View Full Version : State official: Millions of Floridians could contract H1N1 virus within a year

07-24-09, 14:54

07-24-09, 16:31
I saw this on the news. I'm still not impressed. :rolleyes:


07-24-09, 19:55
Acting state epidemiologist Dr. Richard Hopkins said Thursday that pandemics are deadly because so many people get sick.
And in other news, water is wet! More at 11 . . .:rolleyes:

07-24-09, 19:59
chances are, billions of florida residents will be dead by the end of the year. im preparing for the worst.

07-24-09, 20:11
The story is not particularly noteworthy in that manner that it was written.

I personally know Richard and that does not sound like something he would say. Most likely this was paraphrased and simplified by some mental-midget (or is the PC term mental-little person?) reporter.

The public health impact for Florida is huge given the population and demographic composition (lots of elderly and lots of kids). H1N1 isn’t necessarily dangerous, but it can challenge the immune system and secondary pneumonia is common.

Seems like a thinly veiled attempt at getting more funds from the government and/or the State public health department. I can imagine Richard wanting to do exactly that.

07-24-09, 20:34
Oh No!!!

It's the return of The Little Piggy Death Bug!!!!

07-24-09, 20:54
You guys joke, but this could be as bad as Y2K!