View Full Version : WWI memorial under fire

07-30-09, 16:49
This liberal has made a case against these WWI vets for infringing on their rights. Its a dang shame. His case was, I might drive through the desert one day and see this cross and be affended:confused:. No matter to him that the it comemorates war Veterans, or that he CLAIMS to be a catholic. This is a joke and a plain shame that we live in a time when people can get away with outright disrespect for veterans:mad:. Please send this link to anybody and everybody you know. Thats how I got it.


07-30-09, 17:21
Im so sick of the tail wagging the dog in this country.

07-30-09, 19:16
I do not believe in any god, christian or otherwise and I am deeply offended at this idiot. I hope that cross stays up and that when this is overturned even more are put up. We should honor our veterans in which ever way they want to be honored. Anyone who does something like this may as well be spitting on people who wore the uniform and it sickens me.

07-30-09, 19:44
This is absolutely ridiculous.... :mad:

07-30-09, 20:23
Personally I believe in God, but the point that I and MANY others have made is just what "kwelz" said, that even if you don't believe in God, its a war memorial. And the case being made is a outrageously frivolous one. That he "might" drive out there and be affended. Its outrageous and it is a spit in the face of those who serve and those who have died in service to this country. Out freaking rageous

07-31-09, 06:59
As a veteran I'm offended by his remarks. If he would understand history just the least little bit he would know that we are the ones that got and maintain his freedom to spout off his mouth like he did. SHAME ON HIM !!!