View Full Version : Georgia just became one of my favorite states.

07-17-09, 09:26
I got this email from one of my best friends that is still in the Marine Corps, I just had to post it.

Georgia got it right….!

click on the link at the bottom of the commentary then on the arrow on the fire truck.

Killed in action the week before, the body of Sergeant First Class John C. Beale was returned to Falcon Field in Peachtree City, Georgia, just south of Atlanta, on June 11, 2009. The Henry County Police Department escorted the procession to the funeral home in McDonough, Georgia . A simple notice in local papers indicated the road route to be taken and the approximate time.

Nowadays one can be led to believe that America no longer respects honor and no longer honors sacrifice outside the military. Be it known that there are many places in this land where people still recognize the courage and impact of total self-sacrifice. Georgia remains one of those graceful places. The link below is a short travelogue of that day's remarkable and painful journey. But only watch this if you wish to have some of your faith in people restored. I am honored to be able to forward this to y’all…..


07-17-09, 09:41
That's a beautiful sight to see. My brother just got stationed down in Atlanta glad he's some place where his service will be honored for the self sacrifice that it is

07-17-09, 09:55
That was really great to see. I got a little teary eyed at work. If that happened everywhere we would see a lot more concern about the soldiers and the war(s) and their high costs.
RIP to the fallen.

07-17-09, 10:26
RIP soldier. I hope his family takes comfort from this outpouring.

The spirit that made America great is not dead.

I think all caps are warranted for this: GOD BLESS AMERICA!

07-17-09, 11:25
A moving tribute (no pun intended). Thanks for sharing it.

07-17-09, 14:20
Very impressive display of patriotism and pride in our soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice.

07-17-09, 14:42
RIP. Truly amazing to see a turn out like that.

07-17-09, 15:11
Boy, I am a weepy sap.:(

07-17-09, 15:28
That was a great thing to watch. I am also tearing up here at work.

Thank you so much for sharing!!

And RIP Warrior...You are not forgotten.

07-17-09, 15:31
Thanks again for posting this!

07-17-09, 15:35
RIP Sergeant First Class John C. Beale

Some communities still get it.


I bet that area of Georgia was not carried by Obama. Contrast this with what happens when soldiers show their faces in more progressive and modern parts of the country (Kali -- SanFran, NYC, Portland, Seattle, etc).

07-17-09, 15:53
Good shit.. I firmly believe that this country of ours needs to Cowboy up and reach down and act like we have a set. Too many liberal pussies are trying to erode this great country of it's proud heritage.

07-17-09, 16:32
Thanks for sharing that. It's an awesome display of patriotism and respect. This should be sent to every west coast and northeast news channel. Rest in Peace SFC Beale.

07-17-09, 17:13
Prayers sent for the fallen warrior, his family, and fellow soldiers.

May his memory last forever, in the hearts of his friends.

07-17-09, 17:18
Yup, I cried too. Proud to admit it.

07-17-09, 18:12
That's very touching...I've had friends come back (thankfully) and some that weren't so lucky, but it's definitely heart warming to see a fallen soldier honored in such a grand way. I wish that every soldier would receive this kind of sending but it's not always true.

Great video! Thanks for the great post...

07-17-09, 19:15
This same procession followed the EXACT path I take to work, one mile from my house, hours before it was to take place, the sides of the roads were lined with people. I first thought there was going to be a parade until I realized it stretched three counties. I drive 24miles to work and there were people for probably 20 of these miles. Georgia is one of the few places I've been that opposite traveling traffic will pull off to the side of the road until funeral processions pass. Unfortunately I missed it as I was at work by the time they passed by.

07-17-09, 20:30
That was fantastic to see!

07-17-09, 20:57
I was also sitting at work with this huge knot in my throat, god bless him and his family.

07-17-09, 21:44
hey brother....great post...

I actually just got back from Savannah today....how different in some ways from NoVA....with Hunter and Ft Stewart right there, there are still yellow ribbons and flags everywhere...

up here, in occupied territory, its like people just willingly forgot...its sad...

call me next time you're in town...

07-17-09, 22:54
Just watched it again. Should be mandatory in all schools. How am I going to explain my tears to the wife? I'll make her watch it!

Outlander Systems
07-18-09, 00:07
Absolutely touching.

This is the sort of "Hope" I needed; that people still had any sense of values, honour, or respect.

God bless you, SSGT. Beale. You're ten times the man I could ever hope to be.

07-18-09, 14:41
I am not even a citizen, but watching that video brought a tear to my eyes.

RIP brave soldier.

I have nothing but the greatest respect for the soldiers that put their lives at risk evey day to protect us and preserve our rights to express our freedom.


07-18-09, 15:00
My wifes family is from near Savanah Georgia and it does seem that this area still holds onto virtues of respectful behaviour in Society, long lost in some areas of this country I have visited.

People pull over for Funeral Processions and get out of the way of Emergency Vehicles and don't treat the elderly as though they are pariahs upon the population.

While I can't speak for all the people I can vouche that the children in her family say please and Thank You...Yes Sir and Yes Ma'am and know full well that if Mom and Dad get a call from someone in the community telling them of bad behaviour on their part..they will be in serious trouble.

Even though I am not a follower of his Political Party......I think you could do a lot worse than having Zell Miller as a Politician for any State.

07-18-09, 17:51
Bets on the Cameraman not even being able to see half of what he was filming because of the tears. I lost it about the time I saw the people getting out of their cars when they were backed up from being stopped at a light.

07-19-09, 22:50
Notice also that people are standing in the roadway. In several places, people are standing in the opposing traffic lane, and the police seem to be allowing if not encouraging it. That leads me to believe that not only do the PEOPLE of the great state of GA have that level of patriotism and respect, but apparently the GOVT of that state supports them in their beliefs. That's something a lot of governments can't say.

07-30-09, 14:19
That is a great tribute.

Sorry for the bump, but I wanted to forward this and, at the same time, give others who haven't seen it yet a chance to do the same.

Thanks to all of you who are serving or have served this country.

07-30-09, 16:25
That's really cool.

We've come a long way since Vietnam, folks. Thank God for that.

07-30-09, 16:35
AWESOME!! God bless and protect all the sheepdogs...

07-30-09, 16:42
Awesome video.

Emailed the commentary and video link to my address book.


07-30-09, 17:10
Gosh o man, this knoted my throat up to. God bless our soldiers. RIP

07-30-09, 20:51

I just got in to Savannah to spend a few days snooping around for a place to plunk down a doublewide. I've got to say after my first day strolling around I'm very impressed.

I can't get out of Maryland too soon.

07-30-09, 21:07
My department is in north west Georgia and we have had two local reservist killed this year. During their processions we shut it down along the route and so far I have not seen the first upset citizen. Most of the people like in the video will leave their vehicles in the road way and stand in honor. Even if for just a moment it gives you a great feeling about people in this country.

07-30-09, 22:18
i cried, :(

07-30-09, 23:05
i cried, :(

I think if you dont cry a little you got somthin wrong with ya..... I got a big ol knot in my throat and shed a few tears too.... I will most certainly pray for this Man's family. God bless our Soldiers.

07-31-09, 13:21
I note that this was was first put up in 2006. It is sad to think that this could have been yesterday as well. Being from IL, I really am in occupied territory. Knowing that many people do still have high values and recognize the contributions and sacrifices of one man or woman tells me there is still some hope. God Bless all our Peacekeepers. At home and the far corners of this planet.