View Full Version : Interesting pic from Afghanistan

07-26-09, 03:25

"a patrol in the Pesh Valley in Afghanistan's Kunar Province July 24, 2009"

07-26-09, 06:29
Very nice. :cool:

07-26-09, 08:13
Holy shit they're using Aimpoint Micro T-1's over there now?? I never thought I'd EVER see those much smaller optics being used in combat over in theater due to the higher-ups' longstanding trend of making shit decisions that literally affect tens of thousands of warriors on the ground.

The loads of the gun slingers who actually received the aimpoint micro T-1 RDS have now been lessened. And for a Marine or Soldier to have his overall load lessened in just the smallest of degrees can affect his overall performance over the long run.

As I'm sure most of you serious shooters, LEOs and former and active duty warriors here know, taking off even just half an ounce can be a tremendous asset on the field of battle in many ways (some obvious, some not so obvious... those of us who have directly experienced combat over there or in wars past and lived through it definitely know that ounces add up quick, and the lighter the better, even if that means throwing away a stupid and useless piece of gear and risking an NJP in order to lighten our loads as much as we can get away with and still perform at our peak levels).

Anyhow I won't keep rambling here (Okay, yes I will). I just think it's ****ing outstanding that some of our nation's warriors are being given the best gear possible for once, instead of the politicians and Generals trying to save a buck here and there, which can, and often does, translate into body bags being filled with the remains of the Fallen Heroes (but they'll buy JDAMs and cruise missiles and the latest and greatest Jet Fighters like they're going out of style for the fly boys).

Sorry to go on about this but this is extremely personal to me, as I have personally been affected and severely injured as a result of shitty funding and using/wearing shitty gear and weapons (don't even get me started on the "training" I received back then):mad:

But a lot has changed in just over 6 years, and it's changed for the better apparently. Let's just hope as time goes on that it's a continuing trend.

It'd be nice if Obama sent just one of the fat Stimulus checks directly to the warriors who are actually in the fight every single day over there in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Or maybe, in order to save money to give to the warriors who truly need it, they could just stop giving the REMFs on the mega bases that are now littered around throughout Iraq things like ice cream and soda, and also take down the damn flat screens in the chow hall. And while they're at it, stop allowing them to play video games in between missions. They don't need that "pogey bait," they could drink only water and be just fine (they do still have those packets of flavored powder in most of the MREs after all, right? The ghetto Gatorade?), they don't need flat screens, and they certainly have no business playing ****ing video games in a combat zone! Whatever happened to simply reading porn and jerking off during down time? Or going to the range to run some drills and get some quality trigger time in? Or going over every last detail of a previous mission/patrol and figuring out what went wrong and how to resolve the issue so it doesn't happen again? Hell, if there is any down time left over after training and debriefs, then give them relevant books to read, like The Art of War, Lone Survivor, Shooter, Trigger Men, House To House, and Marine Sniper (as a jarhead I just had to throw in the one about Marine Scout/Sniper Sergeant Carlos Hathcock!)

Then they could take that money and give it to those hard-ass infantrymen who are in the fight as I type this, and then buy them all of the shit they need to kill more bad guys more efficiently and protect themselves more effectively against a wide variety of threats.

Just my thoughts however. I was there during the invasion when we got three hours of sleep a night, slept in the dirt and ate just 2 MREs a day, unless we ran out of MREs of course, which happened from time to time during our push to Baghdad. Don't know if you've ever assaulted an enemy objective on an empty stomach, but lets just say that it sucks ass and we all felt as if we were moving in slow motion as we advanced towards the enemy compound on the afternoon I'm speaking of.

I promised myself that night, as I laid in my little hole in the ground all warm and "comfy," that I'd never go hungry again for as long as I lived. Whether I lived for one hour, one day, one week or one hundred years, I'd never go hungry again.

And I haven't.

Thanks for taking the time to read my random thoughts and rants.

Semper Fidelis! (and we always are;),



"a patrol in the Pesh Valley in Afghanistan's Kunar Province July 24, 2009"

07-26-09, 09:31
RetreatHell sir, Although all of your points are valid and you have quite a few.....it was a good read...I believe you will probably find that those two pieces of gear are probably self owned and not issued.....I could be wrong but he M4 is the latest standard Aimpoint being issued. His unit may have picked these up but I would be impressed if it did. Just another smart Grunt/Marine that knows his life is worth about 1500 bux....hell I got an ACOG for that reason. V/R "Outlaw5"

07-26-09, 10:43
Outlaw - check the uniform and the patches (ACUs with 4th ID Patch = ARMY not Marines).

And Yes, alot of use use personal accessories for our weapons.

07-26-09, 11:32
Has the Army officially adopted the T-1 at all? Or are these just individual or unit purchases?

07-26-09, 13:14
Outlaw - check the uniform and the patches (ACUs with 4th ID Patch = ARMY not Marines).

And Yes, alot of use use personal accessories for our weapons.

If you look closely, he said grunt/Marine. Grunt is a non service specific moniker.

07-26-09, 15:42
Judging by my past experiences I'm assuming it's self-owned and not issued.

Latest and greatest issued items I've seen out of Aimpoint over here in Iraq is the M4.

07-26-09, 16:21
Outlaw - check the uniform and the patches (ACUs with 4th ID Patch = ARMY not Marines).

And Yes, alot of use use personal accessories for our weapons.

Telecustom....I know who is in the picture...I was answering RetreatHell who is a Marine.....No worries...

07-26-09, 16:36
I think the T-1 and Magnifier the Soldier is using are personal accessories. But the Army was at one time planning on replacing a battalions worth of M4s with the T-1. The surefire M971 light with the Scout, and using Eagle Plate Carriers. Not sure if that's still happening.

07-27-09, 02:19
Been seening more of the 3X maganifiers on weapons behind M2 or M4 Aimpoints here in Afghanistan. Haven't seen any T1s yet.


07-27-09, 03:26
I saw a video of a gun battle in A-Stan on "Live-Leak" that showed a couple of our guys running the same exact set-up: T1 Micro/LaRue QD mount & Aimpoint 3x magnifier/LaRue flip mount.

07-27-09, 04:58
4th ID is very progressive for being a "heavy" unit. They are pretty good about testing and issuing new kit. However, the T-1 is probably personal gear.
Great picture IMO.

07-27-09, 06:23
4th ID is very progressive for being a "heavy" unit. They are pretty good about testing and issuing new kit. However, the T-1 is probably personal gear.
Great picture IMO.

Modularity as thrown a big wrench in sorting out what "type" of units some are. 4 ID now has one "IBCT", back in the day we would have called them Light. The BDE is based out of Colorado and I guess finaly arrived in OEF. They are serving as a test bed for several items of equipment to lighten the soldiers load. So the T-1 might be issue. I have not seen any list of the equipment they are using to lighten the load yet.

07-27-09, 08:41
Modularity as thrown a big wrench in sorting out what "type" of units some are. 4 ID now has one "IBCT", back in the day we would have called them Light. The BDE is based out of Colorado and I guess finaly arrived in OEF. They are serving as a test bed for several items of equipment to lighten the soldiers load. So the T-1 might be issue. I have not seen any list of the equipment they are using to lighten the load yet.

Good call, I had forgotten about the realignments.

07-27-09, 09:05
oops, double post!

07-27-09, 23:11
Wow. I also am a guy from "back in the day". Modularity has changed everything.

From wiki:

"The 4th Infantry Division is a modular division of the United States Army based at Fort Carson, Colorado, with four brigade combat teams. It is a very technically advanced combat division in the U.S. Army."


Cavalry, Infantry, and Armor batallions in the same Brigade? My head hurts.

07-31-09, 23:33
Came across some interesting info:

Army to Field Experimental Soldier Systems Equipment

Wearing their Rapid Equipping Force hat, The Army’s Asymmetric Warfare Group set about to assemble a package of Commercial Off the Shelf Soldier Systems equipment to conduct a demonstration with members of the 4th Infantry Division deploying to Afghanistan. The aim was to demonstrate that these alternative technologies will enhance the combat effectiveness of our troops fighting in the brutal terrain of Afghanistan.

Unfortunately, a long brewing battle between the Army’s Acquisition community and the REF seemed to come to a head two weeks ago when the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology halted the shipment of the equipment package into theater and began to ask some very pointed questions about the capability of the armor package chosen. Long-term friction has come about as the REF continues to conduct rapid identification, assessment, and fielding of critical warfighting technologies while the traditional acquisition system takes a much more methodical approach and fielding of new systems requires longer lead times.

The system in question is the MBAV cutaway plate carrier produced by Eagle Industries used in conjunction with a hard plate only certified for use by USSOCOM. All of this is fully in the Army’s purview and unknown to most sitting on the sidelines of this issue, PEO-Soldier is in the midst of an evaluation of five cut away armor plate carriers. It is highly probable that the cutaway system chosen by AWG is also a candidate in this PEO-Soldier evaluation.

The situation seemed to take on a life of its own and after two weeks of consideration the Army has chosen to field the experimental package and it will be shipped for use by 480 Soldiers across two battalions of the deploying 4th ID. According to Army sources, short notice testing was completed to provide a safety release of the equipment. However, the new lightweight hard armor plates used by SOCOM will be replaced by the Army’s current issue plates.

Data collection will be accomplished by Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab.

REF Equipment List

Mens Sport NTS Crew T-Shirt
Mens Sport NTS Bottom
Mens Microweight NTS Crew Long Sleeved T-Shirt
Mens Microweight NTS Long Underwear Drawers
Mens Microweight NTS Tee
Mens Microweight Boxer
Socks PhD Outdoor Light Crew
Socks PhD Outdoor Medium Crew

Knee Caps (Green/Grey)

Mens Chameleon EVO Mid Gore Tex
Womens Chameleon ARC Mid Gore Tex

Mens Fugitive GTX
Womens Stynger GTX

M-3 DL Handheld Compass
Wrist Watch GPS X10



Weapon Light M600C (kit)

Magazine (PMAG)

Optic Micro T1 w/ Larue mount

Mountain Hardwear
Phantom 45 Sleeping bag

GoGo Shelter, Olive Drab

Mystery Ranch
3 Day Assault Packs w/ Bolsters

MBAV Plate carrier

London Bridge
Multi-purpose MOLLE Rhodesian Rig
Low Profile Chest Vest
Low Vis Utility Pouch
MOLLE Double 9mm Pouch w/ Kydex
Double MOLLE 40mm Pouch
MOLLE 4 Rd 40mm (3×3) Pouch
MOLLE Single Frag Grenade Pouch
Medium MOLLE Utility Pouch
Large MOLLE Utility Pouch
MOLLE (100 Rd) SAW Pouch
M60 100 Rd Pouch w/ Removable Top
MOLLE Triple M4 Magazine Pouch
MOLLE Single 5.56 M4 (1×2) Mag Pouch
MOLLE 5.56 M4 Magazine Pouch
Dual 7.62 Mag Pouch
MOLLE Single 7.62 Magazine Pouch
MOLLE Hydration Pouch (100oz)
Large Fliers Kit Bag

07-31-09, 23:49
Holy shit they're using Aimpoint Micro T-1's over there now?? I never thought I'd EVER see those much smaller optics being used in combat over in theater due to the higher-ups' longstanding trend of making shit decisions that literally affect tens of thousands of warriors on the ground.

The loads of the gun slingers who actually received the aimpoint micro T-1 RDS have now been lessened. And for a Marine or Soldier to have his overall load lessened in just the smallest of degrees can affect his overall performance over the long run.

As I'm sure most of you serious shooters, LEOs and former and active duty warriors here know, taking off even just half an ounce can be a tremendous asset on the field of battle in many ways (some obvious, some not so obvious... those of us who have directly experienced combat over there or in wars past and lived through it definitely know that ounces add up quick, and the lighter the better, even if that means throwing away a stupid and useless piece of gear and risking an NJP in order to lighten our loads as much as we can get away with and still perform at our peak levels).

Anyhow I won't keep rambling here (Okay, yes I will). I just think it's ****ing outstanding that some of our nation's warriors are being given the best gear possible for once, instead of the politicians and Generals trying to save a buck here and there, which can, and often does, translate into body bags being filled with the remains of the Fallen Heroes (but they'll buy JDAMs and cruise missiles and the latest and greatest Jet Fighters like they're going out of style for the fly boys).

Sorry to go on about this but this is extremely personal to me, as I have personally been affected and severely injured as a result of shitty funding and using/wearing shitty gear and weapons (don't even get me started on the "training" I received back then):mad:

But a lot has changed in just over 6 years, and it's changed for the better apparently. Let's just hope as time goes on that it's a continuing trend.

It'd be nice if Obama sent just one of the fat Stimulus checks directly to the warriors who are actually in the fight every single day over there in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Or maybe, in order to save money to give to the warriors who truly need it, they could just stop giving the REMFs on the mega bases that are now littered around throughout Iraq things like ice cream and soda, and also take down the damn flat screens in the chow hall. And while they're at it, stop allowing them to play video games in between missions. They don't need that "pogey bait," they could drink only water and be just fine (they do still have those packets of flavored powder in most of the MREs after all, right? The ghetto Gatorade?), they don't need flat screens, and they certainly have no business playing ****ing video games in a combat zone! Whatever happened to simply reading porn and jerking off during down time? Or going to the range to run some drills and get some quality trigger time in? Or going over every last detail of a previous mission/patrol and figuring out what went wrong and how to resolve the issue so it doesn't happen again? Hell, if there is any down time left over after training and debriefs, then give them relevant books to read, like The Art of War, Lone Survivor, Shooter, Trigger Men, House To House, and Marine Sniper (as a jarhead I just had to throw in the one about Marine Scout/Sniper Sergeant Carlos Hathcock!)

Then they could take that money and give it to those hard-ass infantrymen who are in the fight as I type this, and then buy them all of the shit they need to kill more bad guys more efficiently and protect themselves more effectively against a wide variety of threats.

Just my thoughts however. I was there during the invasion when we got three hours of sleep a night, slept in the dirt and ate just 2 MREs a day, unless we ran out of MREs of course, which happened from time to time during our push to Baghdad. Don't know if you've ever assaulted an enemy objective on an empty stomach, but lets just say that it sucks ass and we all felt as if we were moving in slow motion as we advanced towards the enemy compound on the afternoon I'm speaking of.

I promised myself that night, as I laid in my little hole in the ground all warm and "comfy," that I'd never go hungry again for as long as I lived. Whether I lived for one hour, one day, one week or one hundred years, I'd never go hungry again.

And I haven't.

Thanks for taking the time to read my random thoughts and rants.

Semper Fidelis! (and we always are;),


Whatever.... everybody.

OP, God Bless you, warrior! and if ya' get hungry, come to my place, for a steak. I ain't rich, but I'll find a way. Nice post.

Army Vet. Dog

Iraq Ninja
08-01-09, 06:38
Here is another good photo. CCT in A Stan I think.

Note the magazines of the airman on the right, and of course the use of multicam...


08-01-09, 15:09
Wild Wild Wes, glad you found that. That article has flown under the radar for the most part.

08-01-09, 17:54
Here is another good photo. CCT in A Stan I think.

Note the magazines of the airman on the right, and of course the use of multicam...


Interesting an IZLID 1000... Wonder what their are usin that fer ?!?!?!?!?!


08-01-09, 20:46
the neuman (Spelling ) gloves are good stuff I have always loved them

08-02-09, 15:05
Interesting an IZLID 1000... Wonder what their are usin that fer ?!?!?!?!?!
According to BUMED and more than a few others, as often as not they use them as lightsabers or as friendly hail-and-warning devices (BIG no-no), or zapping TCNs in the feet with it within the NSHD to make them dance. And later have the gall to wonder why people around them are sustaining retinal damage.

Biggest problem with lasers...they're fun to mess around with.

08-02-09, 15:09
That guy is using it for its intended purpose; to designate targets so airplanes can make them go "boom".

08-08-09, 05:18
Biggest problem with lasers...they're fun to mess around with.

Yeah and when ya try and explain to people just how dangerous they are you get the look like "really?!?!?!?"


08-10-09, 03:40
In the group photo is that a Garmin eTrex on his stock?

08-10-09, 03:42
In the original photo the soldiers light is set up for use w/o the 203...is he using the 203 by day and pulling it off at night?

08-10-09, 04:40
...Cavalry, Infantry, and Armor batallions in the same Brigade? My head hurts.

Why? This is nothing new. This is the way it was with the 197th Inf Bde (SEP) (M) more than 25 years ago (before they became the 3rd Bde, 3rd ID).

Now, if you're talking about an Armored BN having an Infantry element or an Infantry BN having an Artillery Battery (both of which are actually in existence); then I'd agree with you. :eek:

08-10-09, 23:13
Whatever.... everybody.

OP, God Bless you, warrior! and if ya' get hungry, come to my place, for a steak. I ain't rich, but I'll find a way. Nice post.

Army Vet. Dog

RetreatHell, I re-read this and it somehow didn't come out right..? Sorry. No offense. I take your points, and I understand them.

Good job, Marine! Great job!


08-11-09, 03:15
Wow. I also am a guy from "back in the day". Modularity has changed everything.

Cavalry, Infantry, and Armor batallions in the same Brigade? My head hurts.

Try infantry, artillery, and armor guys in the same BN. Yep, that's right. They're designated Combined Arms Battalions. No cavalry though, as they would hate to have their freedom of manuever destroyed by the "lesser" folk.

12-22-11, 14:21
Interesting an IZLID 1000... Wonder what their are usin that fer ?!?!?!?!?!


As a JTAC we use the Izlid as a night ir target marker.

12-22-11, 14:35
In the group photo is that a Garmin eTrex on his stock?

It's the foretrex. Don't know which model. The current issue garmin is the 401

12-22-11, 21:31
Well, hell...

12-22-11, 22:00
Well, hell...

I'm glad to see the ITAR working. :rolleyes:

Magppuls, Magpul rail covers, MBUS BUIS(?), Aimpoint T1, AN/PEQ-6, US(?) after market safety selector, US PALM (?) grip, M4 stock. . .

12-22-11, 23:28
I'm glad to see the ITAR working. :rolleyes:

ITAR just means you have to get an export permit for over $100 wholesale value shipments to parties outside the US (and be a subscriber to the arms exporter program). And if you are a subscriber to the arms exporter program, you can send under $100 wholesale without permit (certain places are excluded but I don't think Russia is one of them -- think North Korea, Cuba, etc) as long as you report it in an online system the gov runs for the purpose.

There are plenty of Magpul dealers outside the country as well who legally sell Magpul stuff, for example. Just have your local embassy people walk in to one in say Germany or Sweden and buy some stuff and ship it home.

Magppuls, Magpul rail covers, MBUS BUIS(?), Aimpoint T1, AN/PEQ-6, US(?) after market safety selector, US PALM (?) grip, M4 stock. . .

Aimpoint is from Sweden so US laws wouldn't affect it as long as it did not enter the US first.

[none of my points above should be construed to be support for or against ITAR regs]

12-23-11, 00:37
The T1 gets around



12-23-11, 00:41
Halloween is over. No more necro posts!

JK. Always fun to read stuff from years ago.

12-23-11, 00:58
Yeah and when ya try and explain to people just how dangerous they are you get the look like "really?!?!?!?"


it's all fun and games until someone burns out a retina!!! :haha:

There I updated the saying for you!!

12-23-11, 03:07
A U.S. Soldier high-fives an Afghan boy in the Zer-e-koh Valley in Herat, Afghanistan, July 29, 2010. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Bradley Lail/Released)


12-23-11, 06:16
Ok now that's a cool pic.