View Full Version : why would a doctor give you "medicine" to make you cough....

07-11-09, 17:19
A little over 3 months ago, my dad had this cough that would flare up every now and then.

He went to the doctor, and the doctor prescribed him a ton of these greenish looking pills that look like the type of shit you'd find at a GMC.

Apparently, they're to make him cough, in order to expell the virus he has in his lungs, THEN...the doctor can "treat him".

^^^Yes you read that right. Cough up the virus, then get treated? I'm not a doctor but this doesn't sound right.

It's july now and my dad sounds like he's dieing. He's lost his voice, stays up all night coughing up heavy mucus, and looks horrible. Still hasn't been "treated" yet, whatever the **** that means.

My question is, why the hell would a doctor give a patient a sort of medicine or whatever that MAKES A PERSON COUGH. Why in the world would a doctor give a patient something that INCREASES THE FREQUENCY OF A VIOLENT BODILY ACTION?

Have you guys ever heard of, or experienced something like this non-sense?

07-11-09, 17:27

07-11-09, 18:10
Are these to "make him cough", or to "make his coughs productive" (i.e., an expectorant)

If you have crap in there, it has to come out - that's all there is to it. I'm obviously not a doctor, but you might want to get some clarification.

07-11-09, 18:31
Please for your dad's sake get him to another doc for a second opinion. Sounds like he is only getting worse or needs something else.


07-11-09, 18:40
Then, get a 2nd opinion.

I've been telling him that he needs a second opinion on the whole situation but no action has been taken yet.

Are these to "make him cough", or to "make his coughs productive" (i.e., an expectorant)

Definitely an expectorant.

BTW, last night he was coughing so bad he vomited twice.

How much of this pills does he have to take? Until he collapses a lung? Bursts a blood vessel in his head? :confused:

It's ridiculous.

07-11-09, 18:47

07-11-09, 19:10
In October of last year I had walking pneumonia;

In March I had an upper respiratory infection, caused by a virus. I didn't see the doctor right away (mistake) As the virus had turned into an infection. I had a cough so bad, that at its worse I couldn't even get any sleep. I would get maybe 15 minutes then wake up and cough for 10 minutes (repeat this the whole night). I had to sleep sitting upright as it got worse when I was on my back. I slept doubled over with my legs crossed hugging a pillow. Try that for just a few hours, my legs, back hurt so much. I had that cough for six weeks. The doctor gave me antibiotics both times and said as long as my cough was a wet cough and I was getting stuff up (white / yellow mucus looking shit) from my lungs he didn't want to give me anything for the cough. He only gave me some cough medicine the last time because I begged him. I wanted to sleep at least a few hours between the coughing fits.

Get a second opinion but don't be surprised if the doctor is just making sure he is clearing that crap out of his lungs. My guess it can turn into an infection. I would get a second opinion because it could be turning into an infection now and he may need antibiotics.

P.S. I do not smoke and haven't in over 20 years, so my lungs are clean.

07-11-09, 19:17
I've been telling him that he needs a second opinion on the whole situation but no action has been taken yet.

Definitely an expectorant.

BTW, last night he was coughing so bad he vomited twice.

How much of this pills does he have to take? Until he collapses a lung? Bursts a blood vessel in his head? :confused:

It's ridiculous.

Did the same to me I would get close to vomiting, mouth watering up etc. I would then try to concentrate not to cough long enough to drink water to try to reverse the feeling I needed to vomit. Doctor had me taking Mucinex, along with antibiotics.

Almost sounds like what was going on around here? Hit me really hard though.

07-11-09, 20:00
First, I am a doctor. Second, if it were possible to diagnose and treat someone over the internet then I'd just sit at home and never have to go to the office or hospital.

That being said I can tell you a few things that may at least alleviate some of your concerns.

First of all, unless your father has a bacterial cause for the cough, then an antibiotic will do nothing for him and can, in fact, lead to the development of resistant strains of bacteria and a superinfection.

What you are probably describing is an expectorant. Its purpose is not to cause your father to cough, and it is not to help cough up viruses. It is to help thin the mucus in the airways so that it may be brought up with your father's coughs. In other words to turn a non-productive cough into a productive one.

Now, if someone is coughing hard enough they can, in fact, injure themselves with the pressures generated. If that is the kind of coughing your father is having, then get off the internet gun sites and get him back to his doctor or a different doctor. Or, simply get a hold of the prescribing physician and see if you can get the diagnosis he is treating your father for. Is it a simple upper respiratory infection? Acute bronchitis? Chronic bronchitis? Have him explain his treatment to you and his reasoning. This should allay any fears or concerns you may have. Also convey your concerns about the violence of your father's coughing.

Much more useful information to be obtained from your dad's physician than buried here amongst the BCGs, lubes, ammo, and tactical equipment. ;)

Good luck.

07-11-09, 21:28
First, I am a doctor. Second, if it were possible to diagnose and treat someone over the internet then I'd just sit at home and never have to go to the office or hospital.

That being said I can tell you a few things that may at least alleviate some of your concerns.

First of all, unless your father has a bacterial cause for the cough, then an antibiotic will do nothing for him and can, in fact, lead to the development of resistant strains of bacteria and a superinfection.

What you are probably describing is an expectorant. Its purpose is not to cause your father to cough, and it is not to help cough up viruses. It is to help thin the mucus in the airways so that it may be brought up with your father's coughs. In other words to turn a non-productive cough into a productive one.

Now, if someone is coughing hard enough they can, in fact, injure themselves with the pressures generated. If that is the kind of coughing your father is having, then get off the internet gun sites and get him back to his doctor or a different doctor. Or, simply get a hold of the prescribing physician and see if you can get the diagnosis he is treating your father for. Is it a simple upper respiratory infection? Acute bronchitis? Chronic bronchitis? Have him explain his treatment to you and his reasoning. This should allay any fears or concerns you may have. Also convey your concerns about the violence of your father's coughing.

Much more useful information to be obtained from your dad's physician than buried here amongst the BCGs, lubes, ammo, and tactical equipment. ;)

Good luck.

Yeah, but doing so got a doctor to give him a little advice.;):D

07-11-09, 22:16
jaydoc1 owes going4broke a "touche'"!

Nice one!

07-11-09, 22:39
Thanks guys, and especially jaydoc1.

I'll be discussing this issue with my dad soon.

07-11-09, 22:55
I spent 8-years delivering Medical Equipment with an Oxygen Company...
I have seen Doc's prescribe these meds to help break up phlegm so it will be expelled from the lungs and respiratory tract during coughing.

Albuterol, Ipratropium, Budesinide and Xopenex are some of more popular ones, usual method of delivery is via a MDI (Metered Dose Inhaler) or via a Nebulizer.

Sometimes they will also order a Percussor, which is a mechanical device that vibrates the chest quite hard to help with breaking up the mucus that might be building up. It is also used in the treatment of Cystic Fibrosis, Emphysema, COPD and other Respiratory Ailments.

It sounds like you have many questions and concerns...By all means call the Doctors Office and don't quit bugging them til you get some satisfactory answers...Just remember, that unless your father has signed a information Privacy Waiver, they may not be able to talk with you until he does. That is SOP with the newest HIPPA laws.

07-11-09, 23:10
Several different questions in your post. First of all I am not familiar with any medications that are intended for stimulating a cough reflex. As previously noted he may have been placed on an expectorant or something similar. The seperate issue is that your father's health is continuing to worsen. If this is the case you need to seek a second opinion and get the problem fixed as soon as possible.

07-12-09, 00:13
jaydoc1 owes going4broke a "touche'"!

Nice one!

So I do.


07-12-09, 00:40
mucous and fluid can build up in the lungs so to get the crud out they will prescribe something with Guafenesin to make you cough it up. Remove the nastiness from the lungs and you start to get better, and then depending upon if the infection is viral or bacterial other meds are prescribed to fight the infection or reduce the symptoms.

Chest xrays, sputum samples and other tests are performed to determine what the problem is and once diagnosed a treatment plan is developed.

07-12-09, 01:05
.... If that is the kind of coughing your father is having, then get off the internet gun sites and get him back to his doctor or a different doctor. Or, simply get a hold of the prescribing physician and see if you can get the diagnosis he is treating your father for. Is it a simple upper respiratory infection? Acute bronchitis? Chronic bronchitis? Have him explain his treatment to you and his reasoning. This should allay any fears or concerns you may have. Also convey your concerns about the violence of your father's coughing.

Best advice; also I wasn't suggesting he does anything without his doctor's advice, I was stating what my doctor did for me. Believe me when I say I can sympathize with what your father is going through.

07-12-09, 09:25
STOP the damn medication today and get him to a real Doctor tomorrow..., ASAFP !! before his current doc kills him ! a doctor killed my mother 30 some years ago simply because he was too f***ing into himself to admit he was wrong!!!!!

some doctors have this ego thing, and believe me when i tell you, EGO's kill just as deadly as a bullet !!!!:mad: grrrrr :mad:

07-12-09, 12:43
STOP the damn medication today and get him to a real Doctor tomorrow..., ASAFP !! before his current doc kills him ! a doctor killed my mother 30 some years ago simply because he was too f***ing into himself to admit he was wrong!!!!!

some doctors have this ego thing, and believe me when i tell you, EGO's kill just as deadly as a bullet !!!!:mad: grrrrr :mad:

With respect, this is why I suggested discussing the case (with the OP's father's permission given, of course) with his dad's doctor. This kind of attitude is neither constructive, nor helpful, until this doctor's treatment plan and reason for it are discussed. None of us here have any idea what tests have already been run or what the diagnosis is.

A clear head and calm discussion is what is warranted here. Then, if it appears this physician doesn't have a firm diagnosis or treatment plan, a visit to another doctor (as I suggested earlier) is indicated. Going in angry will only make the doctor defensive.

07-13-09, 13:56

Get him to his MD or another and find out exactly whats up.