View Full Version : NJ: Turn in neighbor for $1000

07-11-09, 11:22
Turn In Your Neighbor For $1000
Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark and member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition has a video explaining how to turn in your neighbor for $1000 cash, no questions asked. He calls this the best program in the country.

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRyw1JnAstg

07-11-09, 11:24
The more I read about NJ, the more it sounds like Nazi Germany...

07-11-09, 11:37
Salem anyone?

07-11-09, 11:41
The more I read about NJ, the more it sounds like Nazi Germany...

I guess I don't see the outrage about trying to get illegal guns off the street. Newark like many big cities has a nasty gang problem. It looks like this program is aimed very narrowly at only at those who carry illegally in Newark.

07-11-09, 11:43
I guess I don't see the outrage about trying to get illegal guns off the street. Newark like many big cities has a nasty gang problem. It looks like this program is aimed very narrowly at only at those who carry illegally in Newark.

I don't know the laws in NJ but... I think pretty much all guns are illegal there. Laws do NOT stop criminals from carrying obviously otherwise there wouldn't be a problem. If you're a normal Joe and want to carry there I believe it's a nightmare from stuff I've read IIRC.

07-11-09, 11:47
I don't know the laws in NJ but... I think pretty much all guns are illegal there.

While NJ does have concealed carry it is a shall issue state and the number of people outside of LEO and retired LEO's that have a valid carry permit is very, very small. I was told by a judge that the number was less than 1,000 state wide. Chances are if you are carrying a gun in NJ and you aren't currently on the job or retired you are doing so illegally. This program is aimed at those who are carrying illegally. I just don't see what this issue is, other than people here understandably dislike Corey Booker.

07-11-09, 11:48
While NJ does have concealed carry it is a shall issue state and the number of people outside of LEO and retired LEO's that have a valid carry permit is very, very small. I was told by a judge that the number was less than 1,000 state wide. Chances are if you are carrying a gun in NJ and you aren't currently on the job or retired you are doing so illegally. This program is aimed at those who are carrying illegally. I just don't see what this issue is, other than people here understandably dislike Corey Booker.

NJ does NOT have concealed carry. The NJ CCW permit is issued ONLY to police.

07-11-09, 11:49
I guess I don't see the outrage about trying to get illegal guns off the street. Newark like many big cities has a nasty gang problem. It looks like this program is aimed very narrowly at only at those who carry illegally in Newark.

And like my other post mentioned, being a witch was illegal in Salem. This will do nothing to curb gun violence in Newark, it will however cause decent citizens innumerable headaches.

Hell he basically said they don't even have to be guilty. He just wants to arrest them.

ETA:Let's not do anything about the crime. Let's not do anything about the welfare state there that breeds this crime. Let's focus on "illegal guns." And we're expected to applaud it? If anything the simple and morally correct answer would be to allow the rest of the citizens to carry.

07-11-09, 11:51
While NJ does have concealed carry it is a shall issue state and the number of people outside of LEO and retired LEO's that have a valid carry permit is very, very small. I was told by a judge that the number was less than 1,000 state wide. Chances are if you are carrying a gun in NJ and you aren't currently on the job or retired you are doing so illegally. This program is aimed at those who are carrying illegally. I just don't see what this issue is, other than people here understandably dislike Corey Booker.
If you can't get a permit legally due to not being LEO/retired and you decide to do so does that make you a criminal? Everyone should have the same right to defend themselves and their family in my opinion.

07-11-09, 11:53
NJ does NOT have concealed carry. The NJ CCW permit is issued ONLY to police.

It is obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about. New Jersey does indeed have a concealed carry law. 30 seconds of google time would have told you as much.

07-11-09, 11:54
And like my other post mentioned, being a witch was illegal in Salem. This will do nothing to curb gun violence in Newark, it will however cause decent citizens innumerable headaches.

Hell he basically said they don't even have to be guilty. He just wants to arrest them.

I've lived in both NJ and TX. The words sound the same, but the language is totally different. In NJ, unless something is expressly permitted, it is assumed to be illegal. In TX, unless something is specifically forbidden, it is assumed to be legal.

You'd have as much chance of talking the virtues of rare steak vs. Pittsburgh with a vegetarian. They just don't think the same way, even the ones that are purportedly pro-gun or 'conservative'. A conservative in NJ would be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail in TX as a communist.

07-11-09, 11:55
If you can't get a permit legally due to not being LEO/retired and you decide to do so does that make you a criminal?

If you carry a gun without a valid NJ carry permit than yes it makes you a criminal. I don't like it but until the SCOTUS lays the issue to rest it is what it is.

07-11-09, 11:55
It is obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about. New Jersey does indeed have a concealed carry law. 30 seconds of google time would have told you as much.

I have a very clear idea of what I'm talking about. I lived in NJ for ten years.

Theoretically, there is a permit to possess a machine gun in NJ law too, if so ordered by a judge. Do you know anyone who has one?

07-11-09, 11:55
It is obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about. New Jersey does indeed have a concealed carry law. 30 seconds of google time would have told you as much.

So do the citizens of California. Only in lots of places there you have to prove that you already survived an attack on your life before they grant one.

Doesn't really count.

07-11-09, 11:56
If you carry a gun without a valid NJ carry permit than yes it makes you a criminal. I don't like it but until the SCOTUS lays the issue to rest it is what it is.

And therein lies the difference between a Texan and a Jerseyite.

07-11-09, 11:59
I have a very clear idea of what I'm talking about. I lived in NJ for ten years.

Theoretically, there is a permit to possess a machine gun in NJ law too, if so ordered by a judge. Do you know anyone who has one?

I am really quite sure that you said that "The NJ CCW permit is issued ONLY to police." That is factually untrue. In fact I know two people who are not LEO officers or retired officers who have carry permits.

07-11-09, 11:59
And therein lies the difference between a Texan and a Jerseyite.

Gee thanks.

07-11-09, 12:00
If you carry a gun without a valid NJ carry permit than yes it makes you a criminal. I don't like it but until the SCOTUS lays the issue to rest it is what it is.

This isn't to argue and is simply my stance that will not change. I would rather break an unconstitutional law and keep myself and my family safe if in NJ than be a walking target for the real criminals who carry regardless of any law. If that makes me a criminal I could care less as I occasionally break the speed limit too.

07-11-09, 12:01
I am really quite sure that you said that "The NJ CCW permit is issued ONLY to police." That is factually untrue. In fact I know two people who are not LEO officers or retired officers who have carry permits.

Two whole people?

07-11-09, 12:03
This isn't to argue and is simply my stance that will not change. I would rather break an unconstitutional law and keep myself and my family safe if in NJ than be a walking target for the real criminals who carry regardless of any law. If that makes me a criminal I could care less as I occasionally break the speed limit too.

That's fine just don't cry if you get arrested.

07-11-09, 12:03
That's fine just don't cry if you get arrested.

Judged by 12 or carried by 6...

07-11-09, 12:05
That's fine just don't cry if you get arrested.

Are you going to turn him in for $1000?

Hell in Texas he'd be arrested...for a misdemeanor.

07-11-09, 12:10
That's fine just don't cry if you get arrested.

I have a better solution. I stay out of New Jersey.

I packed my shit when the first NJ "assault weapons" ban was enacted, and I haven't set foot in that blighted territory since.

Oh, and save the "you must have lived in a shitty part of NJ" thing. I lived in Bernardsville.

07-11-09, 12:12
Are you going to turn him in for $1000?

Hell in Texas he'd be arrested...for a misdemeanor.

Don't be an asshole, and since we are talking about New Jersey gun laws who gives a rats ass what the penalties would be in Texas? No one with half a brain would try to argue that New Jersey guns laws are as gun owner friendly as those in Texas or 45 other states.

07-11-09, 12:13
That's fine just don't cry if you get arrested.

Do you have a permit?

07-11-09, 12:15
I have a better solution. I stay out of New Jersey.

I packed my shit when the first NJ "assault weapons" ban was enacted, and I haven't set foot in that blighted territory since.

Oh, and save the "you must have lived in a shitty part of NJ" thing. I lived in Bernardsville.

You have me confused with someone that cares.

07-11-09, 12:15
Do you have a permit?

No I don't.

07-11-09, 12:15
I guess I don't see the outrage about trying to get illegal guns off the street. Newark like many big cities has a nasty gang problem. It looks like this program is aimed very narrowly at only at those who carry illegally in Newark.

How can you look at someone with a gun and KNOW it is illegal? Wonder if it is an individual who has not lost their right to own a firearm? What happens when the Newark cops kick down the door of an innocent person because some crack head wants a thousand dollars to feed their drug habit?

Its sad that you cant see the slippery slope... Whats next?

It is not the GUN, it is the criminal. Lock them up for a very long time, get them off the street and the "gun" problems will go away.

We are a land of law, it is time to start enforcing the laws on the books.

07-11-09, 12:18
Don't be an asshole, and since we are talking about New Jersey gun laws who gives a rats ass what the penalties would be in Texas? No one with half a brain would try to argue that New Jersey guns laws are as gun owner friendly as those in Texas or 45 other states.

Well, let's compare violent crime rates. That's why I bring it up. You say illegal guns are very very bad. I say they aren't. Seeing as removing them and making harsh laws regarding them hasn't worked out well for the safety of your people, I believe that my laws are better than your laws.

If I was a criminal I'd buy a bunch of broken pieces of crap and plant them in the cars of people I don't like. Then I'd collect money.

07-11-09, 12:22
And therein lies the difference between a Texan and a Jerseyite.
The difference is, we are armed. :D

07-11-09, 12:22
Not even worth arguing about. Some politicians are pure human trash, and the people who keep putting them in power are nothing more than idiots. This one is done.