View Full Version : Funny M16 related story

07-09-09, 20:09
So, he's a Marine MP for those that dont know. Apparently during Rifle training a female recruit loads her rifle and commences to fire on command. the bolt and carrier BLAST out of the buttstock and hurt her shoulder pretty bad. The chain of command goes apeshit over this. Turns out, she never installed, OR she removed the buffer from her rifle at SOME unknown point. My son, knowing the strict supervisory instruction recruits have, cant understand how, after inspection, this went un-noticed.
Well, a fellow MP buddy of my Sons, "Ski", finds the Buffer. It was in her pillowcase on her bunk. Ski shows it to everyone, turns it over to a Supervisor, he shows it around, everyone has had their hands on it.
The female recruit admits later to have been using it for a Dildo!!!!!!!!!!
anchovie smell musta gave it away...

GAHHHHHHHH!!!! Thats gotta be the funniest EVARRRRRRRRRR!!!

07-09-09, 20:22
That takes the cake. Some funny shit. I don't think your going to find anything to do with the M16 that will match that in a life time. This isn't some type of military/urban legend is it?

07-09-09, 20:27
Wow, if true just wow. I would like to see some proof of some sort though.

Heavy Metal
07-09-09, 20:28
I guess that makes her a Lesbian as all M-16's are female.

07-09-09, 20:35
It was his son that related the story..He's generally not a bullshitter he see's enough as a cop in florida

07-09-09, 20:49
was she cute? if even loosely passable, i'll bet she was bangin leadership before the dawn of the next day.

murphy j
07-09-09, 22:45
was she cute? if even loosely passable, i'll bet she was bangin leadership before the dawn of the next day.

A female recruit banging leadership? Say it isn't so. :D

07-09-09, 23:25
I have to call BS on this one. This story smells fishy.

07-09-09, 23:33
...so, this one time, at boot camp... I mean band camp... :eek:

07-09-09, 23:37
She thought it needed to be lubed.

07-09-09, 23:47
It was his son that related the story..He's generally not a bullshitter he see's enough as a cop in florida

I dunno...I've come to take any Marine stories with a huge chunk of salt. :)

07-09-09, 23:57
Yeah but was it an "H" Buffer or not?

07-10-09, 00:10
m16- rifle buffer. 5.5oz, if i recall. nice and long... ribbed, too.

07-10-09, 00:18
Yeah but what lube was she using?

07-10-09, 00:22
Yeah but what lube was she using?

is the Marine Corps not using CLP anymore?

07-10-09, 00:48
I’m sure it was a natural lube.

My first thought was that this couldn’t happen. So I took my A2 stocked AR, and tried it, and what do you know, I could load a dummy round without the buffer. However I had to push the spring in with my finger in order to attach the upper to the lower. So I’m still not convinced it happened.

07-10-09, 08:17
I’m sure it was a natural lube.

My first thought was that this couldn’t happen. So I took my A2 stocked AR, and tried it, .

I got to there and just about puked/cried/LOL at the vision of you trying to jam your buffer up your rear end to prove/disprove the possability!