve though we know that it is realistically unattainable. Not every capital crime will receive the death penalty. Their may be enough evidence for a guilty verdict, but not enough for the DP. I'm no legal scholar, but you could have some type of point system to establish eligibility for the DP vs life. Society always seems to forget about the victims/dead. Instead, the accused become the victims. The only thing worst then accidentally putting a innocent man to death is allowing a murderer the opportunity to kill again. Theirs no perfect answer. I weigh the odds that the accidental deaths of innocents by the DP will be strongly outweighed be the deaths of the guilty.

07-09-09, 20:57
. If that's the case go kill yourself to help balance the scales.

You go first.;) In almost every case of the death penalty the defendant is a career criminal. Mistakes occur in everything in life. Innocent people are killed every day in war, in crimes and in everyday life. Do you stop the good that occurs in other things because of a mistake in a small percentage of other acts. Stop bombing the bad guys because you might hurt an innocent? No, you get the best intel that you can and take precautions. Do you stop all surgery because a bad doctor kills somebody on the table... You can go on and on...

If you are against the death penalty, by nature you are against any war etc...

I am not a proponent of killing innocent people but sometime mistakes do happen. With today's science and our legal system most get a more than a fair chance to prove their innocence.

07-09-09, 21:23
All for it. Just b/c a small number percentage wise number of supposedly innocent people were killed does not mean we should manage the exception instead of the rule. In other words, a very small percentage of innocents being supposedly executed does not mean we should stop executions.

In Hebrew, the original commandment is not "Thou Shall Not Kill." It is "Thou Shall Not Murder." Huge difference. Consider the implications. Man must live in accordance with society's just rules(according to the Torah) and capital punishment means man may, can, and should have the ability to judge and execute. Saying "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged" is not considering the context of the 613 commandments. I realize the vast majority do not live by the Torah but for those of us that do capital punishment is generally considered ok in many circumstances. I don't need the Torah to tell me that if someone/some people did horrible things to my family that I would be alright for seeking revenge even if it was by my own hand. I am not going to go into the deep reasoning and scripture behind this but I would feel secure that I would not be judged harshly. All one has to do is some Old Testament reading to see how G-D feels about such things and how the people that sought revenge in certain circumstances were judged to have done nothing wrong.