View Full Version : Woman kills baby, eats brains and toes

07-27-09, 14:36

07-27-09, 14:49
I'm continually amazed that these jerks can kill the innocent child just fine, but somehow manage to fail to kill themselves....like the local jackass who murdered his 3 year old daughter by damn near cutting her head off with a serrated knife (after he had already murdered her older 1/2 sister at the house) but couldn't seem to competently cut his own wrists.

Fortunately the jurors decided that the state should succeed where he failed...

Hopefully the jurors in this case will have the same impulse.

07-27-09, 14:52
She should be removed from the gene pool.

07-27-09, 14:57
The worst thing is that she hasn't been summarily executed already and will get to enjoy a long trip through the legal system at the taxpayers expense. Hang her, a bullet is to good for her.

My, God.:(

07-27-09, 14:58
sigh....how much $$$ is the state going to spend on this??

I agree 777, could have saved many folks a bunch of grief by finishing the job.

07-27-09, 17:09
horrified, she certainly does need to be put out of her misery.

07-27-09, 18:51

Cheap, quick, and easy.


07-27-09, 19:04
The Doc could have slipped and cut her throat for her

07-27-09, 20:00
I'm continually amazed that these jerks can kill the innocent child just fine, but somehow manage to fail to kill themselves....like the local jackass who murdered his 3 year old daughter by damn near cutting her head off with a serrated knife (after he had already murdered her older 1/2 sister at the house) but couldn't seem to competently cut his own wrists.

Fortunately the jurors decided that the state should succeed where he failed...

Hopefully the jurors in this case will have the same impulse.

I know what you're talking about, a friend of mine is a Dr. and he calls it the law of inverse value, basically a person that's a giant pile of shit will live through almost anything, but a person that can contribute something to this world will either die immediately or end up being really jacked up. This is how drunk drivers always live while the family of four coming home from church die.

07-27-09, 20:56
I just nearly threw up. I don't know if it was disgust, rage, sympathy for the rest of the family, or some combination of all the above.

I just handed my 3 1/2 week old son to my wife before I took out the trash and decided to check in here.

I'm glad I didn't have to be the officer to respond to that scene. I'm not sure I would have been able to contain myself.

Can you imagine what this woman's mother has been through, after finding her daughter holding her now decapitated grandson?

I can only pray there is a special place in hell for people like this. Possible mental illness be damned.


07-27-09, 22:10

This would render justice on that scumbag . . . lets just pray for that poor child.

And hope this is Mom's cellmate!

That is just too much, but it doesn't suprise me what people do anymore.


07-27-09, 22:19

This would render justice on that scumbag... lets just pray for that poor child.

And hope this is Mom's cellmate!

That is just too much, but it doesn't suprise me what people do anymore.

That would be over with much too quickly. I prefer something microscopic... I'm sure we have some nasty shit in vials somewhere.

Hey, maybe we could develop a drug that turns people into agitated zombies then inject ass hats like this one. Then we could pay to shoot them in tire houses. Just a thought. Who's in??? :D

07-27-09, 22:24

07-27-09, 22:25
Holy shit! I thought the mom frying her baby in a microwave from a few years ago was about as bad as it gets. One thing is for sure, there is pretty much no end to the depths of human depravity.

07-27-09, 22:31
I don't think the prosectuting attorney will have much trouble getting the death penalty.

Hopefully her family will be able to find some sort of comfort in this mess.

07-27-09, 22:53
Seems like if she has already done the "voices made me eat my baby" line then she is going to go for an insanity plea

07-27-09, 23:26
Well, I'm speechless.

Holy cow.

Prayers out for the cops taking that call. They won't be getting over that call anytime soon, if ever.

07-28-09, 00:24
Wow! What is this world coming to?


07-28-09, 02:20
Just how could you not have night mares of something like that. You would be scarred for life seeing something like that. What some unfortunate Officers have to see, would make a lot of people quit.
After having kids/grandkids those things are just a whole lot worse now.

May GOD take that child's soul in his arms!!

07-28-09, 06:47
That would be over with much too quickly. I prefer something microscopic... I'm sure we have some nasty shit in vials somewhere.

Hey, maybe we could develop a drug that turns people into agitated zombies then inject ass hats like this one. Then we could pay to shoot them in tire houses. Just a thought. Who's in??? :D

No fun just shooting them. Put em in a place with plenty of room for them to move around and get in some practical blade training.

07-28-09, 07:07
I don't think the prosectuting attorney will have much trouble getting the death penalty.

Unfortunately, her lawyer (whoever has the guts to take the case) will most likely use the insanity defense, and she'll get life in a mental institution so she can be "studied". All at taxpayer expense I'm sure. :rolleyes:

People like that do not need to be on this planet. Period.

07-28-09, 07:23
More than likely.

My problem is this: While I acknowledge that there are mentally deranged people out there, when we discover their mental issues because they do something violent like...oh, I don't know...kill and eat babies...perhaps, just perhaps, they are so dangerous that we should remove them from the plane of the living.

07-28-09, 07:30
More than likely.

My problem is this: While I acknowledge that there are mentally deranged people out there, when we discover their mental issues because they do something violent like...oh, I don't know...kill and eat babies...perhaps, just perhaps, they are so dangerous that we should remove them from the plane of the living.

Exactly. I agree 100%.

07-28-09, 07:32
My thinking exactly.

I could have lived my whole life without knowing about this. It really twists me up. It's amazing how much stuff bothers me more than it did before I had kids.

07-28-09, 11:36
Seems like if she has already done the "voices made me eat my baby" line then she is going to go for an insanity plea

Voices are making us feed you into a wood chipper lady. You understand we must obey the voices right.

07-28-09, 11:59
More than likely.

My problem is this: While I acknowledge that there are mentally deranged people out there, when we discover their mental issues because they do something violent like...oh, I don't know...kill and eat babies...perhaps, just perhaps, they are so dangerous that we should remove them from the plane of the living.

I understand the concept of if you couldn't make a rational judgement or are unable to help in your legal defense, but frankly if there is someone that can't tell right from wrong, I'd like to premetively take them out of the gene pool.

If I were the proscecutor, it wold be the shortest trial in history. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, here is the picture of the half eaten remains of he child and the proof she ate them. We are asking for the death penalty because who here wants to run the risk of one of your loves ones being the answer to the question, "What's for dinner?".