View Full Version : Sen. Graham Signals He May Support Sotomayor’s Nomination

07-16-09, 18:36

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, today sent his clearest signal yet that he may vote for the confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.

“We’ll see what your future holds, but I think it’s going to be pretty bright,” Graham said in the beginning of his second round of questioning.

Graham made it clear he was disturbed by many of Sotomayor’s speeches and comments suggesting that a judge’s background and biases could affect her rulings. But he appeared to be convinced that her 17-year record as a judge showed no such tendency, and suggested she was within the mainstream of American law, if on the liberal side of it.

Graham probed whether Sotomayor, were she confirmed, would find the right to bear arms to be a “fundamental” right. She hedged, but Graham did not appear overly put off by that.

And the GOP sellout continues....and they wonder why Obama got elected.


07-16-09, 19:13
It's sad, and scarry.
He's suppose to be a conservative?

07-16-09, 20:36
It's sad, and scarry.
He's suppose to be a conservative?

He was never a conservative and is only considered one by CNN and MSNBC.

07-16-09, 20:58
Lindsey " I care about winning!" Graham is a jackass.

Dave Berryhill
07-16-09, 21:21

07-17-09, 01:35
I just sent the following to him on his webform. I am not from SC so prefaced it as saying I was writing to him not as Sen from SC but in his duties in the current Sotomayor hearings:


I am writing to you in your capacity of being involved with the Sotomayor hearings.

I am very concerned about reports that you may vote for Sotomayor. Her whole career as well as her public comments show she is an activist liberal who does not care a shred about the Constitution. The reason she hedges and avoids direct comment on your questions about gun rights and other CONSTITUTIONAL issues is because she does not believe in the same Constitution as you or I and does not want to be tied down in the public record. She is a racist, activist judge who believes the law is made on the bench (she has basically said that). I call on you to uphold your oath to the Constitution and oppose her at any cost. If you do not you will be seen as a traitor to the country and come the next election will be vigorously opposed by those of your constituents who believe in the Constitution of our country and do not want to see it be used as toilet paper, which is what Sotomayor will do.

07-17-09, 03:41
its not just Graham.

she is going to be confirmed easily.

07-17-09, 06:04
its not just Graham.

she is going to be confirmed easily.

I don't think anyone was under any illusion that Lindsey Graham was going to be the deciding vote.

07-17-09, 06:27
If Goober Graham doesn't vote for her he's going to left off the invite list for a lot of Cocktail parties in DC.

07-17-09, 06:38
I contacted Senator Kyl via his website and urged him to vote against judge Sotomayor as it was apparent that she was not for protecting the rights of gun owners and apparently has allowed her personal beliefs to conflict with doing the right thing. Alas, she will probably be confirmed and there is nothing that can be done.

07-17-09, 08:07
in my OPINION, Grahamnasty has proven himself a traitor long before Sonia "Mrs. World Ugly" showed up.

07-17-09, 08:20
Very disappointed in Graham and many other republicans. Their lame excuse is that they're replacing a liberal judge with another, so no big deal. It is a big deal to me when they don't stick with their principles.

07-17-09, 08:53
Very disappointed in Graham and many other republicans. Their lame excuse is that they're replacing a liberal judge with another, so no big deal. It is a big deal to me when they don't stick with their principles.

Agreed. And an effort to maintain the status quo only goes so far when only one side is making an attempt to do so.

07-17-09, 09:28
Two horns on the same Spanish Fighting Bull... Democrats & Republicans. We've been sold out prior to any of us being born.