View Full Version : Friend or foe? (spider)

07-19-09, 21:07
This isn't a recluse, is it?


07-19-09, 21:10
I can come to your room and kill it if you want....

07-19-09, 21:11
looks like he's missing a few legs .

Brother Rat
07-19-09, 21:14
I'd call that one "friendly." Brown recluses from what I understand don't have any markings on the abdomen. YMMV

07-19-09, 21:25

07-19-09, 21:37
I can come to your room and kill it if you want....

Dude, last time. Stop trying to get into my room. I'm not judging your lifestyle, but I don't want to be part of it.

I highlighted the clue and the answer for you. Take this formula everywhere you go.

Sissy. I'm not scared of spiders.

Necrotizing venom, on the other hand, I can do without.

07-19-09, 21:37
I'm saying a Cautious "Friend"

Looks like maybe a Hobo Spider or immature Wolf or possibly even a Funnel Web Grass Spider, hard to say...just basing it off leg structure and coloring(s).

http://www.termite.com/spider-identification.html is a decent little "run down" on the good and bad on those 8 legged bastids.

07-19-09, 21:40

Robb Jensen
07-19-09, 21:51
I stomp the shit out of the spider....

Heavy Metal
07-19-09, 21:58
I think MD is too far north and east for true brown recluse spiders.


Heavy Metal
07-19-09, 21:59
Card carrying sissy thank you very much. :o

I'm going with immature wolf spider as well.

I was thinking it looked like a Wolf Spider with the mange:p

07-19-09, 22:00
I'd stomp it like a pneumatic hammer. :cool:

07-19-09, 22:02
I'd stomp it like a pneumatic hammer. :cool:


07-19-09, 22:31
I think MD is too far north and east for true brown recluse spiders.


That chart isn't exactly accurate. I see brown recluse spiders all the time in central NC.

07-19-09, 22:37
FWIW, the pic was taken in Moyock NC.

07-19-09, 22:48
Moyock, eh? Only one thing I know is out that way besides swamp...lol

Being in Eastern NC then I'll def lean towards it being a Wolf spider. I kill about 2 every month in the summer (and I'm a far stretch from the Moyock area, as I'm in Goldsboro).

Not so much for my personal safety, but cuz I'm trying to stop the dogs from investigating how a Wolf spider tastes....

07-19-09, 22:58
I can come to your room and kill it if you want....

Dude, last time. Stop trying to get into my room. I'm not judging your lifestyle, but I don't want to be part of it.

...............................damn, I mean just DAMN........I'm all for diversity and all but.....damn.

07-19-09, 22:58
FWIW, the pic was taken in Moyock NC.

Doing some training with Blackwater- I mean Xe?

I seem to remember someone in my unit getting bit by a brown recluse at Ft. Bragg, but I have no idea what you have. Just kill it.

07-19-09, 22:59
That chart isn't exactly accurate. I see brown recluse spiders all the time in central NC.

Seconded. We had a guy initially miss a deployment out of LeJeune (Jacksonville, NC, coastal) because of a recluse bite. His 'boys' swelled up to the size of a large grapefruit and it ate about a quarter of his ass and upper right thigh before they could stop it.

They're here in VA, as well. Probably an outdated map.

An Undocumented Worker
07-19-09, 23:25
Nuke it from orbit.

It's the only way to be sure.

07-20-09, 01:28
thats the deadly 6 leg stub

its venom is secreted into the air ! so chances you inhaled it is very good

actually no clue :) but its nasty

07-20-09, 08:40
Check this one out....


07-20-09, 08:45
Even my daughters who "love' all animals.... Would step on that evil looking creature. Well okay, they might yell DAAAAAAD...
Take no prisoners...

07-20-09, 08:47
Check this one out....

Careful, man, that one's built a ghillie suit to blend into the asphalt better! Better make sure you get it's spotter, too because they know your location now....

07-20-09, 08:48
Careful, man, that one's built a ghillie suit to blend into the asphalt better! Better make sure you get it's spotter, too because they know your location now....

The thorax of that spider is covered in hundreds, or maybe thousands, of babies. When we killed the mama, the concrete looked like it was moving. I saturated the area with RAID.

I knew I should have torched it with MAPP gas to begin with. :eek:

07-20-09, 08:55
The thorax of that spider is covered in hundreds, or maybe thousands, of babies. When we killed the mama, the concrete looked like it was moving. I saturated the area with RAID.

I knew I should have torched it with MAPP gas to begin with. :eek:

Oh I've stepped on one or two those in my day...pretty freaky when you stomp momma and see little ones radiate out in every direction. *shudder*

Fire is the only way to deal with that situation...

07-20-09, 08:55
The spyder map is a little out dated. I have a hole in my leg from a Richmond VA RECLUSE from early 2007. He had friends in the area so he was either very social or they were moving into the hood!

07-20-09, 09:08
Nuke it from orbit.

It's the only way to be sure.

Now that was funny.

07-20-09, 09:12
I think MD is too far north and east for true brown recluse spiders.


That may be generally true, but I know that Wallops Island, out on the Eastern Shore of VA has had brown recluse in the area since 1990 or so. We had a student bit on the ear by one. They had the treatment ready at the local hospital because they were/are fairly common.

07-20-09, 10:52

No, that is not a recluse in your picture. I had to stomp one inside my car the other week. I still do not like driving my car at night. I really hate spiders and things related. The above link is to a picture of one. I would have embedded the pic but it is to big.

07-20-09, 11:57
Spiders are just as bad as bears, you trust them for one second and next thing you know they are on you taking the life from you. :D

Stomp first, ask questions later.

07-20-09, 12:29
Check this one out....

that's totally awesome.

Todd's little friend looks like an immature Wolf. I've never seen a brown recluse with hairs like that on the legs, or those markings.

let me look around and see if I can find it, but I think have a Brown Recluse in a jar some place, if you want to compare. :)

07-20-09, 12:56
I'm saying a Cautious "Friend"

Looks like maybe a Hobo Spider

Be careful with that one. Hobo Spiders (and this sorta looks like one), are NOT friends. Hobo spiders only inject venom around 50% of the time in defensive bites, which is why some people think they are not foes. However, when they do inject venom, it can do some extremely nasty things, including aggressive dermal and muscular necrosis (very disgusting).

07-20-09, 12:58
I just killed what I belive was a recluse at my father-in-law's last week. They are definetly here in the Knox TN area. My brother and a former co-worker have been bitten by a recluse. If anyone has any links concerning the recluse please post it for us. The recluse scares the sh!t out of me, I'd rather be bitten by a Black Widow, at leat they have anti-venom for it. I find it hard to kill them with my M4, have to be really good on your RDS's off-set:D

Never mind, combining the above two links gave me the info I was looking for. Thanks.

Yep, that was definetly a recluse I killed last week.

07-20-09, 13:10
The thorax of that spider is covered in hundreds, or maybe thousands, of babies.



07-20-09, 13:34
Great, ANOTHER chart to argue about.:p

07-20-09, 13:56
Be careful with that one. Hobo Spiders (and this sorta looks like one), are NOT friends. Hobo spiders only inject venom around 50% of the time in defensive bites, which is why some people think they are not foes. However, when they do inject venom, it can do some extremely nasty things, including aggressive dermal and muscular necrosis (very disgusting).

Well, by "cautious friend" I'm not meaning take it home, play with it and keep it for a pet lol. I was meaning it more towards the fact that the specis is "unknown" right now...

May have been poor wording, but overall I don't view spiders as evil incarnate (altho I will say Shiven' post is making me rethink that!). As Hobo, Wolfs, Grass and a lot of other "dangerous" spiders do some good for insect control. Looks like that was maybe taken inside on a tile floor, or maybe outside on/near a patio of some sort after closer inspection...

Here's a better rundown:
Inside - Kill the SOB and don't worry about it
Outside just strolling along in the grass - Let it live it's life
Outside where you just stuck your hand, and now it's showing it's 16" long fangs and foaming at the mouth? - Call for some tiger balm on that jungles nuts!

07-20-09, 14:25
Great, ANOTHER chart to argue about.:p

Ask and you shall receive! :p


07-20-09, 14:48
That chart proves 2 things:

1. You have too much spare time.

2. Spreadsheets can be fun!

Thanks for the laugh!

07-20-09, 15:49
A good friend of mine, a Virginia Beach Fire Fighter, was bitten by a Brown Recluse while on a call and ended up on light duty for three months! They are in the VA/NC area and they're nasty little bitches!

07-20-09, 17:28
"Is your spider hell-spec." LOLOLOLOL I cannot stop laughing.

I rather be bitten by neither, and for the widow they will dope you on antibiotics before anti-venom. Treatment is morphine and antibiotics and going through a crapton of pain. Topical antibiotics can actually help stem off the effects of a recluse. The lady who cuts my hair was tagged by a recluse and did not know kept rubbing antibiotics onto the bite. Her daughter by a widow. Today they are better at taking care of it if you see a doctor quick, with regards to recluse bites. She ran a course of antibiotics and came out good as new. I do know an old lady who lost her finger to a recluse though way long ago.

07-20-09, 17:56
Ask and you shall receive! :p


That's some funny shit... Almost spit Red Bull on the keyboard...

07-20-09, 19:50
It amazes me. On this board we have Police, PMCs, marines, soldier, and gods know what else. Yet it seems the first instinct of almost every one of them when they see a spider is to scream like a little girl and stomp on it. It makes me feel good that I am not the only one with that reaction. :)

07-20-09, 20:09
It amazes me. On this board we have Police, PMCs, marines, soldier, and gods know what else. Yet it seems the first instinct of almost every one of them when they see a spider is to scream like a little girl and stomp on it. It makes me feel good that I am not the only one with that reaction. :)

If I could have discharged a firearm in county limits, I wouldn't have used the empty beer bottle to squish it. :D

The only reason I didn't use MAPP gas is I had this distinct feeling that an ON FIRE hell spawn was going to go running away in the weeds and start a big ass fire. :cool:

07-20-09, 20:37
When startled by them, my voice only goes up 2....maybe 8 octaves.

But no more than that.

07-20-09, 20:39
If I could have discharged a firearm in county limits, I wouldn't have used the empty beer bottle to squish it. :D

The only reason I didn't use MAPP gas is I had this distinct feeling that an ON FIRE hell spawn was going to go running away in the weeds and start a big ass fire. :cool:

Same here...if it was kosher, I'd have a shoot-on-sight order for all creatures with 8 legs.

07-20-09, 20:58
When startled by them, my voice only goes up 2....maybe 8 octaves.

But no more than that.

LMFAO, why is it that I just picture Barry White turning into Mariah Carey vocally at the thought of this!

Good shit

07-20-09, 21:57
The thorax of that spider is covered in hundreds, or maybe thousands, of babies. When we killed the mama, the concrete looked like it was moving...QUOTE]

Dammit, dude!! That picture made every last one of my hair stand on end. :eek:

Brown Recluse:

Todd's spider:

Hobo spider:

Wolf spider: