View Full Version : If "Red Dawn" happened...

07-21-09, 22:17
or the end of the world, zombies, etc...

How many times have people finished that phrase with (in reference to you and your weapons) "I'm comin' to YOUR house!!!

I've heard it too many times to count. Since my teens!!!

Anybody else hear this too many times?


07-21-09, 22:19

Yea that happens, but that doesn't mean they'll get through the door. Only a few people will get that far.

Thomas M-4
07-21-09, 22:25
Yea I just tell them if they have not brought a least a truck load of supplies ie food ,guns and ammo. To stay away I might just mistake them for the enemy:eek:;):D

30 cal slut
07-21-09, 23:14
or the end of the world, zombies, etc...

How many times have people finished that phrase with (in reference to you and your weapons) "I'm comin' to YOUR house!!!

I've heard it too many times to count. Since my teens!!!

Anybody else hear this too many times?


yeah. i've heard that from a leftard in-law of mine.

but how is he gonna come to MY house when the zombies have blocked the roads?

lazy ****.

prolly wants to eat me out of my stash of emergency food too.

07-21-09, 23:30
Yea I just tell them if they have not brought a least a truck load of supplies ie food ,guns and ammo to stay away I might just mistake them for the enemy

That is precisely what I tell "those" who know. A liberal Army bud(almost hate to admit it) and I had it out with each other(in a good way) but as much as we could not convince the other of our POV, I knew it was mine when he let out the line, "but if anything happens...I'm coming over to your house."

No offense slut, but I am worried most about Chinese Zombies praising OBH as the Mesiah!

07-21-09, 23:39
Yea I just tell them if they have not brought a least a truck load of supplies ie food ,guns and ammo. To stay away I might just mistake them for the enemy:eek:;):D

Damn right. And there better be steaks in there too. And I don't mean little pieces of meat. And bring ammo. Because..... these are the same people who want to shoot my guns and ammo without paying a penny or even offering to help clean them!!! Well, that was then........... I haven't allowed that in the last few years. Funny, not that many people shoot my weapons anymore!?!?


07-21-09, 23:41
Yea I just tell them if they have not brought a least a truck load of supplies ie food ,guns, fuel and ammo. To stay away I might just mistake them for the enemy:eek:;):D


Thomas M-4
07-22-09, 00:40
Damn right. And there better be steaks in there too. And I don't mean little pieces of meat. And bring ammo. Because..... these are the same people who want to shoot my guns and ammo without paying a penny or even offering to help clean them!!! Well, that was then........... I haven't allowed that in the last few years. Funny, not that many people shoot my weapons anymore!?!?


Yea had a guy a few years ago when you could get a case of 7.62x39mm for about $110 used to go the range with me and my buddy's little terd knocker could load his mag faster than anybody else and did his damnest to shoot up the ammo :mad:And of coarse he didn't own any weapon and would say I am going to your house when the SHTF finally I told him if the SHTF I would give him a stick and make him the point man he can point the stick at them and yell hey they are over here :D

07-22-09, 00:47
Wow i heard that today a friend I work with told me after he saw pictures of my weapons and I quote "if the zombies or a war here happens i am on my way to your house for ammo"I told him he might get the ammo in a way he did not want if he came empty handed :D

07-22-09, 02:16
The way I last heard it was "Hey your a christian right?" Yes I said, "so if things go really bad I can come to your house right"?

No, you were given the same chances and choices to make to prepare before hand, and if you show up at my house I will kill you and any others with you if I can and then take what little you have.

Sorta funny but since then, no one has ever said anything like that to me again...
You don't think I was too harsh do you?

07-22-09, 02:30
I hear it a lot.

Some of it comes from lefty idiots. They get laughed at.

Some of it comes from people who want to be there so we can watch each other's back. They get passed another beer.

Some people just don't get it.

07-22-09, 04:20
I hear it a lot.

Some of it comes from lefty idiots. They get laughed at.

Some of it comes from people who want to be there so we can watch each other's back. They get passed another beer.

Some people just don't get it.

What he said, to the letter.

I figure in a total breakdown, there'd be three types of folk. Those who are with each other, those who are against each other, and those too damned stupid to duck. In this hypothetical apocalypse, I'll be sure to have an extra mag or two for those who won't duck, as sadly, they seem to be abundant. Stupid zombies. ;)

07-22-09, 07:04
I hear it a lot.

Some of it comes from lefty idiots. They get laughed at.

Some of it comes from people who want to be there so we can watch each other's back. They get passed another beer.

Some people just don't get it.

+1 Nailed it!

07-22-09, 08:43
All my friends have always told me that. Problem is that when they get to my house I wont be there. I will be way out in the middle of the no where when the SHTF. :D

07-22-09, 08:53
I find it amusing that every thread in this forum somehow comes down to liberal vs. conservative in some peoples minds...:rolleyes: I am willing to bet that it would only take fifteen posts in a thread about peeling Bananas before it devolved into right vs. left.

07-22-09, 09:01
I find it amusing that every thread in this forum somehow comes down to liberal vs. conservative in some peoples minds...:rolleyes: I am willing to bet that it would only take fifteen posts in a thread about peeling Bananas before it devolved into right vs. left.

I think the point is made because it's valid. The conservatives I know own weapons and are somewhat prepared to handle things. The liberals I know are opposed to either anyone owning weapons or doing so themselves. They've made no preparations for any situation beyond a hang nail. Their solution is to have someone else (namely me) do any preparations necessary so they can come over and bunker down. Just my experience and, clearly, that of others.

I will say that I've met some libs who took on an effort to prepare for themselves. They tended to be fairly rare and still had a bit of the "not to worry, the gov't would be there soon" mentality.

07-22-09, 09:08
Maybe it's just because I grew up in a place where liberal or conservative didn't matter if you could survive through the winters. Survival was a-political, and for me still is.

When I think of the politics within my group of people I would want around (even now that I live 2500 away from my birthplace), I would say it is actually pretty evenly split down the middle between conservatives and liberals. All of whom are experienced and capable individuals despite their politics.

07-22-09, 09:46
It's not a "liberal" vs. "conservative" thing. It's more of a question on how "enlightened" or "in tune" one is with society, human nature and documented historical fact. I know many "conservatives" who feel that all will be okay. This was especially true during the Bush years and they were shocked shitless during Katrina. Since we were in MI when that happened it just HAD to be something wrong with the people in Louisiana... :rolleyes: They forgot the Detroit Riots in 1967 (or was that 1968?).

Y2K was upon us and the 'flatliners' (my reference to those who don't seem to have brainwaves with respect to society, human nature and history) got together and one manager (out of several there) stated, "I don't need to prepare I'm coming to your house and take your food". I looked at him sternly and told him in no uncertain terms, "Show up at my door and I'll f@#$6 kill you where you stand. And everyone else with you." You could hear a rat piss on cotton as the now slack-jawed pin heads could think of nothing else to say.

That day never came but it's about to in the Detroit Metro Area as the goblins and zombies are desperate with real unemployment hovering around 30% - not the advertised 15% as many companies only offer insurance for a few months, some as much as 6 and then you're no longer counted among the unemployed.

Perhaps the sleepy have awakened a bit.

07-22-09, 09:53
Holy Sh$T Someone who pays attention, doesn't quote Rush, and who has a long term memory longer then the day Obama got elected. You can come to my house if you want.

p.s. realize not everyone is like my above description, I am just saying.

It's not a "liberal" vs. "conservative" thing. It's more of a question on how "enlightened" or "in tune" one is with society, human nature and documented historical fact. I know many "conservatives" who feel that all will be okay. This was especially true during the Bush years and they were shocked shitless during Katrina. Since we were in MI when that happened it just HAD to be something wrong with the people in Louisiana... :rolleyes: They forgot the Detroit Riots in 1967 (or was that 1968?).

Y2K was upon us and the 'flatliners' (my reference to those who don't seem to have brainwaves with respect to society, human nature and history) got together and one manager (out of several there) stated, "I don't need to prepare I'm coming to your house and take your food". I looked at him sternly and told him in no uncertain terms, "Show up at my door and I'll f@#$6 kill you where you stand. And everyone else with you." You could hear a rat piss on cotton as the now slack-jawed pin heads could think of nothing else to say.

That day never came but it's about to in the Detroit Metro Area as the goblins and zombies are desperate with real unemployment hovering around 30% - not the advertised 15% as many companies only offer insurance for a few months, some as much as 6 and then you're no longer counted among the unemployed.

Perhaps the sleepy have awakened a bit.

07-22-09, 09:56
I'm with Mjolnir here... I dealt with Katrina first-hand. It's not a matter of partisanship, it's a matter of partnership. With, against, or blindly, stupidly in the way.

I'm not setting up a "Patriots" compound - no way I could fund such a thing from any aspect... but I do have a concept of who, what, when, where, why, and how, just in case. Some of my go-to people are very conservative, but have no physical preparation done. Some are liberal, and have generator/food stuff. A lot of people can't see past their text message, and won't know what happened.

That said, I know a lot more conservatives than libs that would be on my invitation list.

07-22-09, 12:11
I hear it. I tell them get ready yourself. If you show up better bring stuff with you. It is annoying.

07-22-09, 12:37
Everyone "thinks" they are coming here.

But if you ain't a hot chick or bringing tons of ammo or food you ain't getting in. And the hot chicks should probably have a couple battlepacks and some MREs.


07-22-09, 12:41
I had a friend tell me that, I said, "That's cool, that will give me more time as the looters will have to climb over your corpse first."

07-22-09, 12:48
LOL. I've been hearing this kind of stuff for years. FWIW, this site proves at least I'm not alone -- even if I do live in occupied territory. I have no illusions some of the ones who made the comment were offering a subtle criticism, or a left-handed compliment at best.

Still, my favorite Hollywood survivalist is Burt Gummer from Tremors (1990), who said this:

"Food for five years, a thousand gallons of gas, air filtration, water filtration, Geiger counter. Bomb shelter! Underground... God damn monsters!"

Most the people who make that kind of comment today are the ones who are guaranteed to be a burden. I just laugh it off now, and tell them, "Let's just hope that never happens."

We will help those we can help -- it's just how we're built -- but family comes first! If you're not part of the family, and you don't know the secret handshake -- well, let's just hope that never happens!"

"Gas, grass or ass, nobody rides free!" ~ Anonymous

07-22-09, 15:06
I was mowing the lawn one day and a similar discussion occurred with a few neighbors, since everyone knows I go to the range on sundays and the local gun nut. With a sly grin and a wink, I said "One problem with your logic, I'm planning on killing my neighbors first".:p

07-22-09, 15:43
Most who have made similar comments to me live anywhere from 60(+) to 500 miles away in urban/sub-urban areas.With little to no preparation...

Good luck with that.;)

07-22-09, 15:45

07-22-09, 15:48
I know the secret handshake.;)

07-22-09, 15:59
With a sly grin and a wink, I said "One problem with your logic, I'm planning on killing my neighbors first".:p
I'm going to snarf that statement! :p

07-22-09, 16:16
Good friends will carry you through tough times, as long as you remember it's a two-way street.

07-22-09, 16:17
My neighbors don't know I have guns, shoot or carry them. We were cooking out with a few neighbors on July 4th, the conversation among the men briefly switched to guns. I just went, "oh really", "wow" , etc. :)

07-22-09, 16:39
My neighbors don't know I have guns, shoot or carry them. We were cooking out with a few neighbors on July 4th, the conversation among the men briefly switched to guns. I just went, "oh really", "wow" , etc. :)

I've done that before. Once at a studio visit a guy brought out his WWII surplus rifle (think it was a Nagant). Someone commented on the size of the round being bigger then they thought. His friend proceeds to tell us: "Well duh boys, this is war rifle, what did you expect."

I chocked back and said "wow, I didn't know that."

07-22-09, 16:49
My friends called me McGuyver before I joined the Army. In the Army they came up with the same nickname even though I never told them anything about my pre-war life. Now that I'm home I have made a point of simply not having friends. I'm gonna take care of me. If Red Dawn happened? I doubt it would. Staying low-profile would obviously be beneficial. Remember how in Red Dawn, the commies aquired the 4473's from gun dealers to assimilate the threats? Nuff said.

07-22-09, 16:55
My neighbors don't know I have guns, shoot or carry them. We were cooking out with a few neighbors on July 4th, the conversation among the men briefly switched to guns. I just went, "oh really", "wow" , etc. :)

We can 'show off' here in like company, but I'm the same way around the neighbors. Some of the ruder teenaged ones would be in for quite a surprise, if the flag went up. :mad:

A couple guys in my church - vets - know, and we even discuss these things occasionally, go to gun shows together, etc., but that's it. Loose lips sink ships...

07-22-09, 17:46
All my friends have always told me that. Problem is that when they get to my house I wont be there. I will be way out in the middle of the no where when the SHTF. :D

+1 even though nobody ever told me that :o

07-22-09, 17:52
I've done that before. Once at a studio visit a guy brought out his WWII surplus rifle (think it was a Nagant). Someone commented on the size of the round being bigger then they thought. His friend proceeds to tell us: "Well duh boys, this is war rifle, what did you expect."

I chocked back and said "wow, I didn't know that."

Thankfully nobody knows I have gun and nobody has ever seen them.


07-22-09, 18:04
I'm a bit the opposite. Folks that know what I do for a living think I have 3 golf bags worth of guns and are surprised to find that I own a carbine and 2 pistols. More surprised when they find that (Blasphemy Alert!) I think that that's all I need.

But I've got upwards of 6000 rounds for each one....

07-22-09, 18:11
How many times have people finished that phrase with (in reference to you and your weapons) "I'm comin' to YOUR house!!!


The other day a friend gave me a few 5 gal gas cans(full) from his SHIF stash as he replenishes his stock. My brother was helping me fill my truck & he asked me where I got the gas & why.

When I told him it was surplus stock for SHIF, he said it was stupid and wouldn't need to stockpile because if things go up he would go & take what he wanted. I advised him these people (my friends& others like them)who go thru the extreme to prepare have special measures for those who think they are going to help themselves!

With that attitude he wouldn't survive SHIF+1

Only people who are going to their house are R.S.V.P with their own supplies & able to pull their own weight.

07-22-09, 21:41
Well, according to Newt Gingrich,we are on the precipe for disaster.so, get prepared.

07-22-09, 22:49
Well, according to Newt Gingrich,we are on the precipe for disaster.so, get prepared.

Yep that's what the mayans, and the Daily News say too.

07-22-09, 23:24
Yep that's what the mayans, and the Daily News say too.

nah,this guy newt has a better handle on modern geo-politic's and economic's than those guy's.

07-22-09, 23:54
There's no doubt things will change rapidly in the next 20 years. But Newt isn't someone I look to for information as I consider him part of the problem, anything he says now is just trying to save face.

07-23-09, 01:06
How many times have people finished that phrase with (in reference to you and your weapons) "I'm comin' to YOUR house!!!

The only people that have even said this to me are co-workers... no one else knows me that well. I always tell 'em to bring their ammo. If things really did get that bad, I would appreciate the help.:)

07-23-09, 11:18
...How many times have people finished that phrase with (in reference to you and your weapons) "I'm comin' to YOUR house!!!

I hear this all the time from friends, family, and co-workers. :p

07-23-09, 17:26
if you show up at my house I will kill you and any others with you if I can and then take what little you have.

Thats EXACTLY what I said also;) :D

MSP "Sarge"
07-23-09, 18:32
I like the one about killing my neighbors first haha. Makes me laugh.

07-23-09, 22:49
this reminds me of the old episode of "twilight zone".

the one with the "UFOs" and the "code yellow" and the doctors.

the doctor with "friends" that tried to break into his bunker.

nobody would think that my house would be where to go....

07-24-09, 00:42
We had a little conversation the other day and someone overheard me saying that I had 20K rounds of ammo and half a dozen AR's at the house. He said, "well I am know where I am going if the SHTF". I just laughed. I think he got the meaning of that.

07-24-09, 02:59
We had a little conversation the other day and someone overheard me saying that I had 20K rounds of ammo and half a dozen AR's at the house. He said, "well I am know where I am going if the SHTF". I just laughed. I think he got the meaning of that.

Right? What have YOU done for ME lateley!?!?!?!?

I'll take the shooters, and their ammo and food and vehicles with extra fuel. Immediate family. The rest.......... ummm

07-24-09, 14:00
or the end of the world, zombies, etc...

How many times have people finished that phrase with (in reference to you and your weapons) "I'm comin' to YOUR house!!!

I've heard it too many times to count. Since my teens!!!

Anybody else hear this too many times?


No. Aside from my wife, there are just a couple of people within 2000 miles who have even a rough idea of what firearms and how much ammo I have. It's not much compared to a lot of fellows here, but I don't advertise.

07-24-09, 16:30
How many times have people finished that phrase with (in reference to you and your weapons) "I'm comin' to YOUR house!!!

If you're hearing that phrase often, then you are telling too many people and the wrong kind of people about the fact that you own guns.

I just tend to keep my mouth shut around people I don't know very well, or who I know have big mouths.

07-24-09, 16:39
My neighbors don't know I have guns, shoot or carry them. We were cooking out with a few neighbors on July 4th, the conversation among the men briefly switched to guns. I just went, "oh really", "wow" , etc. :)

I take the same approach. We've had a few break-ins in my neighborhood recently so everyone is busy reinforcing deadbolt strike plates, actually getting monitoring for their alarm systems, etc.

While talking to the neighbor about the MO of the break-ins and the lock issues, I overheard two of the wives talking about getting carry permits, training, etc. I smiled inside knowing that two more people have seen the light, but didn't say anything. I'd just rather not have the publicity of becoming the neighborhood "gun guy" because it's annoying and, ironically, that if the wrong people find out then I actually become a greater burglary target because of the guns.

The only reason my co-workers even know is because I have ammo shipped here and do politically correct things like sporting clays with them. It's also hard to lie when I miss work for 3 or 4 days because of a training class.:D

07-24-09, 17:03
How many times have people finished that phrase with (in reference to you and your weapons) "I'm comin' to YOUR house!!!

I have heard it, quite a few times before Y2K.

Last week our main headquarters in Denver lost power due to a huge storm. I talked to the owner and gave him suggestions on renting a generator. He had one of the guys in the office call me for more information and the first words out of his mouth were "We were talking over here and figured that the person most prepared in case SHTF was you."

I took it as a compliment even though I know that I have a ways to go to get to where I want to be when it comes to preparation.

Cold Zero
07-24-09, 18:17
I attended an interesting lecture by the Commissioner of OEM for our county on Hurricane preparedness.

Some of his ideas included shutting off the natural gas, electricity, water and closing the gas stations for various reasons to include "encouraging" residents to leave.

Refusing the mandatory evacuation is a class B misdemeanor.

He talked about where he pre positioned his supplies, i.e. pallets of bottled water, MRE's, etc. I foudn his cache, it was about 1 mile from where he said it was. He either does not know where his supplies are, or lied about where they are.:eek:

The draw bridges will be left in te up postion during the storm. You have to leave when you are told or will not be able to cross any of the 3 bridges later.

Another good one. We should go to shelters that will hold 5-6K people. But, the Police will have separate shelters for them and their families, but the bigger shelters will be safe.

This is what we have looking out for us.:rolleyes:

07-25-09, 01:09
or the end of the world, zombies, etc...

How many times have people finished that phrase with (in reference to you and your weapons) "I'm comin' to YOUR house!!!

I've heard it too many times to count. Since my teens!!!

Anybody else hear this too many times?


yeah, I've heard it. my answer, "yeah, you do that. I'll be needing some heads to put on stakes in my front yard"...

07-25-09, 13:50
I just tend to keep my mouth shut around people I don't know very well, or who I know have big mouths.

Exactly. The temptation to show others what we hold so dear is often strong, but it must be suppressed. Only a few know what I have.

It's not even who I let in my home...it's the ambitious scumbag that they might innocently speak to later.

07-25-09, 14:08
I try and lay low but it is kind of hard with the business. People at church are big into guns and want to buy stuff and I go shooting with a few of them. I usually don't volunteer anything and try to practice discretion. But most people (at church) have heard and make assumptions. Good thing is we have a bunch of cops at church so I let them know to keep an eye on things as they drive by etc.

Discretion is the better part of valor.

07-26-09, 17:25
A little off topic but I just watched this movie and was wondering what the code meant that was given over the radio. Is it real or is it just made up by hollywood?

This is the code....."The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache."

07-26-09, 17:31
A little off topic but I just watched this movie and was wondering what the code meant that was given over the radio. Is it real or is it just made up by hollywood?

This is the code....."The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache."

John Milius, the director of the movie who's also on the board of directors of the NRA, took that from WW2, it was used in free radio broadcasts to the French Resistance. I'll have to do some research, but I think it was one of the announcements that D-Day was about to commence.

07-26-09, 17:48
If I recall correctly, it was "John wears a bright blue tie."

For all I know, I just watched "The Longest Day" once too often.

07-26-09, 18:00
I haven't watched the movie in a little while, but I'm pretty sure they say "John has a long beard" in the movie. As for the actual DDay broadcast, I'm not sure.

I would check this T-Shirt that I own:


but it only has the first half of the broadcast on the front. :)

ETA: looked it up on IMDB, it does say "John has a long mustache" and it was a reference to the broadcast in The Longest Day. My bad.

07-26-09, 18:31
If you're hearing that phrase often, then you are telling too many people and the wrong kind of people about the fact that you own guns.

I just tend to keep my mouth shut around people I don't know very well, or who I know have big mouths.

well true, and I *try* that also, but sometimes, it can't be helped. one day a work a few years ago, there was a rather retarded conversation between several guys
( who don't own any guns BTW ) talking about how easy it was to convert a AR-15 to full auto with a few MacGyver type tricks:rolleyes:

when I had enough of their BS, I had to give them a verbal smack down, on how stupid they were, then of course they fire back- " oh how the hell do you know?!"
CAUSE I OWN FIVE OF THEM DUMBASS!!! :eek: now that did shut them up, and show how stupid they were to everyone else, but from that point forward I was 'the gun guy', which has all sorts of +'s and -'s:o

07-27-09, 03:54
Maybe it's just because I grew up in a place where liberal or conservative didn't matter if you could survive through the winters. Survival was a-political, and for me still is.

When I think of the politics within my group of people I would want around (even now that I live 2500 away from my birthplace), I would say it is actually pretty evenly split down the middle between conservatives and liberals. All of whom are experienced and capable individuals despite their politics.

A large portion of the left end of the political spectrum revolves around the notion that one group of people is entitled to the fruits of another group's labor, even if the first group is able to work but simply too lazy or stupid to do so.

Modern productivity allows for a certain amount of this bullshit without the entire thing crashing down. At some point - if it does not, in fact, come crashing down in the meantime - we will probably have sufficient technology to toss all the lazy ****s into government condos with free food and a free Playstation 12 and be done with them, without taking out a noticable amount of GDP.

But until that day, in any sort of emergency or in prolonged hard times, the entitlement mindset simply does not work. For the able-bodied, it's simple: you don't work, you don't eat.

We have a word for when one person has a "right" to the labor of another: slavery. I will sooner start lining people up against the wall before accepting the notion that someone has a "right" to the results of my labor.

07-31-09, 19:44
Let me give everyone some advice about how this will play out from someone who used to be on the inside. The scenario starts with this, no electricity, no water and your food has run out. You haven't eaten for 14 days or drank water in 4 days. What would you give up to have something to eat or drink, your guns, your ammo.....and not a shot was fired. Research it, you will find control is easily taken by some simple fundamentals. Most would not last a week and less than 1 in 965,000 are prepared.

Free advice, acquire three years of food and water and be prepared to defend your supplies.

Cold Zero
07-31-09, 20:00
Free advice, acquire three years of food and water and be prepared to defend your supplies.

What do you think will cause the need for the above?

What prep's have you made?

Clue us in.

07-31-09, 20:11
Let me give everyone some advice about how this will play out from someone who used to be on the inside. The scenario starts with this, no electricity, no water and your food has run out. You haven't eaten for 14 days or drank water in 4 days. What would you give up to have something to eat or drink, your guns, your ammo.....and not a shot was fired. Research it, you will find control is easily taken by some simple fundamentals. Most would not last a week and less than 1 in 965,000 are prepared.

Free advice, acquire three years of food and water and be prepared to defend your supplies.
So we talking a "One Second After" type of scenario here?

07-31-09, 20:37
this reminds me of the old episode of "twilight zone".

the one with the "UFOs" and the "code yellow" and the doctors.

the doctor with "friends" that tried to break into his bunker.

nobody would think that my house would be where to go....

"The Shelter" Good episode.


07-31-09, 20:54
Those of us with AKs and Glocks will survive but AR & 1911 owners will end up spending too much time cleaning their weapons and it will end up costing you in the end.

Thomas M-4
07-31-09, 21:34
Those of us with AKs and Glocks will survive but AR & 1911 owners will end up spending too much time cleaning their weapons and it will end up costing you in the end.

Where have you been we don't need to clean weapons we just have to strike oil :p:D

07-31-09, 21:40
Those of us with AKs and Glocks will survive but AR & 1911 owners will end up spending too much time cleaning their weapons and it will end up costing you in the end.

That was cute! Good one. I needed a laugh today. Thanks, friend!


07-31-09, 21:40
Where have you been we don't need to clean weapons we just have to strike oil :p:D

That actually made me laugh out loud.

07-31-09, 21:44
Let me give everyone some advice about how this will play out from someone who used to be on the inside. The scenario starts with this, no electricity, no water and your food has run out. You haven't eaten for 14 days or drank water in 4 days. What would you give up to have something to eat or drink, your guns, your ammo.....and not a shot was fired. Research it, you will find control is easily taken by some simple fundamentals. Most would not last a week and less than 1 in 965,000 are prepared.

Free advice, acquire three years of food and water and be prepared to defend your supplies.

This. Anarchy. But you'd be a fool to face it unprepared. Weapons and ammo wise of course. And then be ready to kill for the rest. And honestly, most of you won't be up to that. All fantasies aside.


Thomas M-4
07-31-09, 22:08
This. Anarchy. But you'd be a fool to face it unprepared. Weapons and ammo wise of course. And then be ready to kill for the rest. And honestly, most of you won't be up to that. All fantasies aside.


I don't know about you but if I get hungry I will have no reservations about eating a doggy burger.:p:D

Thats right DOG yea:eek::D;)

Thomas M-4
07-31-09, 22:10
That actually made me laugh out loud.

Hey if we cant strike oil all I have to do is make the wife stockpile vagasil :eek::D;)

07-31-09, 23:40
I don't know about you but if I get hungry I will have no reservations about eating a doggy burger.:p:D

Thats right DOG yea:eek::D;)

Not to be Captain Obvious, but.... eat me, thomas!!!!!! :D

Hey, I'm not really a dog. (really!) But I live close enough to Mexico. I have probably eaten it. And, prepared right, it is good.


Thomas M-4
08-01-09, 00:02
Not to be Captain Obvious, but.... eat me, thomas!!!!!! :D

Hey, I'm not really a dog. (really!) But I live close enough to Mexico. I have probably eaten it. And, prepared right, it is good.


I just had some doggy fajitas and a frozen top self margarita.:eek::p HMMM GOOD!

08-01-09, 01:41
well true, and I *try* that also, but sometimes, it can't be helped. one day a work a few years ago, there was a rather retarded conversation between several guys
( own any guns BTW ) talwho don't king about how easy it was to convert a AR-15 to full auto with a few MacGyver type tricks:rolleyes:

when I had enough of their BS, I had to give them a verbal smack down, on how stupid they were, then of course they fire back- " oh how the hell do you know?!"
CAUSE I OWN FIVE OF THEM DUMBASS!!! :eek: now that did shut them up, and show how stupid they were to everyone else, but from that point forward I was 'the gun guy', which has all sorts of +'s and -'s:o

Don't you just get the feeling that your head will explode when you hear the one that goes( man all you have to do is just file down the sear to make it full auto).

So many sheepeople will just lie down when it comes with out a fight. And the ones that think they are bad ass will be the first to die. It will be the ones that lay and wait for over confident enemy to get complacent and lax, then in little groups we silently strike leaving no trace and no witnesses. It is one thing to invade someones homeland, but its another to hold onto it.