View Full Version : Obama 2004: didnt like Bush rushing legislation without time to read or debate

07-27-09, 22:16

07-27-09, 22:57
His Kenyanness can read?!?!? :eek: English? :confused:

07-27-09, 23:17
Kind of like what they did with the stimulus package right? We blinked our eyes and there it was.
Kind of like what they are trying to do with the Socialist Health Care Plan? Notice how hes calling it Health Care Reform now. I hope people can see how when you can manipulate the language you can manipulate people.

07-28-09, 10:07
He's doing the same thing as Bush, et als. So far I'm not liking "the change."

07-28-09, 10:23
He's doing the same thing as Bush, et als. So far I'm not liking "the change."

Obama's administration looks to be much like Bush's administration, only with the good elements taken out.

07-28-09, 17:35
He's doing the same thing as Bush, et als. So far I'm not liking "the change."

Haven't seen any change.

07-28-09, 17:39
I think this should be laid more at the feet of Nancy Pelosi than Barack Obama.

I loathe that woman.

07-28-09, 17:55
This is totally new to me, It doesnt suprise me but I had still not heard of it till now. These kinds of things only anger me more and reinforce my opinion of BHO and his joke of a admin.

And speaking of loathing people like pelosi, try barbara boxer. Now thats a person I despise. Have any of you heard the sound bit of her and the black congressman or senator? Ill try an find a link but its rediculous. Granted the black guy is probably a democrat he was still absolutely correct in telling her off. And the time she called down that General for calling her mam instead of senator. Its a freakin joke.

All obama's admin and their possies.

07-28-09, 19:44
I think this should be laid more at the feet of Nancy Pelosi than Barack Obama.

I loathe that woman.

You really think this is just Pelosi's doing? No hint of this type of thinking from Obama prior? None at all?


K.L. Davis
07-28-09, 20:46
Haven't seen any change.

Wait till you get back.

07-28-09, 20:54
You really think this is just Pelosi's doing? No hint of this type of thinking from Obama prior? None at all?


golly is right...thats not at all what i said.

07-28-09, 21:03
golly is right...thats not at all what i said.

It most certainly was.

You are either extremely bored or you simply sit around looking to spin shit in circles for amusement.

07-28-09, 22:07
I guess reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

I said it should be laid MORE at the feet of Pelosi than Obama. This statement clearly does not absolve Obama from any responsibility for the situation. I did not say nor imply that this was ONLY Pelosi's doing.

Look, I know you have a hard on for me, but the chasing me around in every thread and attempting to bait me is getting tired quickly.

07-28-09, 22:08

07-28-09, 22:20
Look, I know you have a hard on for me, but the chasing me around in every thread and attempting to bait me is getting tired quickly.

If people like you are allowed to run free it is only a matter of time until we have another TOS here. I love a good discussion and/or debate, but for some goofy reason I loathe mindless instigators.

07-28-09, 22:34
Instigating is one thing, opinion is another. Stay within your bounds and get left alone. Lets focus on how much of an ass Obama is not each other before the mods close it for shit slinging shall we?

07-28-09, 22:47
Instigating is one thing, opinion is another. Stay within your bounds and get left alone. Lets focus on how much of an ass Obama is not each other before the mods close it for shit slinging shall we?

Good or bad, I'm here enough to get a feel for who is an instigator and who is simply misguided. I am 99.9% certain he likes to play dumb and make controversial statements based on his previous posts.

Great that you are a stand-up guy assuming he is sincere. Unfortunately, he is likely making a fool of you in that particular regard.

RickR, if you think I follow you then you need an ego check. I just comment on your nonsense because I am reading the same things here you are. Still, if you get bad enough then I assume you will be dealt with eventually. Carry on.

07-29-09, 14:11
I understand, Ive seen a few of his posts in other sections of this site. I guess when I see someone like that I tend to not to converse with them much because it only fuels them. Quite frankly im not sure he was or wasnt in this case. But anyway...

Jim D
07-29-09, 16:41
Yeah, I saw that on the TV last night.
I had to laugh.

Hopefully people who voted from him will see that, too.

07-29-09, 17:28
Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, pot.

huh? where have i personally attacked either one of you?

that was the very first time, because i'm frankly tired of the personal attacks simply because i choose to voice my opinion...

you two on the other hand...

You are either extremely bored or you simply sit around looking to spin shit in circles for amusement.

If people like you are allowed to run free it is only a matter of time until we have another TOS here. I love a good discussion and/or debate, but for some goofy reason I loathe mindless instigators.

I am 99.9% certain he likes to play dumb and make controversial statements based on his previous posts.

RickR, if you think I follow you then you need an ego check. I just comment on your nonsense because I am reading the same things here you are. Still, if you get bad enough then I assume you will be dealt with eventually. Carry on.

Please don't start with your nonsense again.

You enjoy being the opposite for the sake of being the opposite. Rarely do you have a valid point. You either disappear from the conversation eventually or win out by attrition. I'm not sure what sort of fuel that is to your ego but it tires the shit out of a lot of us. All of your concerns have already been made by others and proven to be without grounds. If you having nothing new, good day.

No, not by any means. He just instigates.

now really...who's instigating?

i'm not going to apologize for having a different opinion than you. i'm guilty of nothing but trying to instigate a good discussion. can we rise above the personal attacks please? if you have a problem with my opinions, address them as such. there's no need to attack me personally, frankly it makes you look pretty weak.

07-29-09, 19:42