View Full Version : All Star Game First Pitch!!!! OMG!!!

07-15-09, 11:47
In case you missed it . . . Fox Sports conspired to show you a tight side profile view to obscure the horror. :D

But mlb.com played it straight. about 24 seconds into this video segment.


as a damned funny posting on arfcom wrote: "I didn't know there was overhand slow pitch".

07-15-09, 11:58
I'll bet the wife would've thrown it harder :p

07-15-09, 14:41
I was going to say he throws like a girl. *ducks wife's purse.

07-15-09, 15:05
Well, Baseball is an American sport. . .. why would we expect him to know anything about it? He's probably never touched a baseball before. Maybe they shoulda let him kick out a soccer ball. I know, I know . . . wrong sport. We need to start embracing diversity though.

07-15-09, 17:40
Well, part of the problem is that he's throwing left handed. :D
Lefties not only throw like girls or retards, they throw like retarded girls. :eek:

07-15-09, 18:16
Left toss, up, up, decline … decline … decline … decline … decline … skid …

Pretty much the usual with this guy …

07-15-09, 18:40
You know how when you start to enter some search words into Google now it offers up to you the high volume searches with those words?

Go to Google and just enter in "Obama throws . . . " and see how it finishes the phrase. ROFL

07-15-09, 19:03
I could care less about his pitch. I saw it on youtube, I don't care to see him, but I wanted to hear how the crowd reacted to his appearance. Since that sporting event was probably a rare time when the crowds represent a true make up of the population. Listening to the audio, his first appearance drew cheers, then you can hear the "boos" beginning to build. By the time he got to the mound, you can hear pretty strong boos.

07-15-09, 19:17
As a lefty I take offense at your assertion that he or we throw like retarded girls.

I used to pitch in my younger days and had an 88mph fastball, not to mention a knuckle ball and a slider.
I also played fastpitch softball.

So, which pine position did you hold down? Pine tar rag boy?:eek::p:D

07-15-09, 20:08
And this matters because......?

I didn't vote for him. I don't trust him. GW did pitch better, but this is really stooping.
Let's attack his politics or things that really affect us. Not his hesitating deliverance of a sissy pitch. :p


07-16-09, 07:51
Goodness dog, we're playing nice compared to the thread at arfcom. :D

This POTUS is advancing his American train wreck primarily on the strength of his "image". Hmmmm.

07-16-09, 12:57
That video made me think of this back when Bush and Kerry were running against each other. :p


07-16-09, 22:10

da dOg

07-16-09, 23:53
I can't believe that idiot actually did a "fist pump" after that non-pitch. :rolleyes:

07-17-09, 16:17
It was pretty funny, his pitching mechanics was almost as bad as his so-called stimulus package. The first thing I wondered was whether he was wearing plates, Ive seen his basketball "highlights". The President should stick to knocking down jumpers on the White House b-ball court. I was surprised how uncoordinated he was.

07-17-09, 16:33
Well, Baseball is an American sport. . .. why would we expect him to know anything about it? He's probably never touched a baseball before. Maybe they shoulda let him kick out a soccer ball. I know, I know . . . wrong sport. We need to start embracing diversity though.

you hit the nail on the head!